. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Het National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is een overeenkomst tussen een groep Amerikaanse staten en het District of Columbia om hun kiesmannen bij presidentsverkiezingen automatisch toe te kennen aan de kandidaat die nationaal het meeste voorkeursstemmen haalt, in het geval dat de NPVIC-leden samen goed zijn voor minstens de helft van de kiesmannen. Zo willen zij ervoor zorgen dat de kandidaat met landelijk het meeste stemmen daadwerkelijk verkozen wordt. In het huidige stelsel kan een kandidaat namelijk het Kiescollege winnen met minder stemmen maar meer kiesmannen dan zijn tegenstander."@nl . . . . . . . . "Not in effect"@en . . . . . "Der National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (Abk\u00FCrzung NPVIC oder NaPoVoInterCo) ist ein Abkommen zwischen verschiedenen US-Bundesstaaten in Hinsicht auf den Modus der Pr\u00E4sidentschaftswahl. Aus dem Englischen \u00FCbersetzt bedeutet es so viel wie \u201EZwischen-bundesstaatlicher Pakt f\u00FCr die landesweite W\u00E4hlerstimmenz\u00E4hlung\u201C. Die Pr\u00E4sidentschaftswahl in den Vereinigten Staaten erfolgt bisher indirekt, das hei\u00DFt der Pr\u00E4sident wird nicht durch die W\u00E4hler direkt gew\u00E4hlt, sondern die W\u00E4hler w\u00E4hlen ein Wahlkollegium, das Electoral College, das dann den Pr\u00E4sidenten w\u00E4hlt. Jeder Bundesstaat w\u00E4hlt dabei entsprechend seiner Bev\u00F6lkerungszahl Wahlm\u00E4nner in das Wahlkollegium. In der gro\u00DFen Mehrheit der Bundesstaaten gilt dabei das Mehrheitsprinzip, d. h. der jeweilige Gewinner bekommt alle Wahlm\u00E4nner-Stimmen. Dieses Wahlsystem hat viel Kritik auf sich gezogen. Mit der NPVIC-Initiative versuchen verschiedene Bundesstaaten letztlich auf dem Wege zwischenstaatlicher Abkommen eine landesweite Direktwahl des Pr\u00E4sidenten umzusetzen, ohne die Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten \u00E4ndern zu m\u00FCssen."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Het National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is een overeenkomst tussen een groep Amerikaanse staten en het District of Columbia om hun kiesmannen bij presidentsverkiezingen automatisch toe te kennen aan de kandidaat die nationaal het meeste voorkeursstemmen haalt, in het geval dat de NPVIC-leden samen goed zijn voor minstens de helft van de kiesmannen. Zo willen zij ervoor zorgen dat de kandidaat met landelijk het meeste stemmen daadwerkelijk verkozen wordt. In het huidige stelsel kan een kandidaat namelijk het Kiescollege winnen met minder stemmen maar meer kiesmannen dan zijn tegenstander. De vrijwillige overeenkomst is ondertekend door Californi\u00EB, Connecticut, Colorado, Delaware, Hawa\u00EF, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington en Washington D.C. De deelnemers aan het compact hebben gezamenlijk 195 kiesmannen, ofwel 36,2% van het totaal en 72,2% van de kiesmannen die nodig zijn om het compact in werking te laten treden. De ondertekenende staten hebben in het zittingsjaar 2019/20 allemaal een Democratische meerderheid in beide kamers. De kans is klein dat swing states zich bij de overeenkomst aansluiten omdat hierdoor de Republikeinse invloed zou verminderen. Het wordt noodzakelijk geacht dat staten met een Republikeinse meerderheid zich aansluiten bij het compact. Het pact treedt pas in werking zodra de ondertekenaars 270 kiesmannen of meer vertegenwoordigen."