. . . . "20835484"^^ . "4059"^^ . "Liquid junction potential (shortly LJP) occurs when two solutions of electrolytes of different concentrations are in contact with each other. The more concentrated solution will have a tendency to diffuse into the comparatively less concentrated one. The rate of diffusion of each ion will be roughly proportional to its speed in an electric field, or their ion mobility. If the anions diffuse more rapidly than the cations, they will diffuse ahead into the dilute solution, leaving the latter negatively charged and the concentrated solution positively charged. This will result in an electrical double layer of positive and negative charges at the junction of the two solutions. Thus at the point of junction, a potential difference will develop because of the ionic transfer. This potential is called liquid junction potential or diffusion potential which is non-equilibrium potential. The magnitude of the potential depends on the relative speeds of the 'ions' movement."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "El potencial de uni\u00F3n l\u00EDquida se produce cuando dos disoluciones de diferentes concentraciones est\u00E1n en contacto entre s\u00ED a trav\u00E9s de una membrana semipermeable. Se origina en la interfase una diferencia de potencial llamada potencial de uni\u00F3n. Es muy peque\u00F1a, del orden de unos pocos milivoltios.\u200B La disoluci\u00F3n m\u00E1s concentrada tendr\u00E1 una tendencia a migrar hacia la relativamente menos concentrada y si los iones no difunden a igual velocidad se producir\u00E1 una diferencia de potencial."@es . . . . . . "1087307783"^^ . . "Liquid junction potential"@en . . . . . . . . "El potencial de uni\u00F3n l\u00EDquida se produce cuando dos disoluciones de diferentes concentraciones est\u00E1n en contacto entre s\u00ED a trav\u00E9s de una membrana semipermeable. Se origina en la interfase una diferencia de potencial llamada potencial de uni\u00F3n. Es muy peque\u00F1a, del orden de unos pocos milivoltios.\u200B La disoluci\u00F3n m\u00E1s concentrada tendr\u00E1 una tendencia a migrar hacia la relativamente menos concentrada y si los iones no difunden a igual velocidad se producir\u00E1 una diferencia de potencial."@es . . . . . . . "Potencial d'uni\u00F3 l\u00EDquida"@ca . . . "El potencial d'uni\u00F3 l\u00EDquida es produeix quan dues dissolucions de diferents concentracions estan en contacte entre si. S'origina en la interf\u00EDcie una difer\u00E8ncia de potencial anomenada potencial d'uni\u00F3. \u00C9s molt petita, de l'ordre d'uns pocs mil\u00B7livolts. La dissoluci\u00F3 m\u00E9s concentrada tindr\u00E0 una tend\u00E8ncia a migrar cap a la relativament menys concentrada i si els ions no difonen a igual velocitat es produir\u00E0 una difer\u00E8ncia de potencial."@ca . . . . . . . "El potencial d'uni\u00F3 l\u00EDquida es produeix quan dues dissolucions de diferents concentracions estan en contacte entre si. S'origina en la interf\u00EDcie una difer\u00E8ncia de potencial anomenada potencial d'uni\u00F3. \u00C9s molt petita, de l'ordre d'uns pocs mil\u00B7livolts. La dissoluci\u00F3 m\u00E9s concentrada tindr\u00E0 una tend\u00E8ncia a migrar cap a la relativament menys concentrada i si els ions no difonen a igual velocitat es produir\u00E0 una difer\u00E8ncia de potencial."@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . "Liquid junction potential (shortly LJP) occurs when two solutions of electrolytes of different concentrations are in contact with each other. The more concentrated solution will have a tendency to diffuse into the comparatively less concentrated one. The rate of diffusion of each ion will be roughly proportional to its speed in an electric field, or their ion mobility. If the anions diffuse more rapidly than the cations, they will diffuse ahead into the dilute solution, leaving the latter negatively charged and the concentrated solution positively charged. This will result in an electrical double layer of positive and negative charges at the junction of the two solutions. Thus at the point of junction, a potential difference will develop because of the ionic transfer. This potential is cal"@en . . . "Potencial de uni\u00F3n l\u00EDquida"@es .