. "1063619285"^^ . . . "The Memorial to the Sinti and Roma Victims of National Socialism is a memorial in Berlin, Germany. The monument is dedicated to the memory of the 220,000 \u2013 500,000 people murdered in the Porajmos \u2013 the Nazi genocide of the European Sinti and Roma peoples. It was designed by Dani Karavan and was officially opened on 24 October 2012 by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the presence of President Joachim Gauck."@en . . "40205747"^^ . . . "Monument voor de Sinti en Roma van Europa"@nl . "Minnesm\u00E4rket \u00F6ver sinti och romer under nationalsocialismen (tyska: Denkmal f\u00FCr die im Nationalsozialismus ermordeten Sinti und Roma Europas) i Tiergarten i Berlin, \u00E4r ett minnesm\u00E4rke \u00F6ver de romer och sinti som f\u00F6ll offer f\u00F6r nationalsocialismen (Porajmos). Det invigdes 2012 efter 30 \u00E5rs diskussioner."@sv . "\u041C\u0435\u043C\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0430\u043B \u0436\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0432\u0430\u043C \u043D\u0430\u0446\u0438\u043E\u043D\u0430\u043B-\u0441\u043E\u0446\u0438\u0430\u043B\u0438\u0437\u043C\u0430 \u043D\u0430\u0440\u043E\u0434\u043E\u0432 \u0441\u0438\u043D\u0442\u0438 \u0438 \u0440\u043E\u043C\u0430"@ru . . . . "Het Monument voor de Sinti en Roma van Europa die onder het nationaalsocialisme zijn vermoord is een monument in Berlijn. Het herinnert aan de Porajmos, de nationaalsocialistische volkerenmoord op de Sinti en Roma. Het ontwerp is van de Isra\u00EBlische kunstenaar Dani Karavan. Het monument werd op 24 oktober 2012 in het bijzijn van bondskanselier Angela Merkel en bondspresident Joachim Gauck onthuld."@nl . "\u8F9B\u63D0\u4EBA\u548C\u7F57\u59C6\u4EBA\u7EAA\u5FF5\u7891\uFF0C\u5168\u79F0\u7EB3\u7CB9\u65F6\u671F\u6B27\u6D32\u88AB\u5BB3\u8F9B\u63D0\u4EBA\u548C\u7F57\u59C6\u4EBA\u7EAA\u5FF5\u7891\uFF08\u5FB7\u8A9E\uFF1ADas Denkmal f\u00FCr die im Nationalsozialismus ermordeten Sinti und Roma Europas\uFF09\uFF0C\u662F\u4F4D\u4E8E\u5FB7\u56FD\u9996\u90FD\u67CF\u6797\u7684\u4E00\u4E2A\u7EAA\u5FF5\u5730\uFF0C\u7D27\u90BB\u5FB7\u56FD\u56FD\u4F1A\u5927\u53A6\u5357\u4FA7\u3002\u7EAA\u5FF5\u7891\u7684\u8BBE\u7ACB\uFF0C\u662F\u4E3A\u4E86\u7EAA\u5FF5\u7EB3\u7CB9\u5FB7\u56FD\u8BD5\u56FE\u6D88\u706D\u5F53\u65F6\u5728\u6B27\u6D32\u88AB\u79F0\u4E3A\u201C\u8328\u5188\u4EBA\u201D\u7684\u8F9B\u63D0\u4EBA\u548C\u7F57\u59C6\u4EBA\u7684\u4E00\u573A\u79CD\u65CF\u706D\u7EDD\u8FD0\u52A8\u3002\u7EAA\u5FF5\u7891\u7684\u540D\u79F0\u201C\u201D\u4E0D\u80FD\u968F\u610F\u66F4\u66FF\u4E3A\u201C\u5409\u666E\u8D5B\u4EBA\u201D\uFF0C\u56E0\u4E3A\u201CSinti und