. . . "Technical University of Berlin"@en . . . "InternetArchiveBot"@en . . . . "Manfred Wagner"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Manfred Hermann Wagner naci\u00F3 en 1948 y es el autor del modelo de Wagner y de la teor\u00EDa de funci\u00F3n de estr\u00E9s molecular para reolog\u00EDa de pol\u00EDmeros. Es profesor de ingenier\u00EDa de pol\u00EDmeros y f\u00EDsica de pol\u00EDmeros en la Universidad T\u00E9cnica de Berl\u00EDn. Hasta 2006 ha publicado 100 art\u00EDculos cient\u00EDficos. En 1981 recibi\u00F3 el premio anual de la British Society of Rheology. El Instituto de materiales de Londres lo premio en el 2002 con el Swinburne Award. Entre 1991 y 2003 fue presidente de la sociedad alemana de reolog\u00EDa y desde 1996 es secretario de la sociedad europea de reolog\u00EDa."@es . . . . "Manfred Hermann Wagner (Stuttgart, 1948) \u00E9 um engenheiro alem\u00E3o."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Manfred Hermann Wagner (born 1948) is the author of Wagner model and the molecular stress function theory for polymer rheology.He is a Professor for Polymer engineering and Polymer physics at the Technical University of Berlin. He has published to date over 100 scientific papers. In 1981, he received the annual award of the British Society of Rheology . The Institute of Materials, London, awarded him the 2002. Wagner was the President of the German Society of Rheology 1991\u20132003, and he is Secretary of the European Society of Rheology since 1996."@en . . . "Manfred Wagner"@en . "Manfred Wagner"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Manfred Wagner"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Manfred Hermann Wagner"@en . . . "3403757"^^ . . . . . . . . "1123624225"^^ . . . . . . "Manfred Hermann Wagner naci\u00F3 en 1948 y es el autor del modelo de Wagner y de la teor\u00EDa de funci\u00F3n de estr\u00E9s molecular para reolog\u00EDa de pol\u00EDmeros. Es profesor de ingenier\u00EDa de pol\u00EDmeros y f\u00EDsica de pol\u00EDmeros en la Universidad T\u00E9cnica de Berl\u00EDn. El profesor Wagner naci\u00F3 en Stuttgart, Alemania en 1948, finaliz\u00F3 su doctorado en ingenier\u00EDa qu\u00EDmica en el instituto de procesamiento de pol\u00EDmeros de la Universidad de Stuttgart, trabaj\u00F3 como post-doc en f\u00EDsica de pol\u00EDmeros bajo la direcci\u00F3n de Joachim Meissner en el en Z\u00FArich y en la industria del pl\u00E1stico, en 1988 retorn\u00F3 a la universidad de Stuttgart como profesor de din\u00E1mica de fluidos y reolog\u00EDa. En 1998-1999 fue decano de la facultad de ingenier\u00EDa qu\u00EDmica e ingenier\u00EDa cibern\u00E9tica en la universidad de Stuttgart. En 1999 se mud\u00F3 a la universidad t\u00E9cnica de Berl\u00EDn. Su trabajo incluye ecuaciones constitutivas para pol\u00EDmeros fundidos, aplicaci\u00F3n de la reolog\u00EDa para procesamiento de pol\u00EDmeros y relaciones de las propiedades de pol\u00EDmeros con su estructura molecular. El foco de su trabajo en reolog\u00EDa se encuentra en el estudio del comportamiento no linear elongacional y de corte de pol\u00EDmeros en estado fundido, tomando en cuenta los efectos de la polidispersidad, ramificaciones y aleaciones. Lo novedoso del trabajo del profesor Wagner deriva del tratamiento matem\u00E1tico aplicado y lo simple de la concepci\u00F3n de la estructura de la cadena polim\u00E9rica. Hasta 2006 ha publicado 100 art\u00EDculos cient\u00EDficos. En 1981 recibi\u00F3 el premio anual de la British Society of Rheology. El Instituto de materiales de Londres lo premio en el 2002 con el Swinburne Award. Entre 1991 y 2003 fue presidente de la sociedad alemana de reolog\u00EDa y desde 1996 es secretario de la sociedad europea de reolog\u00EDa."@es . . . . . . . . "University of Stuttgart"@en . . "Manfred Hermann Wagner (Stuttgart, 1948) \u00E9 um engenheiro alem\u00E3o."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "11979"^^ . "Manfred Hermann Wagner (born 1948) is the author of Wagner model and the molecular stress function theory for polymer rheology.He is a Professor for Polymer engineering and Polymer physics at the Technical University of Berlin. Manfred was born in Stuttgart, Germany in 1948. He obtained his PhD in Chemical engineering at the Institute for Polymer Processing of Stuttgart University. He worked as a post-doc in Polymer Physics under Joachim Meissner at the Eidgen\u00F6ssische Technische Hochschule in Zurich, and in the Plastic industry, then he returned to Stuttgart University in 1988 as Professor for Fluid Dynamics and Rheology. In 1998\u20131999, he was Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Engineering Cybernetics of Stuttgart University. In 1999, he moved to Technical University of Berlin. His works include the constitutive equations for polymer melts, the application of rheology to the processing of polymers, and structure-property relationships for polymers. The focus of his work on rheology is the field of non-linear shear and elongational behavior of polymer melts and effects of polydispersity, branching and blending on melt behavior. The outstanding point associated with Wagner's work is the relative simplicity of the structural picture of the polymer chain and its respective mathematical formulation. His latest contribution to the constitutive modeling, the MSF (Molecular Stress Function) theory, assumes a microstructure-based (developed by himself in the late 1970s) that modifies the tube model of Doi and Edwards by considering the tube diameter to change with deformation. This assumption overcomes the most important disadvantage of the DE theory and produces excellent predictions consistent with the picture of the polymer chain. He has published to date over 100 scientific papers. In 1981, he received the annual award of the British Society of Rheology . The Institute of Materials, London, awarded him the 2002. Wagner was the President of the German Society of Rheology 1991\u20132003, and he is Secretary of the European Society of Rheology since 1996. Until 2008 Wagner and are studying the constitutive equations model to improve the rheology model at Polymertechnik/Polymerphysik at the TU-Berlin.Other rheological projects as polymer/additive interactions are being studied by Wagner and Marco M\u00FCller."@en . . . . . . . "Manfred Hermann Wagner"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Manfred Wagner"@en . ""@en . . "February 2020"@en . . . . "yes"@en . . .