. . . "The Star Wars franchise involves multiple live-action and animated films. The film series started with a trilogy set in medias res which was later expanded to a trilogy of trilogies, known as the \"\". The 1977 self-titled film, later subtitled Episode IV \u2013 A New Hope, was followed by the sequels The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983), respectively subtitled onscreen as Episode V and Episode VI; these films form the original trilogy. Sixteen years later, the prequel trilogy was released, consisting of Star Wars: Episode I \u2013 The Phantom Menace (1999), Episode II \u2013 Attack of the Clones (2002), and Episode III \u2013 Revenge of the Sith (2005). After creator George Lucas sold the Star Wars franchise to Disney in 2012, a sequel trilogy consisting of Episodes VII through IX was r"@en . . . . . . "Star Wars est une saga cin\u00E9matographique am\u00E9ricaine cr\u00E9\u00E9e par George Lucas appartenant au genre de la science fantasy et du feuilleton spatial. La saga est compos\u00E9e de neuf films principaux et de trois films d\u00E9riv\u00E9s. Les six premiers films de la saga principale ont \u00E9t\u00E9 produits, \u00E9crit et supervis\u00E9s par Lucas (qui a r\u00E9alis\u00E9 quatre d'entre eux), avant de laisser la main \u00E0 Kathleen Kennedy, J.J. Abrams et Rian Johnson pour les trois derniers."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Uniwersum Gwiezdnych wojen sk\u0142ada si\u0119 z film\u00F3w aktorskich oraz animowanych. Seria zosta\u0142a zapocz\u0105tkowana w 1977 roku filmem Gwiezdne wojny (kt\u00F3remu dodano p\u00F3\u017Aniej podtytu\u0142 Nowa nadzieja) w re\u017Cyserii George\u2019a Lucasa \u2013 tw\u00F3rcy i pomys\u0142odawcy uniwersum. W nast\u0119pnych latach pojawi\u0142y si\u0119 kolejne cz\u0119\u015Bci cyklu \u2013 Imperium kontratakuje (1980) oraz Powr\u00F3t Jedi (1983). Te trzy filmy tworz\u0105 tzw. oryginaln\u0105 trylogi\u0119. W latach 90. zacz\u0119\u0142y ukazywa\u0107 si\u0119 filmy z trylogii prequeli filmowej sagi \u2013 Mroczne widmo (1999), Atak klon\u00F3w (2002) oraz Zemsta Sith\u00F3w (2005). Kiedy w 2012 roku The Walt Disney Company kupi\u0142o Lucasfilm wyprodukowano trylogi\u0119 sequeli \u2013 Przebudzenie Mocy (2015), Ostatni Jedi (2017) oraz Skywalker. Odrodzenie (2019). W mi\u0119dzyczasie ukaza\u0142y si\u0119 te\u017C dwa spin-offy: \u0141otr 1 (2016) oraz Han Solo (2018). \u0141\u0105czne przychody ze sprzeda\u017Cy film\u00F3w wynosz\u0105 ponad 10 miliard\u00F3w USD i jest to druga najbardziej dochodowa seria filmowa. Wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 film\u00F3w by\u0142o nominowanych do Oscara, a wszystkie trzy cz\u0119\u015Bci z oryginalnej trylogii zosta\u0142y wprowadzone do National Film Registry Stan\u00F3w Zjednoczonych i s\u0105 przechowywane w Bibliotece Kongresu jako dzie\u0142a \u201Eznacz\u0105ce kulturowo, historycznie b\u0105d\u017A estetycznie\u201D."@pl . . . . . . . . "The Star Wars franchise involves multiple live-action and animated films. The film series started with a trilogy set in medias res which was later expanded to a trilogy of trilogies, known as the \"\". The 1977 self-titled film, later subtitled Episode IV \u2013 A New Hope, was followed by the sequels The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983), respectively subtitled onscreen as Episode V and Episode VI; these films form the original trilogy. Sixteen years later, the prequel trilogy was released, consisting of Star Wars: Episode I \u2013 The Phantom Menace (1999), Episode II \u2013 Attack of the Clones (2002), and Episode III \u2013 Revenge of