Roma\u201D\u662F1980\u5E74\u4EE3\u786E\u5B9A\u7684\u975E\u6B67\u89C6\u6027\u7684\u79CD\u65CF\u79F0\u547C\uFF0C\u4EE5\u66FF\u4EE3\u6B64\u524D\u7531\u5916\u65CF\u5F3A\u52A0\u7684\u201C\u5409\u666E\u8D5B\u4EBA\uFF08Gypsy\uFF09\u201D\u3001\u201C\u8328\u5188\u4EBA\uFF08Zigeuner\uFF09\u201D\u7B49\u5176\u4ED6\u5E26\u6709\u6B67\u89C6\u542B\u4E49\u7684\u79F0\u547C\u3002 \u7EAA\u5FF5\u7891\u7531\u4EE5\u8272\u5217\u96D5\u5851\u5BB6\u8BBE\u8BA1\u30022012\u5E7410\u670824\u65E5\uFF0C\u7EAA\u5FF5\u7891\u5728\u65F6\u4EFB\u8054\u90A6\u603B\u7406\u9ED8\u514B\u5C14\u3001\u603B\u7EDF\u9AD8\u514B\u7684\u89C1\u8BC1\u4E0B\u63ED\u5E55\u3002\u56E0\u5176\u88AB\u5B9A\u6027\u4E3A\u201C\u201D\uFF0C\u7EAA\u5FF5\u7891\u7531\u8054\u90A6\u57FA\u91D1\u65A5\u8D44\u5EFA\u9020\uFF0C\u5171\u82B1\u8D39\u7EA6280\u4E07\u6B27\u5143\u3002"@zh . . "Minnesm\u00E4rket \u00F6ver sinti och romer under nationalsocialismen"@sv . . "Le M\u00E9morial aux Sint\u00E9s et aux Roms europ\u00E9ens assassin\u00E9s pendant le nazisme (allemand : Denkmal f\u00FCr die im Nationalsozialismus ermordeten Sinti und Roma Europas) est un m\u00E9morial sur le Simsonweg au sud du Reichstag \u00E0 Berlin-Tiergarten. Il rend hommage aux 500 000 Roms et Sint\u00E9s ex\u00E9cut\u00E9s lors du Porajmos pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Con\u00E7u par l'architecte Dani Karavan, il est inaugur\u00E9 la 24 octobre 2012 en en pr\u00E9sence de la chanceli\u00E8re Angela Merkel et du pr\u00E9sident Joachim Gauck. Il est financ\u00E9 par l'\u00C9tat allemand \u00E0 hauteur de 2,8 millions d'euros."@fr . . . . . "\u00AB\u041C\u0435\u043C\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0430\u043B \u0436\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0432\u0430\u043C \u043D\u0430\u0446\u0438\u043E\u043D\u0430\u043B-\u0441\u043E\u0446\u0438\u0430\u043B\u0438\u0437\u043C\u0430 \u043D\u0430\u0440\u043E\u0434\u043E\u0432 \u0441\u0438\u043D\u0442\u0438 \u0438 \u0440\u043E\u043C\u0430\u00BB (\u043D\u0435\u043C. Denkmal f\u00FCr die im Nationalsozialismus ermordeten Sinti und Roma Europas) \u2014 \u043F\u0430\u043C\u044F\u0442\u043D\u0438\u043A \u0432 \u0411\u0435\u0440\u043B\u0438\u043D\u0435, \u043F\u043E\u0441\u0432\u044F\u0449\u0435\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0439 200 000\u2014500 000 \u0436\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0432\u0430\u043C \u0433\u0435\u043D\u043E\u0446\u0438\u0434\u0430 \u0446\u044B\u0433\u0430\u043D \u0432 \u0415\u0432\u0440\u043E\u043F\u0435. \u0410\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0435\u043A\u0442\u0430 \u2014 \u0414\u0430\u043D\u0438 \u041A\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0430\u043D."