. . . . . "--10-02"^^ . "282"^^ . . . "L'Assemblea legislativa dell'Isola del Principe Edoardo (in inglese: Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island) \u00E8 l'organo legislativo della provincia canadese dell'Isola del Principe Edoardo. Le riunioni hanno luogo nel Palazzo della Provincia (Province House) a Charlottetown. Spetta al Parlamento legiferare in materia provinciale. Il Parlamento provinciale \u00E8 stato istituito il 7 luglio 1773, quando i rappresentanti eletti dai residenti locali si sono incontrati a Charlottetown. Inizialmente, il Parlamento era bicamerale."@it . . . . . . . . "2019-06-13"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Legislativversammlung von Prince Edward Island"@de . . . "Arms of Prince Edward Island.svg"@en . "Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island"@en . "Zgromadzenie Legislacyjne Wyspa Ksi\u0119cia Edwarda \u2013 The Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island sk\u0142ada si\u0119 wsp\u00F3\u0142cze\u015Bnie z 27 deputowanych Members of Legislative Assembly. Deputowani wybierani s\u0105 w 27 jednomandatowych okr\u0119gach."@pl . . . . . . . . . . "Government\n*"@en . . . . . . "The Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island (French: Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative de l'\u00CEle-du-Prince-\u00C9douard) is the sole chamber of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island. The Legislative Assembly meets at Province House, which is located at the intersection of Richmond and Great George Streets in Charlottetown. Bills passed by the Assembly are given royal assent by the King of Canada in Right of Prince Edward Island, represented by the Lieutenant-Governor of Prince Edward Island."@en . "Die Legislativversammlung von Prince Edward Island (engl. Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island) ist die Legislative der kanadischen Provinz Prince Edward Island. Sie tagt im Province House in Charlottetown. Die Legislativversammlung besteht aus 27 Mitgliedern, die in ebenso vielen, ungef\u00E4hr gleich gro\u00DFen Wahlkreisen nach dem Mehrheitswahlsystem gew\u00E4hlt werden. Somit besitzt Prince Edward Island das kleinste Provinzparlament Kanadas. Der Anf\u00FChrer der Mehrheitspartei ist gleichzeitig Premierminister und steht der als Exekutivrat (executive council) bezeichneten Regierung vor. Die drei Hauptaufgaben der Legislativversammlung sind der Erlass neuer Gesetze, das Genehmigen des Staatshaushaltes und die Kontrolle der Regierung. Vor den Wahlen 1996 war die Provinz in 16 Wahlkreise mit je zwei Abgeordneten eingeteilt. Ein Abgeordneter trug den Titel assemblyman, der andere councillor. Dabei handelte es sich um einen \u00DCberrest des alten Zweikammernsystems \u2013 anstatt wie in den \u00FCbrigen Provinzen das Oberhaus abzuschaffen, wurden in Prince Edward Island beide Kammern fusioniert. Alle W\u00E4hler eines Wahlkreises w\u00E4hlten den assemblyman, w\u00E4hrend nur Landbesitzer den councillor w\u00E4hlen konnten. Diese Regelung wurde 1963 aufgehoben, womit praktisch kein Unterschied mehr bestand."@de . . . ""@en . . . . "2019-06-13"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative de l'\u00CEle-du-Prince-\u00C9douard"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "669920"^^ . . "L'Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative de l'\u00CEle-du-Prince-\u00C9douard (en anglais : Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island) est l'unique chambre de l'Assembl\u00E9e g\u00E9n\u00E9rale de la province canadienne de l'\u00CEle-du-Prince-\u00C9douard qu'elle forme avec le lieutenant-gouverneur, repr\u00E9sentant du souverain dans la province. L'Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative est compos\u00E9e de 27 d\u00E9put\u00E9s."@fr . . . . . . . . . "66"^^ . . . . . . "Zgromadzenie Legislacyjne Wyspa Ksi\u0119cia Edwarda \u2013 The Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island sk\u0142ada si\u0119 wsp\u00F3\u0142cze\u015Bnie z 27 deputowanych Members of Legislative Assembly. Deputowani wybierani s\u0105 w 27 jednomandatowych okr\u0119gach."