the Sith (2005). After creator George Lucas sold the Star Wars franchise to Disney in 2012, a sequel trilogy consisting of Episodes VII through IX was released, consisting of Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015), The Last Jedi (2017), and The Rise of Skywalker (2019). The first three spin-off films produced were the made-for-television Star Wars Holiday Special (1978), The Ewok Adventure (1984) and Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985). Following Disney's 2012 acquisition of the franchise, these earlier films were dropped from the official canon, but the theatrical animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) and its television series continuation retain their canonical status. Two standalone films were produced and released between the sequel trilogy films: Rogue One (2016) and Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018), both set between the original and prequel trilogies. Two films have been officially announced as being written: one from Patty Jenkins titled Rogue Squadron and an untitled movie from Taika Waititi, with a potential target release of late 2023 for the latter. Other unspecified films are reportedly in early stages of development. The combined box office revenue of the films amounts to over ten billion dollars, and it is currently the second-highest-grossing film franchise. The major live-action releases (including all the films within the Skywalker Saga) for Academy Awards. The original film was nominated for most of the major categories, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, and Best Supporting Actor for Alec Guinness (who played Obi-Wan Kenobi), while all theatrical live-action films have been nominated for particular categories. Several official Star Wars television series have also been released, all now on Disney+."@en . . . . "FelicityJonesTIFFSept2011.jpg"@en . "\u661F\u969B\u5927\u6230\u96FB\u5F71\u5217\u8868"@zh . "Total :"@en . . . . "Star Wars est une saga cin\u00E9matographique am\u00E9ricaine cr\u00E9\u00E9e par George Lucas appartenant au genre de la science fantasy et du feuilleton spatial. La saga est compos\u00E9e de neuf films principaux et de trois films d\u00E9riv\u00E9s. Les six premiers films de la saga principale ont \u00E9t\u00E9 produits, \u00E9crit et supervis\u00E9s par Lucas (qui a r\u00E9alis\u00E9 quatre d'entre eux), avant de laisser la main \u00E0 Kathleen Kennedy, J.J. Abrams et Rian Johnson pour les trois derniers."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Esta \u00E9 uma lista de filmes e s\u00E9ries televisivas da franquia cinematogr\u00E1fica Star Wars. A s\u00E9rie cinematogr\u00E1fica que abrange diversos filmes live-action e filmes animados teve in\u00EDcio na d\u00E9cada de 1970 com uma trilogia narrada in medias res que, posteriormente, foi expandida para mais duas trilogias conhecidas coletivamente como \"Saga Skywalker\". O filme hom\u00F4nimo de 1977 - posteriormente comercializado como Episode IV \u2013 A New Hope ou Epis\u00F3dio IV \u2013 Uma Nova Esperan\u00E7a - foi sucedido por The Empire Strikes Back (1980) e Return of the Jedi (1983) formando a chamada \"Trilogia Original\". Na d\u00E9cada de 1990, ap\u00F3s um hiato de mais de uma d\u00E9cada, a \"Trilogia Prequela\" foi iniciada com The Phantom Menace (1999) e conclu\u00EDda com Attack of the Clones (2002) e Revenge of the Sith (2005). Ap\u00F3s a aquisi\u00E7\u00E3o dos direitos de produ\u00E7\u00E3o da franquia pela The Walt Disney Company em 2012, a companhia lan\u00E7ou a \"Trilogia Sequela\" composta por Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015), The