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"A continuaci\u00F3 hi figura una llista de les 262 esp\u00E8cies d'ocell reportades a l'illa de Tasm\u00E0nia, les illes properes i les illes de l'estret de Bass; a la llista no hi figuren els ocells de l'illa Macquarie. 182 d'elles es deixen veure amb regularitat, altres 79 s\u00F3n n\u00F2mades i una est\u00E0 extingida. Dotze de les esp\u00E8cies s\u00F3n end\u00E8miques de Tasm\u00E0nia, car la majoria s\u00F3n comunes arreu. Tanmateix, el Pardalotus quadragintus \u00E9s rar i est\u00E0 protegit, mentre que les dues esp\u00E8cies de cria end\u00E8mica, els dos \u00FAnics lloros migratoris del m\u00F3n, estan amena\u00E7ades. Diverses esp\u00E8cies de ping\u00FC\u00ED atenen a les costes tasmanianes a finals d'estiu. Les aus end\u00E8miques de Tasm\u00E0nia l'han fet classificar com una Endemic Bird Area (EBA; en catal\u00E0 \u00AB\u00C0rea d'Ocells End\u00E8mics\u00BB), una de les 218 que es troben arreu del m\u00F3n. Les regio"@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A total of 383 species of bird have been recorded living in the wild on the island of Tasmania, nearby islands and islands in Bass Strait. Birds of Macquarie Island are not included in this list. Twelve species are endemic to the island of Tasmania, and most of these are common and widespread. However, the forty-spotted pardalote is rare and restricted, while the island's two breeding endemic species, the world's only migratory parrots, are both threatened. 22 species are introduced, and 30 species are globally threatened. Several species of penguin are late summer visitors to Tasmanian shores. Tasmania's endemic birds have led to it being classified as an Endemic Bird Area (EBA), one of 218 such areas worldwide. Priority regions for habitat-based conservation of birds around the world, they are defined by containing two or more restricted-range (endemic) species. Although Tasmania has been isolated from the Australian mainland for about 10,000 years, islands in the Bass Strait between the two landmasses have allowed many species to traverse. With around 5,400 km (3,400 mi) of coastline and 350 offshore islands, Tasmania provides a diverse haven for birds despite its relatively small size. Birds are abundant in Tasmanian wetlands and waterways, and ten of these habitats are internationally important and protected under the Ramsar Convention. Many migratory birds make use of the bays, mudflats and beaches for feeding, including the threatened hooded plover and little tern, both of which breed along the coast. The near-coastal button grass grasslands of the southwest, harbour the breeding grounds of the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot. Many of the rarer species dwell in Tasmania's eucalyptus (sclerophyll) forest or rainforest, which cover much of the island. The common and scientific names and taxonomic arrangement follow the conventions laid out in the 2008 publication Systematics and Taxonomy of Australian Birds. Supplemental updates follow The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World, 2022 edition. This list also uses British English throughout. Any bird names or other wording follows that convention. Unless otherwise noted, all species listed below are considered to occur, or have occurred since European settlement in the case of extinct species, regularly in Tasmania as permanent residents, summer or winter visitors, or migrants. The following codes denote certain categories of species: \n* (I) \u2013 Introduced: Birds that have been introduced to Tasmania by humans \n* (Ex) \u2013 Extinct \n* (V) \u2013 Uncommon vagrants to Tasmania \n* (E) \u2013 Endemic to Tasmania"@en . . . . . . . . "57361"^^ . . . . . . . . "12626289"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A total of 383 species of bird have been recorded living in the wild on the island of Tasmania, nearby islands and islands in Bass Strait. Birds of Macquarie Island are not included in this list. Twelve species are endemic to the island of Tasmania, and most of these are common and widespread. However, the forty-spotted pardalote is rare and restricted, while the island's two breeding endemic species, the world's only migratory parrots, are both threatened. 22 species are introduced, and 30 species are globally threatened."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u0421\u043F\u0438\u0441\u043E\u043A \u043F\u0442\u0430\u0445\u0456\u0432 \u0422\u0430\u0441\u043C\u0430\u043D\u0456\u0457"@uk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A continuaci\u00F3 hi figura una llista de les 262 esp\u00E8cies d'ocell reportades a l'illa de Tasm\u00E0nia, les illes properes i les illes de l'estret de Bass; a la llista no hi figuren els ocells de l'illa Macquarie. 182 d'elles es deixen veure amb regularitat, altres 79 s\u00F3n n\u00F2mades i una est\u00E0 extingida. Dotze de les esp\u00E8cies s\u00F3n end\u00E8miques de Tasm\u00E0nia, car la majoria s\u00F3n comunes arreu. Tanmateix, el Pardalotus quadragintus \u00E9s rar i est\u00E0 protegit, mentre que les dues esp\u00E8cies de cria end\u00E8mica, els dos \u00FAnics lloros migratoris del m\u00F3n, estan amena\u00E7ades. Diverses esp\u00E8cies de ping\u00FC\u00ED atenen a les costes tasmanianes a finals d'estiu. Les aus end\u00E8miques de Tasm\u00E0nia l'han fet classificar com una Endemic Bird Area (EBA; en catal\u00E0 \u00AB\u00C0rea d'Ocells End\u00E8mics\u00BB), una de les 218 que es troben arreu del m\u00F3n. Les regions priorit\u00E0ries per la conservaci\u00F3 de l'h\u00E0bitat dels ocells han de contenir dues o m\u00E9s esp\u00E8cies end\u00E8miques de distribuci\u00F3 redu\u00EFda. Malgrat que Tasm\u00E0nia ha estat isolada del continent australi\u00E0 durant uns 10.000 anys, les illes de l'estret de Bass entremig han perm\u00E8s a diverses esp\u00E8cies travessar d'una banda a l'altra. Amb prop de 5.400 km de costa i 350 illes que l'enrevolten, Tasm\u00E0nia ofereix un aviari divers tot i les seves dimensions relativament redu\u00EFdes. Les aus abunden en els aiguamolls i vies aqu\u00E0tiques tasmanianes; deu d'aquests h\u00E0bitats s\u00F3n internacionalment importants i estan protegits sota el Conveni de Ramsar. Molts dels ocells migratoris fan \u00FAs de les badies, planes de marea i platges amb fi d'alimentar-se, incloent els amena\u00E7ats Thinornis cucullatus i xatrac menut que s'alimenten al llarg de la costa. Les praderes de properes a la costa, al sud-oest, alberguen els terrenys de cria del periquito de ventre taronja, en perill cr\u00EDtic. Moltes de les esp\u00E8cies m\u00E9s infreq\u00FCents habiten als boscs d'eucaliptus (esclerofil\u00B7les) i a les selves, que ocupen la major part de l'illa. A no ser que s'indiqui el contrari, totes les esp\u00E8cies allistades a continuaci\u00F3 es consideren romanents permanentment a Tasm\u00E0nia, o que hi han rom\u00E0s d'en\u00E7\u00E0 de l'establiment dels europeus en el cas de les esp\u00E8cies extintes, visitants estivals o hivernals o migrat\u00F2ries. La seg\u00FCent llegenda denota certes categories d'esp\u00E8cies: \n* (I) \u2013 Introdu\u00EFda: Ocells que ha introdu\u00EFt l'hum\u00E0 a Tasm\u00E0nia \n* (Ex) \u2013 Extinta \n* (N) \u2013 Nomadisme infreq\u00FCent a Tasm\u00E0nia \n* (E) \u2013 End\u00E8mica de Tasm\u00E0nia"@ca . . . . . "Llista d'ocells de Tasm\u00E0nia"@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1123793420"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "List of birds of Tasmania"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .