. . "Megalomys"@en . . "Megalomys luciae (\u041C\u0435\u0433\u0430\u043B\u043E\u043C\u0456\u0441 \u0441\u0435\u043D\u0442\u043B\u044E\u0441\u0456\u0439\u0441\u044C\u043A\u0438\u0439) \u2014 \u0432\u0438\u0434 \u0433\u0440\u0438\u0437\u0443\u043D\u0456\u0432 \u0437 \u0440\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0438 \u0425\u043E\u043C'\u044F\u043A\u043E\u0432\u0456 (Cricetidae)."@uk . "Megalomys luciae Megalomys generoko animalia da. Karraskarien barruko Sigmodontinae azpifamilia eta Cricetidae familian sailkatuta dago."@eu . "Megalomys luciae Megalomys generoko animalia da. Karraskarien barruko Sigmodontinae azpifamilia eta Cricetidae familian sailkatuta dago."@eu . . "\u8056\u9732\u897F\u4E9E\u5DE8\u7A3B\u9F20\uFF08Megalomys luciae\uFF09\uFF0C\u53C8\u540D\u8056\u9732\u897F\u4E9E\u5927\u7A3B\u9F20\uFF0C\u662F\u8056\u76E7\u897F\u4E9E\u4E00\u7A2E\u5DF2\u6EC5\u7D55\u7684\u9F20\u985E\u3002\u7260\u5011\u7684\u5927\u5C0F\u5982\u8C93\uFF0C\u8179\u90E8\u8F03\u5176\u8FD1\u89AA\u5B89\u5730\u5217\u65AF\u5DE8\u7A3B\u9F20\u7684\u6DF1\u8272\uFF0C\u722A\u5B50\u5E7C\u9577\u3002\u6700\u5F8C\u7684\u8056\u9732\u897F\u4E9E\u5DE8\u7A3B\u9F20\u662F\u5728\u98FC\u990A3\u5E74\u5F8C\u76841852\u5E74\u5728\u502B\u6566\u52D5\u7269\u5712\u6B7B\u4EA1\u3002\u7260\u5011\u53EF\u80FD\u662F\u65BC19\u4E16\u7D00\u672B\u6D88\u5931\u7684\u3002\u5728\u502B\u6566\u7684\u81EA\u7136\u6B77\u53F2\u535A\u7269\u9928\u6709\u5B58\u653E\u5176\u6A19\u672C\u3002"@zh . . . . . "Megalomys luciae"@sv . . . . . . "\u8056\u9732\u897F\u4E9E\u5DE8\u7A3B\u9F20"@zh . "Megalomys luciae is een uitgestorven knaagdier dat leefde op het eiland Saint Lucia in de Cara\u00EFben. Het dier had de grootte van een kleine kat. Het laatste bekende exemplaar stierf na 3 jaar in gevangenschap in 1852 in de London Zoo. Het dier stierf vermoedelijk uit in de tweede helft van de 19e eeuw; de laatste waarneming dateert uit 1881. In het Natural History Museum in Londen wordt een specimen bewaard."@nl . . . . ""@en . . "Megalomys luciae (\u041C\u0435\u0433\u0430\u043B\u043E\u043C\u0456\u0441 \u0441\u0435\u043D\u0442\u043B\u044E\u0441\u0456\u0439\u0441\u044C\u043A\u0438\u0439) \u2014 \u0432\u0438\u0434 \u0433\u0440\u0438\u0437\u0443\u043D\u0456\u0432 \u0437 \u0440\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0438 \u0425\u043E\u043C'\u044F\u043A\u043E\u0432\u0456 (Cricetidae)."@uk . "Stuffed specimen"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "La rata de arrozal de Santa Luc\u00EDa (Megalomys luciae) es una especie extinta de roedor de la familia Cricetidae end\u00E9mica de la isla de Santa Luc\u00EDa, en el este del mar Caribe. Era del tama\u00F1o de un gato peque\u00F1o, poseedor de un vientre m\u00E1s oscurecido que el de Megalomys desmarestii (una especie estrechamente relacionada particular de la vecina Martinica, igualmente extinta), y de garras delgadas. El \u00FAltimo esp\u00E9cimen en cautividad muri\u00F3 en el Zool\u00F3gico de Londres en 1852, despu\u00E9s de haber permanecido 3 a\u00F1os como tal.\u200B La especie probablemente se extingui\u00F3 en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, teni\u00E9ndose el \u00FAltimo registro de la misma en 1881.\u200B Existe un ejemplar embalsamado en la colecci\u00F3n del Museo de Historia Natural en Londres."@es . . "luciae"@en . . "Megalomys luciae is een uitgestorven knaagdier dat leefde op het eiland Saint Lucia in de Cara\u00EFben. Het dier had de grootte van een kleine kat. Het laatste bekende exemplaar stierf na 3 jaar in gevangenschap in 1852 in de London Zoo. Het dier stierf vermoedelijk uit in de tweede helft van de 19e eeuw; de laatste waarneming dateert uit 1881. In het Natural History Museum in Londen wordt een specimen bewaard."