"\u041D\u0430\u0440\u0430\u043F\u0430\u0442\u0456 I (*\u0431\u0456\u0440\u043C. \u1014\u101B\u1015\u1010\u102D; 7 \u0447\u0435\u0440\u0432\u043D\u044F 1413 \u2014 24 \u043B\u0438\u043F\u043D\u044F 1468) \u2014 10-\u0439 \u0432\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0434\u0430\u0440 \u0446\u0430\u0440\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0410\u0432\u0430 \u0443 1442\u20141468 \u0440\u043E\u043A\u0430\u0445."@uk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Mohnyin"@en . . . "Narapati"@fr . . . "1468"^^ . . "Narapati I"@en . . . . "Thado Minsaw of Prome"@en . . . . . . . . . "Mingyi Swa of Prome"@en . . . . . "monarch"@en . "26990927"^^ . . "\u1014\u101B\u1015\u1010\u102D\u1000\u103C\u102E\u1038"@en . "Sunday, 5th waxing of Wagaung 830 ME"@en . . . . "Thihathura of Ava"@en . "1107215747"^^ . . . "Narapati (birman : \u1014\u101B\u1015\u1010\u102D, n\u0259\u0279a\u032Fp\u0259t\u012F; 7 juin 1413 \u2013 24 juillet 1468) fut le dixi\u00E8me souverain du royaume d'Ava, en Haute-Birmanie. Il r\u00E9gna de 1442 \u00E0 sa mort en 1468. Au d\u00E9but de son r\u00E8gne, cet ancien vice-roi de Prome (Pyay) dut repousser des raids de l'\u00E9tat shan de Mogaung et des intrusions de la dynastie Ming sur son territoire (1444-1446). Avec le nouvel effort chinois pour pacifier la zone frontali\u00E8res du Yunnan, Narapati put maintenir le contr\u00F4le d'Ava sur les \u00E9tats shan de Kale et Mohnyin, et obtint l'all\u00E9geance de celui de Thibaw (Hsipaw). Cependant il continua \u00E0 avoir des probl\u00E8mes avec Taung\u00FB, r\u00E9volt\u00E9 dans le sud entre 1451 et 1458. Un de ses petits-fils essaya de le tuer en 1467. Narapati se r\u00E9fugia \u00E0 Prome, o\u00F9 il mourut peu apr\u00E8s en 1468. Son fils Thihathura lui succ\u00E9da."@fr . . "Wednesday, 10th waxing of First Waso 775 ME"@en . . . . . . "\u041D\u0430\u0440\u0430\u043F\u0430\u0442\u0456 I (*\u0431\u0456\u0440\u043C. \u1014\u101B\u1015\u1010\u102D; 7 \u0447\u0435\u0440\u0432\u043D\u044F 1413 \u2014 24 \u043B\u0438\u043F\u043D\u044F 1468) \u2014 10-\u0439 \u0432\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0434\u0430\u0440 \u0446\u0430\u0440\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u0410\u0432\u0430 \u0443 1442\u20141468 \u0440\u043E\u043A\u0430\u0445."@uk . . . "1429"^^ . . . . . . "\u90A3\u81D8\u52C3\u5E95"@zh . "Friday, 12th waning of Kason 804 ME"@en . . . . . "1413-06-07"^^ . . . . . "--03-11"^^ . "1442"^^ . "\u90A3\u81D8\u52C3\u5E95\uFF08\u7DEC\u7538\u8A9E\uFF1A\u1014\u101B\u1015\u1010\u102D\uFF0C\u53D1\u97F3\uFF1A[n\u0259\u0279a\u0330p\u0259t\u1E2D]\uFF1B1413\u5E74\uFF0D1468\u5E74\uFF09\uFF0C\u65E7\u8BD1\u90A3\u7F85\u6CE2\u5E1D\uFF0C\u6216\u7A31\u90A3\u81D8\u52C3\u5E95\u4E00\u4E16\u3001\u6EAB\u591A\u738B\uFF0C\u300A\u660E\u53F2\u300B\u4F5C\u4EE5\u901F\u524C\uFF0C\u4ED6\u662F\u7DEC\u7538\u963F\u74E6\u738B\u671D\u541B\u4E3B\uFF0C1442\u5E74\u81F31468\u5E74\u9593\u5728\u4F4D\u3002\u90A3\u81D8\u52C3\u5E95\u662F\u524D\u4EE3\u570B\u738B\u660E\u8036\u89C9\u82CF\u74E6\u4E00\u4E16\u7684\u5F1F\u5F1F\u3002\u90A3\u81D8\u52C3\u5E95\u7D71\u6CBB\u671F\u9593\uFF0C\u8207\u660E\u671D\u4E00\u540C\u6253\u64CA\u5B5F\u536F\uFF08\u6216\u7A31\u9E93\u5DDD\uFF09\uFF0C\u66FE\u62FF\u7372\u601D\u4EFB\u767C\u3001\u601D\u6A5F\u767C\u9001\u5F80\u660E\u671D\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . "Narapati I"@en . . . . . "Narapati (birman : \u1014\u101B\u1015\u1010\u102D, n\u0259\u0279a\u032Fp\u0259t\u012F; 7 juin 1413 \u2013 24 juillet 1468) fut le dixi\u00E8me souverain du royaume d'Ava, en Haute-Birmanie. Il r\u00E9gna de 1442 \u00E0 sa mort en 1468. Au d\u00E9but de son r\u00E8gne, cet ancien vice-roi de