@pl . "\u611B\u5FB7\u83EF\u738B\u5B50\u5CF6\u7701\u8B70\u6703\u662F\u52A0\u62FF\u5927\u611B\u5FB7\u83EF\u738B\u5B50\u5CF6\u7701\u7684\u7ACB\u6CD5\u6A5F\u95DC\uFF0C\u7531\u611B\u5FB7\u83EF\u738B\u5B50\u5CF6\u7701\u7ACB\u6CD5\u4F1A\u8BAE\u548C\u7EC4\u6210\u3002\u7701\u8B70\u6703\u4F4D\u65BC\u590F\u6D1B\u7279\u987F\u3002\u753127\u540D\u8B70\u54E1\u7D44\u6210\u3002"@zh . . "L'Assemblea legislativa dell'Isola del Principe Edoardo (in inglese: Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island) \u00E8 l'organo legislativo della provincia canadese dell'Isola del Principe Edoardo. Le riunioni hanno luogo nel Palazzo della Provincia (Province House) a Charlottetown. Spetta al Parlamento legiferare in materia provinciale. Il Parlamento provinciale \u00E8 stato istituito il 7 luglio 1773, quando i rappresentanti eletti dai residenti locali si sono incontrati a Charlottetown. Inizialmente, il Parlamento era bicamerale. L'Assemblea legislativa \u00E8 composta da 27 membri in altrettanti collegi elettorali di circa le stesse dimensioni con la scelta attraverso il sistema di voto a maggioranza. Pertanto, l'Isola del Principe Edoardo ha il parlamento provinciale pi\u00F9 piccolo del Canada. Il leader del partito di maggioranza \u00E8 anche il premier dell'Isola del Principe Edoardo e dirige il governo noto come consiglio esecutivo. I tre compiti principali dell'Assemblea legislativa sono l'emanazione di nuove leggi, l'approvazione del bilancio statale e la supervisione del governo. Prima delle elezioni del 1996, la provincia era divisa in 16 circoscrizioni, ciascuna con due parlamentari. La maggior parte del lavoro dell'Assemblea viene svolto in otto commissioni. Le elezioni pi\u00F9 recenti si sono svolte nel 2019 e il Partito Conservatore Progressista \u00E8 diventato il partito pi\u00F9 grande."@it . "66th General Assembly of Prince Edward Island" . . . . "2019-04-23"^^ . . "Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island"@en . . . "\u611B\u5FB7\u83EF\u738B\u5B50\u5CF6\u7701\u8B70\u6703\u662F\u52A0\u62FF\u5927\u611B\u5FB7\u83EF\u738B\u5B50\u5CF6\u7701\u7684\u7ACB\u6CD5\u6A5F\u95DC\uFF0C\u7531\u611B\u5FB7\u83EF\u738B\u5B50\u5CF6\u7701\u7ACB\u6CD5\u4F1A\u8BAE\u548C\u7EC4\u6210\u3002\u7701\u8B70\u6703\u4F4D\u65BC\u590F\u6D1B\u7279\u987F\u3002\u753127\u540D\u8B70\u54E1\u7D44\u6210\u3002"@zh . . . "Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island"@en . . . . "- Legislative Council"@en . . . "General Assembly of Prince Edward Island"@en . "27"^^ . . . . . . "14656"^^ . . "Unicameral house"@en . . . . . . "Progressive Conservative"@en . . . . . . "Assemblea legislativa dell'Isola del Principe Edoardo"@it . . . . . . . "The Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island (French: Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative de l'\u00CEle-du-Prince-\u00C9douard) is the sole chamber of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island. The Legislative Assembly meets at Province House, which is located at the intersection of Richmond and Great George Streets in Charlottetown. Bills passed by the Assembly are given royal assent by the King of Canada in Right of Prince Edward Island, represented by the Lieutenant-Governor of Prince Edward Island."@en . . . "Province House, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada"@en . . "- House of Assembly"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "L'Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative de l'\u00CEle-du-Prince-\u00C9douard (en anglais : Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island) est l'unique chambre de l'Assembl\u00E9e g\u00E9n\u00E9rale de la province canadienne de l'\u00CEle-du-Prince-\u00C9douard qu'elle forme avec le lieutenant-gouverneur, repr\u00E9sentant du souverain dans la province. L'Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative est compos\u00E9e de 27 d\u00E9put\u00E9s."@fr . . . . . . "2019-04-23"^^ . . . "Official Opposition\n* Green \nOther parties\n* Liberal"@en . . . "Die Legislativversammlung von Prince Edward Island (engl. Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island) ist die Legislative der kanadischen Provinz Prince Edward Island. Sie tagt im Province House in Charlottetown."@de . . . "Zgromadzenie Legislacyjne Wyspy Ksi\u0119cia Edwarda"@pl . . . . . . "27"^^ . . . . . . "1115510475"^^ . . . "\u611B\u5FB7\u83EF\u738B\u5B50\u5CF6\u7701\u8B70\u6703"@zh . .