. . "The Mine Train Through Nature's Wonderland was a 2 ft 6 in (762 mm) narrow gauge railroad attraction in Frontierland in Disneyland, that featured Audio-Animatronic animals in natural desert- and woods-themed environments. It opened on June 12, 1960, as an extension of Rainbow Caverns Mine Train, which opened on July 2, 1956. It closed on January 2, 1977, to make room for Big Thunder Mountain Railroad."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Mine Train Through Nature's Wonderland"@en . . . . . . . "Frontierland"@en . . . . . . . . . "Removed"@en . . . . . . . "Nature's Wonderland"@fr . . "1977-01-02"^^ . "Mine Train Through Nature's Wonderland"@en . . . "Disneyland"@en . . . "Nature's Wonderland \u00E9tait un ensemble d'attractions de la zone Frontierland de Disneyland. Ces attractions furent rapidement am\u00E9lior\u00E9es et remplac\u00E9es par une seule attraction nomm\u00E9e Mine Train through Nature's Wonderland. Les attractions \u00E9taient bas\u00E9es sur la s\u00E9rie des documentaires True-Life Adventures et avaient pour th\u00E8me les paysages et la faune de l'ouest am\u00E9ricain. Nature's Wonderland \u00E9tait l'\u00E9quivalent pour le pays de Frontierland de la Jungle Cruise d'Adventureland."@fr . . . . . "42889131"^^ . . . . . . . . "1956-07-02"^^ . . . . "Nature's Wonderland \u00E9tait un ensemble d'attractions de la zone Frontierland de Disneyland. Ces attractions furent rapidement am\u00E9lior\u00E9es et remplac\u00E9es par une seule attraction nomm\u00E9e Mine Train through Nature's Wonderland. Les attractions \u00E9taient bas\u00E9es sur la s\u00E9rie des documentaires True-Life Adventures et avaient pour th\u00E8me les paysages et la faune de l'ouest am\u00E9ricain. Nature's Wonderland \u00E9tait l'\u00E9quivalent pour le pays de Frontierland de la Jungle Cruise d'Adventureland."@fr . . "1123705910"^^ . "A locomotive and two train cars from the attraction on display in Disneyland in 2006"@en . "The Mine Train Through Nature's Wonderland was a 2 ft 6 in (762 mm) narrow gauge railroad attraction in Frontierland in Disneyland, that featured Audio-Animatronic animals in natural desert- and woods-themed environments. It opened on June 12, 1960, as an extension of Rainbow Caverns Mine Train, which opened on July 2, 1956. It closed on January 2, 1977, to make room for Big Thunder Mountain Railroad."@en . . . . . . . . "11069"^^ . . . "Mine Train Through Nature's Wonderland"@en . . "Train"@en . .