@nl . "\u8056\u9732\u897F\u4E9E\u5DE8\u7A3B\u9F20\uFF08Megalomys luciae\uFF09\uFF0C\u53C8\u540D\u8056\u9732\u897F\u4E9E\u5927\u7A3B\u9F20\uFF0C\u662F\u8056\u76E7\u897F\u4E9E\u4E00\u7A2E\u5DF2\u6EC5\u7D55\u7684\u9F20\u985E\u3002\u7260\u5011\u7684\u5927\u5C0F\u5982\u8C93\uFF0C\u8179\u90E8\u8F03\u5176\u8FD1\u89AA\u5B89\u5730\u5217\u65AF\u5DE8\u7A3B\u9F20\u7684\u6DF1\u8272\uFF0C\u722A\u5B50\u5E7C\u9577\u3002\u6700\u5F8C\u7684\u8056\u9732\u897F\u4E9E\u5DE8\u7A3B\u9F20\u662F\u5728\u98FC\u990A3\u5E74\u5F8C\u76841852\u5E74\u5728\u502B\u6566\u52D5\u7269\u5712\u6B7B\u4EA1\u3002\u7260\u5011\u53EF\u80FD\u662F\u65BC19\u4E16\u7D00\u672B\u6D88\u5931\u7684\u3002\u5728\u502B\u6566\u7684\u81EA\u7136\u6B77\u53F2\u535A\u7269\u9928\u6709\u5B58\u653E\u5176\u6A19\u672C\u3002"@zh . . . "Oryzomys luciae Major, 1901"@en . . . "Megalomys luciae \u00E9 uma esp\u00E9cie de roedor extinto end\u00EAmico da ilha de Santa L\u00FAcia. O \u00FAltimo registro foi em 1881, e o \u00FAltimo exemplar em cativeiro morreu em 1852 no Zool\u00F3gico de Londres."@pt . "Megalomys luciae, also known as the Saint Lucia pilorie or Saint Lucia giant rice-rat, as well as several variant spellings, is an extinct rodent that lived on the island of Saint Lucia in the eastern Caribbean. It was the size of a small cat, and it had a darker belly than Megalomys desmarestii, a closely related species from Martinique, and slender claws. Some other physical features that this rodent species have are brown/ochre dorsal coloration and white soft fur patches. They have webbed hind feet, smooth heels with interdigital pads, and slender claws. Their tail is longer than the length of their whole body from head to toe, the tail contains sparse hairs and is mainly covered with epidermal scales. Their skulls are very delicate with an amphora shape.The last known specimen died in the London Zoo in 1852, after three years of captivity. It probably became extinct in the latter half of the 19th century, with the last record dating from 1881. There is a stuffed specimen in the collection of the Natural History Museum in London."@en . . . "3059"^^ . . "Megalomys luciae"@ca . . "Megalomys luciae Megalomys luciae Megalomys luciae, sp\u00E9cimen naturalis\u00E9 expos\u00E9 dans la Grande Galerie de l'\u00C9volution au Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, \u00E0 Paris. Esp\u00E8ce Megalomys luciae(Forsyth Major, 1901) Statut de conservation UICN EX : \u00C9teint Le Rat musqu\u00E9 de Sainte-Lucie (Megalomys luciae) est un rongeur disparu end\u00E9mique de l'\u00EEle Sainte-Lucie dans les Cara\u00EFbes. Le dernier sp\u00E9cimen meurt au zoo de Londres en 1852 apr\u00E8s trois ans de captivit\u00E9."@fr . . "Megalomys luciae"@eu . . "Megalomys luciae \u00E9s una esp\u00E8cie extinta de rosegador de la fam\u00EDlia dels cric\u00E8tids. Era end\u00E8mica de l'illa caribenya de Saint Lucia. No se sap gaire cosa sobre el seu h\u00E0bitat i la seva hist\u00F2ria natural. Es creu que la causa de la seva extinci\u00F3 fou la introducci\u00F3 de mangostes a l'illa. Era aproximadament igual de gros que un gat petit i tenia el ventre m\u00E9s fosc que M. desmarestii."@ca . . "Rat musqu\u00E9 de Sainte-Lucie"@fr . . . . . "La rata de arrozal de Santa Luc\u00EDa (Megalomys luciae) es una especie extinta de roedor de la familia Cricetidae end\u00E9mica de la isla de Santa Luc\u00EDa, en el este del mar Caribe. Era del tama\u00F1o de un gato peque\u00F1o, poseedor de un vientre m\u00E1s oscurecido que el de Megalomys desmarestii (una especie estrechamente relacionada particular de la vecina Martinica, igualmente extinta), y de garras delgadas. El \u00FAltimo esp\u00E9cimen en cautividad muri\u00F3 en el Zool\u00F3gico de Londres en 1852, despu\u00E9s de haber permanecido 3 a\u00F1os como tal.