Last Jedi (2017) e The Rise of Skywalker (2019). Nos meandros da produ\u00E7\u00E3o e lan\u00E7amento dos filmes da Trilogia Sequela, dois filmes antol\u00F3gicos foram produzidos: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) e Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018), cujos respectivos enredos se passam cronologicamente entre os eventos das duas primeiras trilogias de filmes. Atualmente, a companhia trabalha num terceiro filme antol\u00F3gico da saga intitulado Rogue Squadron e anunciado para 2023. A bilheteria combinada dos filmes de Star Wars totalizam mais de 10 bilh\u00F5es de d\u00F3lares, sendo atualmente a segunda mais lucrativa franquia cinematogr\u00E1fica. Todos os principais filmes da franquia (incluindo os filmes da \"Saga Skywalker\") foram indicados a diversos pr\u00EAmios de cinema, incluindo o \u00D3scar. O primeiro filme, de 1977, foi indicado a m\u00FAltiplas categorias do \u00D3scar como Melhor Filme, Melhor Dire\u00E7\u00E3o e Melhor Ator Secund\u00E1rio (para Alec Guinness por sua performance como Obi-Wan Kenobi), enquanto os demais filmes receberam indica\u00E7\u00F5es em categorias t\u00E9cnicas. Alguns filmes da franquia foram lan\u00E7ados antes da aquisi\u00E7\u00E3o pela Disney em 2012, mas n\u00E3o s\u00E3o considerados parte do c\u00E2none oficial de Star Wars. A \u00FAnica exce\u00E7\u00E3o \u00E9 a s\u00E9rie televisiva Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) que integra a franquia televisiva da saga."@pt . "1977"^^ . "1.0318E10"^^ . . "Lawrence Kasdan, who"@en . . . . "20"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "co-wrote"@en . . . . . . . . "Felicity Jones, the lead of Rogue One, and John Knoll, who supervised the visual effects of the prequels and pitched the plot of Rogue One"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ""@en . . . . . "Episodes V\u2013VII and Solo, and Alden Ehrenreich, who plays young Han Solo"@en . . "Lawrence Kasdan by Gage Skidmore.jpg"@en . . . . "Lista de filmes e s\u00E9ries televisivas de Star Wars"@pt . . . . "John Knoll .jpg"@en . . . . "no"@en . . . . "$1.75\u2013$1.815 billion"@en . . . . . . . . . . "1.0318E10"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "United States"@en . . . . "Total :"@en . . . "Star Wars"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "126351"^^ . . . . . . . "48544240"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1124801905"^^ . . . . . . . . "Star Wars au cin\u00E9ma"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u300A\u661F\u969B\u5927\u6230\u300B\u7CFB\u5217\u5A92\u9AD4\u5305\u62EC\u591A\u90E8\u771F\u4EBA\u548C\u52D5\u756B\u96FB\u5F71\u4EE5\u53CA\u96FB\u8996\u5287\u3002005\u5E74\u4E0A\u6620\uFF0C\u5F8C\u50B3\u4E09\u90E8\u66F2\u4F9D\u6B21\u65BC2015\u5E74\u81F32019\u5E74\u4E0A\u6620\u3002\u5728\u5F8C\u50B3\u4E09\u90E8\u66F2\u4E0A\u6620\u671F\u9593\uFF0C\u5169\u90E8\u5916\u50B3\u96FB\u5F71\u300A\u4FE0\u76DC\u4E00\u865F\u300B\u548C\u300A\u97D3\u7D22\u7F85\u300B\u5206\u5225\u65BC2016\u5E74\u548C2018\u5E74\u4E0A\u6620\uFF0C\u6642\u9593\u80CC\u666F\u5747\u8A2D\u5B9A\u65BC\u524D\u50B3\u8207\u6B63\u50B3\u4E4B\u9593\u3002 \u8A72\u7CFB\u5217\u96FB\u5F71\u5171\u8A08\u6536\u7A6B\u7968\u623F\u8D85\u904E100\u5104\u7F8E\u5143\uFF0C\u5728\u5168\u7403\u7CFB\u5217\u96FB\u5F71\u7968\u623F\u6392\u884C\u4E2D\u4F4D\u5C45\u7B2C\u4E8C\u3002\u6240\u6709\u7684\u771F\u4EBA\u96FB\u5F71\u5747\u7372\u5F97\u5965\u65AF\u5361\u91D1\u50CF\u5956\u7684\uFF0C\u6B63\u50B3\u4E09\u90E8\u66F2\u7372\u5F97\u5305\u62EC\u6700\u4F73\u5F71\u7247\u734E\u3001\u6700\u4F73\u5C0E\u6F14\u734E\u3001\u6700\u4F73\u539F\u5275\u5287\u672C\u734E\u548C\u6700\u4F73\u7537\u914D\u89D2\u734E\u7B49\u5728\u5167\u591A\u9805\u63D0\u540D\uFF0C\u7E8C\u96C6\u96FB\u5F71\u5747\u7372\u5F97\u6280\u8853\u985E\u63D0\u540D\u3002 \u6B64\u5916\uFF0C\u76E7\u5361\u65AF\u5F71\u696D\u9084\u88FD\u4F5C\u4E86\u4E09\u90E8\u96FB\u8996\u96FB\u5F71\uFF0C\u5305\u62EC1978\u5E74\u96FB\u5F71\u300A\u661F\u969B\u5927\u6230\uFF1A\u5047\u65E5\u7279\u8F2F\u300B\u548C1980\u5E74\u4EE3\u64AD\u51FA\u7684\u5169\u90E8\u95DC\u65BC\u7684\u96FB\u5F71\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "300"^^ . . . "1.75"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Uniwersum Gwiezdnych wojen sk\u0142ada si\u0119 z film\u00F3w aktorskich oraz animowanych. Seria zosta\u0142a zapocz\u0105tkowana w 1977 roku filmem Gwiezdne wojny (kt\u00F3remu dodano p\u00F3\u017Aniej podtytu\u0142 Nowa nadzieja) w re\u017Cyserii George\u2019a Lucasa \u2013 tw\u00F3rcy i pomys\u0142odawcy uniwersum. W nast\u0119pnych latach pojawi\u0142y si\u0119 kolejne cz\u0119\u015Bci cyklu \u2013 Imperium kontratakuje (1980) oraz Powr\u00F3t Jedi (1983). Te trzy filmy tworz\u0105 tzw. oryginaln\u0105 trylogi\u0119."@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lucasfilm"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "English"@en . . . . . . . "List of Star Wars films"@en . . . . "Official logo"@en . . . "Star Wars"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Solo_A_Star_Wars_Story_Japan_Premiere_Red_Carpet_Alden_Ehrenreich_.jpg"@en . . . "\u300A\u661F\u969B\u5927\u6230\u300B\u7CFB\u5217\u5A92\u9AD4\u5305\u62EC\u591A\u90E8\u771F\u4EBA\u548C\u52D5\u756B\u96FB\u5F71\u4EE5\u53CA\u96FB\u8996\u5287\u3002005\u5E74\u4E0A\u6620\uFF0C\u5F8C\u50B3\u4E09\u90E8\u66F2\u4F9D\u6B21\u65BC2015\u5E74\u81F32019\u5E74\u4E0A\u6620\u3002\u5728\u5F8C\u50B3\u4E09\u90E8\u66F2\u4E0A\u6620\u671F\u9593\uFF0C\u5169\u90E8\u5916\u50B3\u96FB\u5F71\u300A\u4FE0\u76DC\u4E00\u865F\u300B\u548C\u300A\u97D3\u7D22\u7F85\u300B\u5206\u5225\u65BC2016\u5E74\u548C2018\u5E74\u4E0A\u6620\uFF0C\u6642\u9593\u80CC\u666F\u5747\u8A2D\u5B9A\u65BC\u524D\u50B3\u8207\u6B63\u50B3\u4E4B\u9593\u3002 \u8A72\u7CFB\u5217\u96FB\u5F71\u5171\u8A08\u6536\u7A6B\u7968\u623F\u8D85\u904E100\u5104\u7F8E\u5143\uFF0C\u5728\u5168\u7403\u7CFB\u5217\u96FB\u5F71\u7968\u623F\u6392\u884C\u4E2D\u4F4D\u5C45\u7B2C\u4E8C\u3002\u6240\u6709\u7684\u771F\u4EBA\u96FB\u5F71\u5747\u7372\u5F97\u5965\u65AF\u5361\u91D1\u50CF\u5956\u7684\uFF0C\u6B63\u50B3\u4E09\u90E8\u66F2\u7372\u5F97\u5305\u62EC\u6700\u4F73\u5F71\u7247\u734E\u3001\u6700\u4F73\u5C0E\u6F14\u734E\u3001\u6700\u4F73\u539F\u5275\u5287\u672C\u734E\u548C\u6700\u4F73\u7537\u914D\u89D2\u734E\u7B49\u5728\u5167\u591A\u9805\u63D0\u540D\uFF0C\u7E8C\u96C6\u96FB\u5F71\u5747\u7372\u5F97\u6280\u8853\u985E\u63D0\u540D\u3002 \u6B64\u5916\uFF0C\u76E7\u5361\u65AF\u5F71\u696D\u9084\u88FD\u4F5C\u4E86\u4E09\u90E8\u96FB\u8996\u96FB\u5F71\uFF0C\u5305\u62EC1978\u5E74\u96FB\u5F71\u300A\u661F\u969B\u5927\u6230\uFF1A\u5047\u65E5\u7279\u8F2F\u300B\u548C1980\u5E74\u4EE3\u64AD\u51FA\u7684\u5169\u90E8\u95DC\u65BC\u7684\u96FB\u5F71\u3002"@zh . "Lista film\u00F3w ze \u015Bwiata Gwiezdnych wojen"@pl . . . "Lucasfilm Animation"@en . "Walt Disney StudiosMotion Pictures"@en . . . ""@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Esta \u00E9 uma lista de filmes e s\u00E9ries televisivas da franquia cinematogr\u00E1fica Star Wars. A s\u00E9rie cinematogr\u00E1fica que abrange diversos filmes live-action e filmes animados teve in\u00EDcio na d\u00E9cada de 1970 com uma trilogia narrada in medias res que, posteriormente, foi expandida para mais duas trilogias conhecidas coletivamente como \"Saga Skywalker\"."@pt .