"La National Letter of Intent (NLI) (en fran\u00E7ais : lettre nationale d'intention) est un document indiquant l'engagement d'un aupr\u00E8s d'une universit\u00E9 am\u00E9ricaine de la National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Le centre d'\u00E9ligibilit\u00E9 de la NCAA g\u00E8re les op\u00E9rations quotidiennes du programme de la NLI, tandis que la Collegiate Commissioners Association (CCA) assure la supervision de la gouvernance du programme. Lanc\u00E9 en 1964 avec sept conf\u00E9rences et huit institutions ind\u00E9pendantes, le programme comprend maintenant 676 institutions participantes des divisions I et II. Il existe des dates d\u00E9sign\u00E9es pour diff\u00E9rents sports, et ces dates sont commun\u00E9ment appel\u00E9es \u00AB Signing Days \u00BB (jours de signature)."@fr . . . . . . . "7644"^^ . . . . "National Letter of Intent"@en . . . "The National Letter of Intent (NLI) is a document used to indicate a student athlete's commitment to participating in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) colleges and universities in the United States. The NCAA Eligibility Center manages the daily operations of the NLI program while the Collegiate Commissioners Association (CCA) provides governance oversight of the program. Started in 1964 with seven conferences and eight independent institutions, the program now includes 676 Division I and II participating institutions. There are designated dates for different sports, and these dates are commonly referred to as \"Signing Days\". Division III institutions are specifically banned from using the NLI, or any similar document that is not executed by non-athletes at those institutions. NLIs are typically faxed by the recruited student to the university's athletic department on a National Signing Day. The NLI is a voluntary program with regard to both institutions and student-athletes. No prospective student-athlete or parent is required to sign the National Letter of Intent, and no institution is required to join the program."@en . "14966611"^^ . . . "The National Letter of Intent (NLI) is a document used to indicate a student athlete's commitment to participating in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) colleges and universities in the United States. The NCAA Eligibility Center manages the daily operations of the NLI program while the Collegiate Commissioners Association (CCA) provides governance oversight of the program. Started in 1964 with seven conferences and eight independent institutions, the program now includes 676 Division I and II participating institutions. There are designated dates for different sports, and these dates are commonly referred to as \"Signing Days\"."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "La National Letter of Intent (NLI) (en fran\u00E7ais : lettre nationale d'intention) est un document indiquant l'engagement d'un aupr\u00E8s d'une universit\u00E9 am\u00E9ricaine de la National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Le centre d'\u00E9ligibilit\u00E9 de la NCAA g\u00E8re les op\u00E9rations quotidiennes du programme de la NLI, tandis que la Collegiate Commissioners Association (CCA) assure la supervision de la gouvernance du programme. Lanc\u00E9 en 1964 avec sept conf\u00E9rences et huit institutions ind\u00E9pendantes, le programme comprend maintenant 676 institutions participantes des divisions I et II. Il existe des dates d\u00E9sign\u00E9es pour diff\u00E9rents sports, et ces dates sont commun\u00E9ment appel\u00E9es \u00AB Signing Days \u00BB (jours de signature). Il est sp\u00E9cifiquement interdit aux \u00E9tablissements de la division III d'utiliser la NLI ou tout document similaire liant les futurs \u00E9tudiants-athl\u00E8tes \u00E0 ces \u00E9tablissements. Les \u00E9tudiants recrut\u00E9s envoient une t\u00E9l\u00E9copie de la NLI au d\u00E9partement des sports de l'universit\u00E9 lors d\u2019une National Signing Day (journ\u00E9e nationale de signature). Le NLI est un programme volontaire, tant pour les institutions que pour les \u00E9tudiants-athl\u00E8tes. Aucun \u00E9tudiant, athl\u00E8te ou parent potentiel n'est oblig\u00E9 de signer la lettre d'intention nationale et aucune institution n'est oblig\u00E9e de s'inscrire au programme."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "National Letter of Intent"@fr . . . . . "1076598564"^^ .