"18"^^ . . "MWM Maybach Diesel engine"@en . . "5414"^^ . . "Die 18 Boote der Lindau-Klasse (Klasse 320) wurden urspr\u00FCnglich als K\u00FCstenminensuchboote 55 auf der Burmester Werft in Bremen-Burg gefertigt und zwischen 1958 und 1960 in Dienst gestellt. Sp\u00E4ter wurde ein Gro\u00DFteil der Boote zu Minenj\u00E4gern der Klasse 331 (mit den Unterklassen 331A und 331B) und ein kleinerer Teil zu Hohlstablenkbooten der Klasse 351 umgebaut."@de . . "Tra\u0142owce typu Lindau"@pl . . . . . . . "T\u0159\u00EDda Lindau (typ 320) je t\u0159\u00EDda minolovek n\u011Bmeck\u00E9ho n\u00E1mo\u0159nictva. Celkem bylo postaveno 18 jednotek t\u00E9to t\u0159\u00EDdy. Byly to prvn\u00ED v\u00E1le\u010Dn\u00E9 lod\u011B postaven\u00E9 v N\u011Bmecku od druh\u00E9 sv\u011Btov\u00E9 v\u00E1lky. Jednotliv\u00E1 plavidla pozd\u011Bji pro\u0161la t\u0159emi r\u016Fzn\u00FDmi typy modernizac\u00ED, po kter\u00FDch dostala ozna\u010Den\u00ED typ 331A, typ 331B a typ 351. Zahrani\u010Dn\u00EDmi u\u017Eivateli N\u011Bmeckem vy\u0159azen\u00FDch plavidel se staly Estonsko, Litva, Loty\u0161sko a Gruzie."@cs . . . . "Tra\u0142owce typu Lindau (typ 320) \u2013 typ osiemnastu niemieckich tra\u0142owc\u00F3w zbudowanych w latach 1957-1959 przez stoczni\u0119 w Bremie. W latach 70. XX wieku okr\u0119ty przesz\u0142y modernizacj\u0119 przeprowadzon\u0105 w dw\u00F3ch turach, w wyniku kt\u00F3rej zosta\u0142y przeklasyfikowane na niszczyciele min oraz otrzyma\u0142y oznaczenia typ 331 (pierwszych dwana\u015Bcie jednostek) oraz typ 351 (kolejnych sze\u015B\u0107). Okr\u0119ty zosta\u0142y wycofane ze s\u0142u\u017Cby w Deutsche Marine w latach 90. XX wieku. Wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 okr\u0119t\u00F3w sprzedana zosta\u0142a marynarkom wojennym Republiki Po\u0142udniowej Afryki, Estonii, Litwy, \u0141otwy oraz Gruzji."@pl . . . . . . "Lindau-Klasse"@de . . . . . . "1"^^ . "Le esigenze della marina tedesco-occidentale nel settore della guerra di mine, da combattere nel delicato settore del Mar Baltico e Mare del Nord, hanno trovato una risposta nella versatile classe Lindau o Type 320, cacciamine che sono state anche la rinascita per la cantieristica militare tedesca, essendo le prime navi militari postbelliche costruite dalla Germania."@it . . "Tra\u0142owce typu Lindau (typ 320) \u2013 typ osiemnastu niemieckich tra\u0142owc\u00F3w zbudowanych w latach 1957-1959 przez stoczni\u0119 w Bremie. W latach 70. XX wieku okr\u0119ty przesz\u0142y modernizacj\u0119 przeprowadzon\u0105 w dw\u00F3ch turach, w wyniku kt\u00F3rej zosta\u0142y przeklasyfikowane na niszczyciele min oraz otrzyma\u0142y oznaczenia typ 331 (pierwszych dwana\u015Bcie jednostek) oraz typ 351 (kolejnych sze\u015B\u0107). Okr\u0119ty zosta\u0142y wycofane ze s\u0142u\u017Cby w Deutsche Marine w latach 90. XX wieku. Wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 okr\u0119t\u00F3w sprzedana zosta\u0142a marynarkom wojennym Republiki Po\u0142udniowej Afryki, Estonii, Litwy, \u0141otwy oraz Gruzji."@pl . "T\u0159\u00EDda Lindau (typ 320) je t\u0159\u00EDda minolovek n\u011Bmeck\u00E9ho n\u00E1mo\u0159nictva. Celkem bylo postaveno 18 jednotek t\u00E9to t\u0159\u00EDdy. Byly to prvn\u00ED v\u00E1le\u010Dn\u00E9 lod\u011B postaven\u00E9 v N\u011Bmecku od druh\u00E9 sv\u011Btov\u00E9 v\u00E1lky. Jednotliv\u00E1 plavidla pozd\u011Bji pro\u0161la t\u0159emi r\u016Fzn\u00FDmi typy modernizac\u00ED, po kter\u00FDch dostala ozna\u010Den\u00ED typ 331A, typ 331B a typ 351. Zahrani\u010Dn\u00EDmi u\u017Eivateli N\u011Bmeckem vy\u0159azen\u00FDch plavidel se staly Estonsko, Litva, Loty\u0161sko a Gruzie."