. "Melanie Barnett"@en . . . . "Melanie Barnett-Davis is a fictional character, portrayed by actress Tia Mowry, who appears in the American sitcom The Game, which aired on the CW Television Network and BET from 2006 to 2015. Introduced in a backdoor pilot on the sitcom Girlfriends as Joan Clayton's cousin, Melanie chooses to support her boyfriend Derwin Davis' career with the San Diego Sabres, a fictional National Football League (NFL) team, rather than attend medical school at Johns Hopkins University. The series focuses primarily on Melanie and Derwin's complicated relationship, with her fears of his infidelity at the center of many of the episodes' storylines. Mowry left the series in 2012 upon learning that her role would be reduced as a result of co-star Pooch Hall's decision to reduce his role on The Game to appear"@en . . . . . "Female"@en . . . . "1098800846"^^ . . . . "Mel, Med School, Girl Melanie"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Student"@en . . . . "Melanie Barnett"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "American"@en . . "#DEDEE5"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Melanie Barnett-Davis\u200B \u200B es un personaje ficticio, interpretado por la actriz Tia Mowry, quien aparece en la comedia estadounidense The Game, que se emiti\u00F3 en CW Television Network y BET de 2006 a 2015. Presentada en un programa en forma de episodio piloto en la comedia Girlfriends como la prima de Joan Clayton (Tracee Ellis Ross), Melanie elige apoyar la carrera de su novio Derwin Davis (Pooch Hall) con los San Diego Sabres, un equipo ficticio de la National Football League (NFL), en lugar de ir a la escuela de medicina en la Universidad Johns Hopkins. La serie se centra principalmente en la complicada relaci\u00F3n de Melanie y Derwin, con sus temores de su infidelidad es el centro de muchas de las historias de los episodios. Mowry abandon\u00F3 la serie en 2012 al enterarse de que su papel se ver\u00EDa reducido como resultado de la decisi\u00F3n de la coprotagonista Pooch Hall de dejar The Game para aparecer en la serie de drama criminal Ray Donovan. Ambos actores repitieron sus roles en el final de la serie, en el que Melanie da a luz a gemelos. Melanie fue creada por la productora Mara Brock Akil. Mientras eleg\u00EDa al personaje, Brock Akil ten\u00EDa dudas sobre si Mowry ser\u00EDa la mejor opci\u00F3n, dada su imagen sana de Tia Landry en la comedia de situaciones Sister, Sister, pero contrat\u00F3 a la actriz por su s\u00F3lida \u00E9tica de trabajo y su deseo de ser parte de la serie. Mowry consider\u00F3 que el personaje era su primer papel adulto y sinti\u00F3 que enfatizaba su individualidad y madurez. Se identific\u00F3 estrechamente con el personaje, observando paralelos entre la relaci\u00F3n de Melanie con Derwin y su propio matrimonio con el actor Cory Hardrict. Cit\u00F3 The Game como un ejemplo de mujeres que reciben m\u00E1s papeles principales en la televisi\u00F3n. La reacci\u00F3n a Melanie fue principalmente negativa; los cr\u00EDticos expresaron su desaprobaci\u00F3n por su decisi\u00F3n de apoyar a su novio en lugar de inscribirse en la escuela de medicina. Los comentaristas de los medios tambi\u00E9n tomaron una panor\u00E1mica de la representaci\u00F3n del personaje como madre, como su incapacidad para cuidar adecuadamente a su hijastro. Por otro lado, los fanes respondieron positivamente a Melanie y se sintieron atra\u00EDdos por su relaci\u00F3n con Derwin. El desempe\u00F1o de Mowry recibi\u00F3 comentarios positivos de los cr\u00EDticos, quienes estuvieron de acuerdo en que el papel mostr\u00F3 su madurez como actriz. Recibi\u00F3 nominaciones para dos premios NAACP Image y un premio Teen Choice por el papel."@es . . "James Barnett"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Grace Barnett"@en . . . "Melanie Barnett-Davis is a fictional character, portrayed by actress Tia Mowry, who appears in the American sitcom The Game, which aired on the CW Television Network and BET from 2006 to 2015. Introduced in a backdoor pilot on the sitcom Girlfriends as Joan Clayton's cousin, Melanie chooses to support her boyfriend Derwin Davis' career with the San Diego Sabres, a fictional National Football League (NFL) team, rather than attend medical school at Johns Hopkins University. The series focuses primarily on Melanie and Derwin's complicated relationship, with her fears of his infidelity at the center of many of the episodes' storylines. Mowry left the series in 2012 upon learning that her role would be reduced as a result of co-star Pooch Hall's decision to reduce his role on The Game to appear in the crime drama series Ray Donovan. Both actors reprised their roles in the series finale, in which Melanie gives birth to twins. Melanie was created by producer Mara Brock Akil. While casting the character, Brock Akil had doubts about whether Mowry would be the best choice, given her wholesome image from starring as Tia Landry on the sitcom Sister, Sister, but hired the actress based on her strong work ethic and her desire to be part of the series. Mowry considered the character to be her first adult role and felt it emphasized her individuality and maturity. She identified closely with the part, observing parallels between Melanie's relationship with Derwin and her own marriage to actor Cory Hardrict. She cited The Game as an example of women receiving more lead roles on television. Reaction to Melanie was primarily negative; critics expressed disapproval of her decision to support her boyfriend instead of enrolling in medical school. Media commentators also panned the character's representation as a mother, such as her inability to properly care for her stepson. On the other hand, fans responded positively to Melanie and felt drawn to her relationship with Derwin. Mowry's performance received positive feedback from critics, who agreed that the role displayed her maturity as an actress. She received nominations for two NAACP Image Awards and a Teen Choice Award for the role."@en . "Mel, Med School, Girl Melanie"@en . "twin son and daughter"@en . "Melanie Barnett"@en . . "Cameron Barnett"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Melanie Barnett-Davis"@en . . . . . . . "23079518"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\"Pow Pow Pow!\""@en . . . . "Tia Mowry as Melanie Barnett"@en . . . . "Derwin Davis Jr"@en . . . . . . "\"The Game\""@en . . "Melanie Barnett-Davis\u200B \u200B es un personaje ficticio, interpretado por la actriz Tia Mowry, quien aparece en la comedia estadounidense The Game, que se emiti\u00F3 en CW Television Network y BET de 2006 a 2015. Presentada en un programa en forma de episodio piloto en la comedia Girlfriends como la prima de Joan Clayton (Tracee Ellis Ross), Melanie elige apoyar la carrera de su novio Derwin Davis (Pooch Hall) con los San Diego Sabres, un equipo ficticio de la National Football League (NFL), en lugar de ir a la escuela de medicina en la Universidad Johns Hopkins. La serie se centra principalmente en la complicada relaci\u00F3n de Melanie y Derwin, con sus temores de su infidelidad es el centro de muchas de las historias de los episodios. Mowry abandon\u00F3 la serie en 2012 al enterarse de que su papel se ver"@es . . . . . . . . "Melanie Barnett"@es . . . "\"The Game\" (April 17, 2006)" . "40114"^^ . . . .