@ru . . . . . . "52.5172233581543"^^ . "The Memorial to the Sinti and Roma Victims of National Socialism is a memorial in Berlin, Germany. The monument is dedicated to the memory of the 220,000 \u2013 500,000 people murdered in the Porajmos \u2013 the Nazi genocide of the European Sinti and Roma peoples. It was designed by Dani Karavan and was officially opened on 24 October 2012 by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the presence of President Joachim Gauck."@en . . . . "Denkmal f\u00FCr die im Nationalsozialismus ermordeten Sinti und Roma Europas"@de . "Het Monument voor de Sinti en Roma van Europa die onder het nationaalsocialisme zijn vermoord is een monument in Berlijn. Het herinnert aan de Porajmos, de nationaalsocialistische volkerenmoord op de Sinti en Roma. Het ontwerp is van de Isra\u00EBlische kunstenaar Dani Karavan. Het monument werd op 24 oktober 2012 in het bijzijn van bondskanselier Angela Merkel en bondspresident Joachim Gauck onthuld."@nl . . . "13.37611103057861"^^ . . . . . . "Das Denkmal f\u00FCr die im Nationalsozialismus ermordeten Sinti und Roma Europas ist eine Gedenkst\u00E4tte am Simsonweg im Gro\u00DFen Tiergarten in Berlin s\u00FCdlich des Reichstags. Sie soll an den Porajmos erinnern, den nationalsozialistischen V\u00F6lkermord an den als \u201EZigeuner\u201C verfolgten europ\u00E4ischen Roma mit bis zu 500.000 Opfern an M\u00E4nnern, Frauen und Kindern. Der Entwurf stammt von Dani Karavan."@de . . . . "POINT(13.376111030579 52.517223358154)"^^ . . . . . . "Das Denkmal f\u00FCr die im Nationalsozialismus ermordeten Sinti und Roma Europas ist eine Gedenkst\u00E4tte am Simsonweg im Gro\u00DFen Tiergarten in Berlin s\u00FCdlich des Reichstags. Sie soll an den Porajmos erinnern, den nationalsozialistischen V\u00F6lkermord an den als \u201EZigeuner\u201C verfolgten europ\u00E4ischen Roma mit bis zu 500.000 Opfern an M\u00E4nnern, Frauen und Kindern. Der Entwurf stammt von Dani Karavan."@de . "Memoriale alle vittime Sinti e Rom del nazionalsocialismo"@it . "\u8F9B\u63D0\u4EBA\u548C\u7F57\u59C6\u4EBA\u7EAA\u5FF5\u7891\uFF0C\u5168\u79F0\u7EB3\u7CB9\u65F6\u671F\u6B27\u6D32\u88AB\u5BB3\u8F9B\u63D0\u4EBA\u548C\u7F57\u59C6\u4EBA\u7EAA\u5FF5\u7891\uFF08\u5FB7\u8A9E\uFF1ADas Denkmal f\u00FCr die im Nationalsozialismus ermordeten Sinti und Roma Europas\uFF09\uFF0C\u662F\u4F4D\u4E8E\u5FB7\u56FD\u9996\u90FD\u67CF\u6797\u7684\u4E00\u4E2A\u7EAA\u5FF5\u5730\uFF0C\u7D27\u90BB\u5FB7\u56FD\u56FD\u4F1A\u5927\u53A6\u5357\u4FA7\u3002\u7EAA\u5FF5\u7891\u7684\u8BBE\u7ACB\uFF0C\u662F\u4E3A\u4E86\u7EAA\u5FF5\u7EB3\u7CB9\u5FB7\u56FD\u8BD5\u56FE\u6D88\u706D\u5F53\u65F6\u5728\u6B27\u6D32\u88AB\u79F0\u4E3A\u201C\u8328\u5188\u4EBA\u201D\u7684\u8F9B\u63D0\u4EBA\u548C\u7F57\u59C6\u4EBA\u7684\u4E00\u573A\u79CD\u65CF\u706D\u7EDD\u8FD0\u52A8\u3002\u7EAA\u5FF5\u7891\u7684\u540D\u79F0\u201C\u201D\u4E0D\u80FD\u968F\u610F\u66F4\u66FF\u4E3A\u201C\u5409\u666E\u8D5B\u4EBA\u201D\uFF0C\u56E0\u4E3A\u201CSinti und