"Lilium wallichianum ist eine Art aus der Gattung der Lilien (Lilium) in der Trompetenlilien-Sektion."@de . "Stor trumpetlilja (Lilium wallichianum) \u00E4r en art i familjen liljev\u00E4xter. F\u00F6rekommer i Himalaya, samt s\u00F6dra Indien. Arten odlas ibland som tr\u00E4dg\u00E5rdsv\u00E4xt, men \u00E4r tveksamt h\u00E4rdig i Sverige. Stor trumpetlilja \u00E4r en fler\u00E5rig \u00F6rt som blir 90-180cm h\u00F6g. L\u00F6ken \u00E4r \u00E4ggrund, cirka 5 cm i diameter, med purpur l\u00F6kfj\u00E4ll. Stj\u00E4lkarna vandrar delvis under jord d\u00E4r de bildar sm\u00E5l\u00F6kar. Bladen sitter str\u00F6dda och \u00E4r smal gr\u00E4slika till lansettlika. Blomst\u00E4llningen har 1-3 horisontella blommor, de \u00E4r trumpetformade och blir 18-22 cm l\u00E5nga. Hyllebladen \u00E4r gr\u00E4ddvita, innesidan med gr\u00F6n bas. Nektarierna \u00E4r gr\u00F6na. St\u00E5ndarknappar och pollen \u00E4r orange. Fr\u00F6na \u00E4r ljusgroende."@sv . "Lilium wallichianum"@en . "Lilium wallichianum ist eine Art aus der Gattung der Lilien (Lilium) in der Trompetenlilien-Sektion."@de . . . "25557248"^^ . . . . . "Lilium"@en . . . "Lilium wallichianum"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Stor trumpetlilja (Lilium wallichianum) \u00E4r en art i familjen liljev\u00E4xter. F\u00F6rekommer i Himalaya, samt s\u00F6dra Indien. Arten odlas ibland som tr\u00E4dg\u00E5rdsv\u00E4xt, men \u00E4r tveksamt h\u00E4rdig i Sverige. Stor trumpetlilja \u00E4r en fler\u00E5rig \u00F6rt som blir 90-180cm h\u00F6g. L\u00F6ken \u00E4r \u00E4ggrund, cirka 5 cm i diameter, med purpur l\u00F6kfj\u00E4ll. Stj\u00E4lkarna vandrar delvis under jord d\u00E4r de bildar sm\u00E5l\u00F6kar. Bladen sitter str\u00F6dda och \u00E4r smal gr\u00E4slika till lansettlika. Blomst\u00E4llningen har 1-3 horisontella blommor, de \u00E4r trumpetformade och blir 18-22 cm l\u00E5nga. Hyllebladen \u00E4r gr\u00E4ddvita, innesidan med gr\u00F6n bas. Nektarierna \u00E4r gr\u00F6na. St\u00E5ndarknappar och pollen \u00E4r orange. Fr\u00F6na \u00E4r ljusgroende."@sv . . . . . . "1880"^^ . "Lilium wallichianum"@pt . . . "Stor trumpetlilja"@sv . . "Lilium wallichianum \u00E9 uma esp\u00E9cie de l\u00EDrio. A planta \u00E9 nativa da regi\u00E3o do Himalaia, com ocorr\u00EAncias na \u00CDndia (estados de Uttar Pradesh e Siquim), Nepal, But\u00E3o e Myanmar."@pt . . "Lilium wallichianum is an Asian species of bulbous plants in the lily family native to the Indian Subcontinent and to Myanmar. It is native to India, as well as Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar. Lilium wallichianum grows on slopes and grasslands at 1,200 to 2,000 m (3,900 to 6,600 ft), and in moist shade 1,100 to 2,000 m (3,600 to 6,600 ft) elevation. The bulbs are stoloniferous, with new bulbs capable of appearing some distance from the parent plant. The green stem tinged with purple grows up to 2 m (6.6 ft) high. The leaves are scattered, dark green, linear to lanceolate and up to 25 cm (9.8 in) long. Each stem bears up to four trumpet-shaped flowers, white to creamy-yellow, held horizontally and up to 20 cm (7.9 in) across. A fairly difficult species to grow successfully in the garden, it requires a moist slightly acidic soil with excellent drainage. The species prefers light dappled shade and blooms very late in the season. The species was named for Dr. Nathaniel Wallich (1786 \u2013 1854), Danish plant hunter, botanist and physician. Varieties \n* Lilium wallichianum var. neilgherrense (Wight) H.Hara - Nepal, Karnataka and Kerala in southern India \n* Lilium wallichianum var. wallichianum - Himalayas"@en . . . "Lilium wallichianum \u00E9 uma esp\u00E9cie de l\u00EDrio. A planta \u00E9 nativa da regi\u00E3o do Himalaia, com ocorr\u00EAncias na \u00CDndia (estados de Uttar Pradesh e Siquim), Nepal, But\u00E3o e Myanmar."@pt . . . . "wallichianum"@en . . . . . . . . "Lilium wallichianum is an Asian species of bulbous plants in the lily family native to the Indian Subcontinent and to Myanmar. It is native to India, as well as Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar. Lilium wallichianum grows on slopes and grasslands at 1,200 to 2,000 m (3,900 to 6,600 ft), and in moist shade 1,100 to 2,000 m (3,600 to 6,600 ft) elevation. The bulbs are stoloniferous, with new bulbs capable of appearing some distance from the parent plant. The green stem tinged with purple grows up to 2 m (6.6 ft) high. The leaves are scattered, dark green, linear to lanceolate and up to 25 cm (9.8 in) long. Each stem bears up to four trumpet-shaped flowers, white to creamy-yellow, held horizontally and up to 20 cm (7.9 in) across. A fairly difficult species to grow successfully in the garden, it req"@en . . "3921"^^ . . . . "1060951436"^^ . .