@cs . . . "4335238"^^ . "Le esigenze della marina tedesco-occidentale nel settore della guerra di mine, da combattere nel delicato settore del Mar Baltico e Mare del Nord, hanno trovato una risposta nella versatile classe Lindau o Type 320, cacciamine che sono state anche la rinascita per la cantieristica militare tedesca, essendo le prime navi militari postbelliche costruite dalla Germania. Esse hanno scafo in legno, ma sovrastrutture in acciaio amagnetico, e per migliorarne le prestazioni 12 sono state aggiornate, nel periodo 1968-79 allo standard Type 331A o B con sonar migliorati, e 2 veicoli da ricognizione subacquea PAP104 francesi, filoguidati con carica di 100 kg sistemabile vicino alle mine, e un team di sommozzatori. Una trasformazione ancora pi\u00F9 interessante, che risolve alla radice il problema di far operare vicino ad un campo minato una unit\u00E0 navale, ha portato a modificare il sistema Troika. In tal modo, gli ultimi 6 cacciamine non ancora modificati hanno avuto a disposizione uno strumento particolare, 3 motoscafi radioguidabili sopra i campi minati, provvisti di sistemi magnetici, acustici e meccanici per far esplodere le mine. Il sistema \u00E8 conosciuto come classe Type 351 e, almeno in teoria, risolve alla base il problema della sicurezza del cacciamine, molto meglio che uno scafo in vetroresina o in acciaio amagnetico. Esso non ha avuto molto seguito all'estero nonostante le potenzialit\u00E0 indubbiamente elevate, abbinate comunque ad un sonar e al team subacqueo."@it . "3.0"^^ . . . "30.558"^^ . "470000000.0"^^ . . "47.2"^^ . . "8.300000000000001"^^ . . . "1957"^^ . . . . "Lindau-class minehunter"@en . "Type 320 Lindau-class minehunters was a class of German coastal minehunters built as part of the first FRG naval program. The ships were made from non-metallic components and built by Burmester Bremen. None of these ships now remain in service with the German Navy. Several went into service with the Estonian and Lithuanian Navy, as well as the Latvian Naval Forces. Flensburg and Weilheim became museum pieces. Starting in 1970, 11 vessels of this class were upgraded to Type 331 minehunters. Beginning 1979, the six remaining vessels of this class were upgraded to Type 351 Ulm class. They were replaced by the Type 352 Ensdorf-class minesweepers. All six Type 351s were sold to the South African Navy in 2001. The remaining five ships were sold by the South African Navy to a private owner in 2009 for conversion into pleasure vessels."@en . . "*Navigation radar\n*Hull-mounted DSQS-11 mine-detection sonar or Plessey 193M"@en . . . "Die 18 Boote der Lindau-Klasse (Klasse 320) wurden urspr\u00FCnglich als K\u00FCstenminensuchboote 55 auf der Burmester Werft in Bremen-Burg gefertigt und zwischen 1958 und 1960 in Dienst gestellt. Sp\u00E4ter wurde ein Gro\u00DFteil der Boote zu Minenj\u00E4gern der Klasse 331 (mit den Unterklassen 331A und 331B) und ein kleinerer Teil zu Hohlstablenkbooten der Klasse 351 umgebaut."@de . "T\u0159\u00EDda Lindau (typ 320)"@cs . "Classe Lindau"@it . . "47200.0"^^ . . . . . . . . "Type 320 Lindau-class minehunters was a class of German coastal minehunters built as part of the first FRG naval program. The ships were made from non-metallic components and built by Burmester Bremen. None of these ships now remain in service with the German Navy. Several went into service with the Estonian and Lithuanian Navy, as well as the Latvian Naval Forces. Flensburg and Weilheim became museum pieces."@en . "*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*"@en . . "Burmester Werft, Bremen"@en . . . . "1075917446"^^ . .