Roma\u201D\u662F1980\u5E74\u4EE3\u786E\u5B9A\u7684\u975E\u6B67\u89C6\u6027\u7684\u79CD\u65CF\u79F0\u547C\uFF0C\u4EE5\u66FF\u4EE3\u6B64\u524D\u7531\u5916\u65CF\u5F3A\u52A0\u7684\u201C\u5409\u666E\u8D5B\u4EBA\uFF08Gypsy\uFF09\u201D\u3001\u201C\u8328\u5188\u4EBA\uFF08Zigeuner\uFF09\u201D\u7B49\u5176\u4ED6\u5E26\u6709\u6B67\u89C6\u542B\u4E49\u7684\u79F0\u547C\u3002 \u7EAA\u5FF5\u7891\u7531\u4EE5\u8272\u5217\u96D5\u5851\u5BB6\u8BBE\u8BA1\u30022012\u5E7410\u670824\u65E5\uFF0C\u7EAA\u5FF5\u7891\u5728\u65F6\u4EFB\u8054\u90A6\u603B\u7406\u9ED8\u514B\u5C14\u3001\u603B\u7EDF\u9AD8\u514B\u7684\u89C1\u8BC1\u4E0B\u63ED\u5E55\u3002\u56E0\u5176\u88AB\u5B9A\u6027\u4E3A\u201C\u201D\uFF0C\u7EAA\u5FF5\u7891\u7531\u8054\u90A6\u57FA\u91D1\u65A5\u8D44\u5EFA\u9020\uFF0C\u5171\u82B1\u8D39\u7EA6280\u4E07\u6B27\u5143\u3002"@zh . "\u00AB\u041C\u0435\u043C\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0430\u043B \u0436\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0432\u0430\u043C \u043D\u0430\u0446\u0438\u043E\u043D\u0430\u043B-\u0441\u043E\u0446\u0438\u0430\u043B\u0438\u0437\u043C\u0430 \u043D\u0430\u0440\u043E\u0434\u043E\u0432 \u0441\u0438\u043D\u0442\u0438 \u0438 \u0440\u043E\u043C\u0430\u00BB (\u043D\u0435\u043C. Denkmal f\u00FCr die im Nationalsozialismus ermordeten Sinti und Roma Europas) \u2014 \u043F\u0430\u043C\u044F\u0442\u043D\u0438\u043A \u0432 \u0411\u0435\u0440\u043B\u0438\u043D\u0435, \u043F\u043E\u0441\u0432\u044F\u0449\u0435\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0439 200 000\u2014500 000 \u0436\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0432\u0430\u043C \u0433\u0435\u043D\u043E\u0446\u0438\u0434\u0430 \u0446\u044B\u0433\u0430\u043D \u0432 \u0415\u0432\u0440\u043E\u043F\u0435. \u0410\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0435\u043A\u0442\u0430 \u2014 \u0414\u0430\u043D\u0438 \u041A\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0430\u043D."@ru . . "52.51722222222222 13.376111111111111" . . "M\u00E9morial aux Sint\u00E9s et aux Roms europ\u00E9ens assassin\u00E9s pendant le nazisme"@fr . "Il memoriale alle vittime sinti e rom del nazionalsocialismo \u00E8 un memoriale realizzato a Berlino, in Germania. Il monumento \u00E8 dedicato alla memoria delle 220.000 - 500.000 persone uccise nel Porajmos, il genocidio nazista dei Sinti e dei Rom europei. \u00C8 stato progettato da Dani Karavan ed \u00E8 stato ufficialmente inaugurato il 24 ottobre 2012 dal cancelliere tedesco Angela Merkel alla presenza del presidente Joachim Gauck. Il centro della piscina del Memoriale dei Sinti e dei Rom vittime del nazionalsocialismo.Ingresso del Memoriale alle Vittime Sinti e Rom del Nazionalsocialismo."