. . "Mark 1"@en . . . . . . . "Mark 2 is the second chapter of the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. In this chapter, the first arguments between Jesus and other Jewish religious teachers appear. Jesus heals a paralyzed man and forgives his sins, meets with the disreputable Levi and his friends, and argues over the need to fast, and whether or not one can harvest food on Sabbath."@en . . "1093898212"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Markus 2"@in . . . . . . "Marco 2 \u00E8 il secondo capitolo del vangelo secondo Marco nel Nuovo Testamento. In questo capitolo vengono presentate le prime argomentazioni tra Ges\u00F9 e i capi religiosi degli ebrei. Ges\u00F9 guarisce un paralitico e ne perdona i peccati, incontra l'esattore delle tasse Levi e lo unisce ai suoi discepoli, e disquisisce sulla necessit\u00E0 del digiuno e sul sabato."@it . . . . . . . . "\u9A6C\u53EF\u798F\u97F3\u7B2C2\u7AE0"@zh . . . "Mark 2"@en . . . . . . . . "Marcos 2"@pt . "\u9A6C\u53EF\u798F\u97F32\u7AE0\u662F\u300A\u65B0\u7EA6\u5723\u7ECF\u00B7\u9A6C\u53EF\u798F\u97F3\u300B\u7684\u7B2C\u4E8C\u7AE0\u3002\u5728\u672C\u7AE0\u9996\u6B21\u53D1\u751F\u72B9\u592A\u5B97\u6559\u9886\u8896\u548C\u8036\u7A23\u4E4B\u95F4\u7684\u4E89\u8BBA\uFF1A\u8036\u7A23\u6CBB\u6108\u4E86\u4E00\u4E2A\u762B\u75EA\u7684\u4EBA\uFF0C\u5E76\u4E14\u8D66\u514D\u4E86\u4ED6\u7684\u7F6A\uFF1B\u7136\u540E\u4E0E\u5229\u672A\u7B49\u58F0\u540D\u72FC\u85C9\u7684\u201C\u597D\u4E9B\u7A0E\u540F\u548C\u7F6A\u4EBA\u201D\u540C\u684C\u5403\u996D\uFF1B\u4E89\u8BBA\u662F\u5426\u9700\u8981\u7981\u98DF\uFF08Fasting\uFF09\uFF1B\u662F\u5426\u5E94\u8BE5\u5728\u5B89\u606F\u65E5\u6390\u8D77\u9EA6\u7A57\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . "Marcos 2 \u00E9 o segundo cap\u00EDtulo do Evangelho de Marcos no Novo Testamento da B\u00EDblia. Ele relata a primeira discuss\u00E3o entre Jesus e os doutores da Lei, o chamado de Mateus e a cura do paral\u00EDtico."@pt . . "The Latin text of Mark 1:5\u20135:8 in Codex Gigas ."@en . . . "Mark 1"@en . . . . . . . . . . "2"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Mark 3"@en . . . . . "Markus 2 (disingkat Mrk 2 atau Mr 2) adalah pasal kedua Injil Markus dalam Perjanjian Baru di Alkitab Kristen, yang diyakini ditulis menurut catatan Markus berdasarkan kesaksian Simon Petrus, salah seorang dari Keduabelas Rasul Yesus Kristus. Pasal ini mencatat bahwa setelah tersebarnya berita mukjizat penyembuhan oleh Yesus, banyak orang berkumpul di rumah yang ditinggalinya, termasuk seorang lumpuh yang diampuni dosanya dan disembuhkan, lalu Yesus ditanyai mengenai puasa dan hari Sabat."@in . . . "Mark 2 is the second chapter of the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. In this chapter, the first arguments between Jesus and other Jewish religious teachers appear. Jesus heals a paralyzed man and forgives his sins, meets with the disreputable Levi and his friends, and argues over the need to fast, and whether or not one can harvest food on Sabbath."@en . . "Marcos 2 \u00E9 o segundo cap\u00EDtulo do Evangelho de Marcos no Novo Testamento da B\u00EDblia. Ele relata a primeira discuss\u00E3o entre Jesus e os doutores da Lei, o chamado de Mateus e a cura do paral\u00EDtico."@pt . . . . "Marco 2 \u00E8 il secondo capitolo del vangelo secondo Marco nel Nuovo Testamento. In questo capitolo vengono presentate le prime argomentazioni tra Ges\u00F9 e i capi religiosi degli ebrei. Ges\u00F9 guarisce un paralitico e ne perdona i peccati, incontra l'esattore delle tasse Levi e lo unisce ai suoi discepoli, e disquisisce sulla necessit\u00E0 del digiuno e sul sabato."@it . "Markus 2 (disingkat Mrk 2 atau Mr 2) adalah pasal kedua Injil Markus dalam Perjanjian Baru di Alkitab Kristen, yang diyakini ditulis menurut catatan Markus berdasarkan kesaksian Simon Petrus, salah seorang dari Keduabelas Rasul Yesus Kristus. Pasal ini mencatat bahwa setelah tersebarnya berita mukjizat penyembuhan oleh Yesus, banyak orang berkumpul di rumah yang ditinggalinya, termasuk seorang lumpuh yang diampuni dosanya dan disembuhkan, lalu Yesus ditanyai mengenai puasa dan hari Sabat."@in . . . . . . "Chapters of the Bible"@en . . "Mark 2"@en . . . "2792580"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "\u9A6C\u53EF\u798F\u97F32\u7AE0\u662F\u300A\u65B0\u7EA6\u5723\u7ECF\u00B7\u9A6C\u53EF\u798F\u97F3\u300B\u7684\u7B2C\u4E8C\u7AE0\u3002\u5728\u672C\u7AE0\u9996\u6B21\u53D1\u751F\u72B9\u592A\u5B97\u6559\u9886\u8896\u548C\u8036\u7A23\u4E4B\u95F4\u7684\u4E89\u8BBA\uFF1A\u8036\u7A23\u6CBB\u6108\u4E86\u4E00\u4E2A\u762B\u75EA\u7684\u4EBA\uFF0C\u5E76\u4E14\u8D66\u514D\u4E86\u4ED6\u7684\u7F6A\uFF1B\u7136\u540E\u4E0E\u5229\u672A\u7B49\u58F0\u540D\u72FC\u85C9\u7684\u201C\u597D\u4E9B\u7A0E\u540F\u548C\u7F6A\u4EBA\u201D\u540C\u684C\u5403\u996D\uFF1B\u4E89\u8BBA\u662F\u5426\u9700\u8981\u7981\u98DF\uFF08Fasting\uFF09\uFF1B\u662F\u5426\u5E94\u8BE5\u5728\u5B89\u606F\u65E5\u6390\u8D77\u9EA6\u7A57\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "26045"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Mark 3"@en . . . . . . . . . "Marco 2"@it . . . . . .