Prome (Pyay) dut repousser des raids de l'\u00E9tat shan de Mogaung et des intrusions de la dynastie Ming sur son territoire (1444-1446). Avec le nouvel effort chinois pour pacifier la zone frontali\u00E8res du Yunnan, Narapati put maintenir le contr\u00F4le d'Ava sur les \u00E9tats shan de Kale et Mohnyin, et obtint l'all\u00E9geance de celui de Thibaw (Hsipaw). Cependant il continua \u00E0 avoir des probl\u00E8mes avec Taung\u00FB, r\u00E9volt\u00E9 dans le sud entre 1451 et 1458. Un de ses petits-fils essaya de le tuer en 1467. Narapati se r\u00E9fugia \u00E0 Prome, o\u00F9 il mourut peu apr\u00E8s en 1468. Son fils Thihathura lui succ\u00E9da."@fr . . . . "\u1014\u101B\u1015\u1010\u102D\u1000\u103C\u102E\u1038"@en . "\u041D\u0430\u0440\u0430\u043F\u0430\u0442\u0456 I"@uk . . "--03-11"^^ . . . . . . "Narapati I of Ava (Burmese: \u1014\u101B\u1015\u1010\u102D (\u1021\u1004\u103A\u1038\u101D), pronounced [n\u0259\u0279a\u0330p\u0259t\u1E2D]; 7 June 1413 \u2013 24 July 1468) was king of Ava from 1442 to 1468. In the early years of his reign, this former viceroy of Prome (Pyay) was forced to deal with raids from the Shan State of Mogaung as well as the Ming Chinese intrusions into Avan territory (1444\u20131446). In the wake of renewed Chinese determination to pacify the Yunnan frontier region, Narapati was able to maintain Ava's control of northern Shan States of Kale and Mohnyin, and gained allegiance of Thibaw. However, he continued to have trouble with Toungoo which was in revolt between 1451 and 1459. One of his grandsons attempted on his life in June 1467. The king fled Ava for Prome and died there in July 1468."@en . . "Narapati I of Ava (Burmese: \u1014\u101B\u1015\u1010\u102D (\u1021\u1004\u103A\u1038\u101D), pronounced [n\u0259\u0279a\u0330p\u0259t\u1E2D]; 7 June 1413 \u2013 24 July 1468) was king of Ava from 1442 to 1468. In the early years of his reign, this former viceroy of Prome (Pyay) was forced to deal with raids from the Shan State of Mogaung as well as the Ming Chinese intrusions into Avan territory (1444\u20131446). In the wake of renewed Chinese determination to pacify the Yunnan frontier region, Narapati was able to maintain Ava's control of northern Shan States of Kale and Mohnyin, and gained allegiance of Thibaw. However, he continued to have trouble with Toungoo which was in revolt between 1451 and 1459. One of his grandsons attempted on his life in June 1467. The king fled Ava for Prome and died there in July 1468."@en . . . . . . . "Narapati I of Ava"@en . . "1429"^^ . . "Successor"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "15051"^^ . . . . "1468-07-24"^^ . "Chief Minister"@en . . . . . . . . "1442-04-06"^^ . . . "governor"@en . . . . . . . . "Three sons and five daughters including:"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u90A3\u81D8\u52C3\u5E95\uFF08\u7DEC\u7538\u8A9E\uFF1A\u1014\u101B\u1015\u1010\u102D\uFF0C\u53D1\u97F3\uFF1A[n\u0259\u0279a\u0330p\u0259t\u1E2D]\uFF1B1413\u5E74\uFF0D1468\u5E74\uFF09\uFF0C\u65E7\u8BD1\u90A3\u7F85\u6CE2\u5E1D\uFF0C\u6216\u7A31\u90A3\u81D8\u52C3\u5E95\u4E00\u4E16\u3001\u6EAB\u591A\u738B\uFF0C\u300A\u660E\u53F2\u300B\u4F5C\u4EE5\u901F\u524C\uFF0C\u4ED6\u662F\u7DEC\u7538\u963F\u74E6\u738B\u671D\u541B\u4E3B\uFF0C1442\u5E74\u81F31468\u5E74\u9593\u5728\u4F4D\u3002\u90A3\u81D8\u52C3\u5E95\u662F\u524D\u4EE3\u570B\u738B\u660E\u8036\u89C9\u82CF\u74E6\u4E00\u4E16\u7684\u5F1F\u5F1F\u3002\u90A3\u81D8\u52C3\u5E95\u7D71\u6CBB\u671F\u9593\uFF0C\u8207\u660E\u671D\u4E00\u540C\u6253\u64CA\u5B5F\u536F\uFF08\u6216\u7A31\u9E93\u5DDD\uFF09\uFF0C\u66FE\u62FF\u7372\u601D\u4EFB\u767C\u3001\u601D\u6A5F\u767C\u9001\u5F80\u660E\u671D\u3002"@zh . . . . . .