@it . . . . . . . . . . . "\u8F9B\u63D0\u4EBA\u548C\u7F57\u59C6\u4EBA\u7EAA\u5FF5\u7891"@zh . "Il memoriale alle vittime sinti e rom del nazionalsocialismo \u00E8 un memoriale realizzato a Berlino, in Germania. Il monumento \u00E8 dedicato alla memoria delle 220.000 - 500.000 persone uccise nel Porajmos, il genocidio nazista dei Sinti e dei Rom europei. \u00C8 stato progettato da Dani Karavan ed \u00E8 stato ufficialmente inaugurato il 24 ottobre 2012 dal cancelliere tedesco Angela Merkel alla presenza del presidente Joachim Gauck. Il centro della piscina del Memoriale dei Sinti e dei Rom vittime del nazionalsocialismo.Ingresso del Memoriale alle Vittime Sinti e Rom del Nazionalsocialismo."@it . "Memorial to the Sinti and Roma Victims of National Socialism"@en . . . . . . "El monumento a las v\u00EDctimas sinti y roman\u00EDes del nazismo es un monumento en Berl\u00EDn, Alemania. Est\u00E1 dedicado a la memoria de las 220,000 - 500,000 personas asesinadas en Porraimos, en el marco del genocidio nazi de los pueblos europeos sinti y roman\u00EDes. Fue dise\u00F1ado por Dani Karavan e inaugurado oficialmente el 24 de octubre de 2012 por la canciller alemana Angela Merkel en presencia del presidente Joachim Gauck.\u200B \u200B\u200B"@es . "El monumento a las v\u00EDctimas sinti y roman\u00EDes del nazismo es un monumento en Berl\u00EDn, Alemania. Est\u00E1 dedicado a la memoria de las 220,000 - 500,000 personas asesinadas en Porraimos, en el marco del genocidio nazi de los pueblos europeos sinti y roman\u00EDes. Fue dise\u00F1ado por Dani Karavan e inaugurado oficialmente el 24 de octubre de 2012 por la canciller alemana Angela Merkel en presencia del presidente Joachim Gauck.\u200B \u200B\u200B"@es . . "Monumento a las v\u00EDctimas sinti y roman\u00EDes del nazismo"@es . "4526"^^ . . . "Minnesm\u00E4rket \u00F6ver sinti och romer under nationalsocialismen (tyska: Denkmal f\u00FCr die im Nationalsozialismus ermordeten Sinti und Roma Europas) i Tiergarten i Berlin, \u00E4r ett minnesm\u00E4rke \u00F6ver de romer och sinti som f\u00F6ll offer f\u00F6r nationalsocialismen (Porajmos). Det invigdes 2012 efter 30 \u00E5rs diskussioner."@sv . "Le M\u00E9morial aux Sint\u00E9s et aux Roms europ\u00E9ens assassin\u00E9s pendant le nazisme (allemand : Denkmal f\u00FCr die im Nationalsozialismus ermordeten Sinti und Roma Europas) est un m\u00E9morial sur le Simsonweg au sud du Reichstag \u00E0 Berlin-Tiergarten. Il rend hommage aux 500 000 Roms et Sint\u00E9s ex\u00E9cut\u00E9s lors du Porajmos pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Con\u00E7u par l'architecte Dani Karavan, il est inaugur\u00E9 la 24 octobre 2012 en en pr\u00E9sence de la chanceli\u00E8re Angela Merkel et du pr\u00E9sident Joachim Gauck. Il est financ\u00E9 par l'\u00C9tat allemand \u00E0 hauteur de 2,8 millions d'euros."@fr . . . . . .