\u200B La especie probablemente se extingui\u00F3 en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, teni\u00E9ndose el \u00FAltimo registro de la misma en 1881.\u200B Existe un ejemplar embalsamado en la colecci\u00F3n del Museo de Historia Natural en Londres."@es . . "Megalomys luciae \u00E4r en utd\u00F6d d\u00E4ggdjursart som f\u00F6rst beskrevs av Forsyth Major 1901. Megalomys luciae ing\u00E5r i sl\u00E4ktet j\u00E4tterisr\u00E5ttor och familjen hamsterartade gnagare. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som utd\u00F6d. Inga underarter finns listade. Arten f\u00F6rekom i V\u00E4stindien p\u00E5 Saint Lucia. Den utrotades troligen av introducerade manguster."@sv . "1620618"^^ . . . . . "Megalomys luciae \u00E9s una esp\u00E8cie extinta de rosegador de la fam\u00EDlia dels cric\u00E8tids. Era end\u00E8mica de l'illa caribenya de Saint Lucia. No se sap gaire cosa sobre el seu h\u00E0bitat i la seva hist\u00F2ria natural. Es creu que la causa de la seva extinci\u00F3 fou la introducci\u00F3 de mangostes a l'illa. Era aproximadament igual de gros que un gat petit i tenia el ventre m\u00E9s fosc que M. desmarestii."@ca . . "Megalomys luciae \u00E9 uma esp\u00E9cie de roedor extinto end\u00EAmico da ilha de Santa L\u00FAcia. O \u00FAltimo registro foi em 1881, e o \u00FAltimo exemplar em cativeiro morreu em 1852 no Zool\u00F3gico de Londres."@pt . . . . . . . "Megalomys luciae"@pt . . "Megalomys luciae"@es . . . . "EX"@en . "Megalomys luciae"@uk . . . "Megalomys luciae"@en . "Megalomys luciae, also known as the Saint Lucia pilorie or Saint Lucia giant rice-rat, as well as several variant spellings, is an extinct rodent that lived on the island of Saint Lucia in the eastern Caribbean. It was the size of a small cat, and it had a darker belly than Megalomys desmarestii, a closely related species from Martinique, and slender claws. Some other physical features that this rodent species have are brown/ochre dorsal coloration and white soft fur patches. They have webbed hind feet, smooth heels with interdigital pads, and slender claws. Their tail is longer than the length of their whole body from head to toe, the tail contains sparse hairs and is mainly covered with epidermal scales. Their skulls are very delicate with an amphora shape.The last known specimen died in"@en . . "1055843175"^^ . . . . "Megalomys luciae \u00E4r en utd\u00F6d d\u00E4ggdjursart som f\u00F6rst beskrevs av Forsyth Major 1901. Megalomys luciae ing\u00E5r i sl\u00E4ktet j\u00E4tterisr\u00E5ttor och familjen hamsterartade gnagare. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som utd\u00F6d. Inga underarter finns listade. Arten f\u00F6rekom i V\u00E4stindien p\u00E5 Saint Lucia. Den utrotades troligen av introducerade manguster."@sv . "Megalomys luciae"@nl . . "1881"^^ . "IUCN3.1"@en . . "Megalomys luciae Megalomys luciae Megalomys luciae, sp\u00E9cimen naturalis\u00E9 expos\u00E9 dans la Grande Galerie de l'\u00C9volution au Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, \u00E0 Paris. Esp\u00E8ce Megalomys luciae(Forsyth Major, 1901) Statut de conservation UICN EX : \u00C9teint Le Rat musqu\u00E9 de Sainte-Lucie (Megalomys luciae) est un rongeur disparu end\u00E9mique de l'\u00EEle Sainte-Lucie dans les Cara\u00EFbes. Le dernier sp\u00E9cimen meurt au zoo de Londres en 1852 apr\u00E8s trois ans de captivit\u00E9."@fr . . . . .