@nl . . . . . . . "The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is an agreement among a group of U.S. states and the District of Columbia to award all their electoral votes to whichever presidential candidate wins the overall popular vote in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The compact is designed to ensure that the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide is elected president, and it would come into effect only when it would guarantee that outcome. As of June 2022, it has been adopted by fifteen states and the District of Columbia. These states have 195 electoral votes, which is 36% of the Electoral College and 72% of the 270 votes needed to give the compact legal force. Certain legal questions may affect implementation of the compact. Some legal observers believe that the compact will require explicit congressional consent under the Compact Clause of Article I, Section X of the U.S. Constitution, or that states have the plenary power to appoint presidential electors as prescribed by the compact under the Elections Clause of Article II, Section I. Other legal observers disagree that the power of states is broad enough to appoint their electors in accordance with the compact, and that the Electoral College cannot be altered to appoint presidential electors in accordance with the national popular vote except by a constitutional amendment."@en . . . . . . . "Adoption by states whose collective electoral votes represent a majority in the Electoral College. The agreement would then be in effect only among them."@en . "2020"^^ . . . . . . . . . "5372935"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "260"^^ . "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ")"@en . . . "Der National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (Abk\u00FCrzung NPVIC oder NaPoVoInterCo) ist ein Abkommen zwischen verschiedenen US-Bundesstaaten in Hinsicht auf den Modus der Pr\u00E4sidentschaftswahl. Aus dem Englischen \u00FCbersetzt bedeutet es so viel wie \u201EZwischen-bundesstaatlicher Pakt f\u00FCr die landesweite W\u00E4hlerstimmenz\u00E4hlung\u201C."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Le National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (en fran\u00E7ais \u00AB accord inter-\u00C9tats du vote national populaire \u00BB) est un accord conclu entre des \u00C9tats des \u00C9tats-Unis et incluant le district de Columbia (un Interstate compact - voir liste des \u00C9tats ci-dessous) visant \u00E0 faire \u00E9lire le pr\u00E9sident am\u00E9ricain de facto au scrutin direct en attribuant les grands \u00E9lecteurs de chaque \u00E9tat signataire au candidat \u00E0 la pr\u00E9sidentielle arriv\u00E9 en t\u00EAte en termes de suffrages populaires au niveau f\u00E9d\u00E9ral. Cet accord est con\u00E7u pour s'assurer que le candidat qui a obtenu le plus de voix sur l'ensemble du pays sera bien le pr\u00E9sident \u00E9lu, l'\u00E9lection pr\u00E9sidentielle am\u00E9ricaine \u00E9tant une \u00E9lection indirecte au cours de laquelle les \u00E9lecteurs \u00E9lisent par \u00C9tat un certain nombre de grands \u00E9lecteurs qui votent ensuite pour \u00E9lire le pr\u00E9sident et le vice-pr\u00E9sident. L'accord n'est destin\u00E9 \u00E0 entrer en vigueur que lorsqu'un total d'\u00C9tats \u00E9quivalant \u00E0 au moins 270 grand \u00E9lecteurs l'auront adopt\u00E9e, ce chiffre \u00E9tant la majorit\u00E9 absolue des 538 grands \u00E9lecteurs. Conclu en f\u00E9vrier 2006, il a \u00E9t\u00E9 sign\u00E9 \u00E0 la date de juillet 2020, par 15 \u00C9tats et le district de Columbia, et confirm\u00E9 par referendum dans le Colorado . Ensemble, en incluant le Colorado, cela repr\u00E9sente 195 votes de grands \u00E9lecteurs soit 36 % du coll\u00E8ge \u00E9lectoral et 72 % des 270 grands \u00E9lecteurs n\u00E9cessaires pour donner une force l\u00E9gale \u00E0 l'accord. Certaines questions juridiques, n\u00E9anmoins, pourraient affecter l'application de cet accord en rendant n\u00E9cessaire le consentement du Congr\u00E8s ou entra\u00EEner le vote d'un amendement \u00E0 la Constitution. L'abolition ou l'amendement du coll\u00E8ge \u00E9lectoral pour que l'\u00E9lection pr\u00E9sidentielle respecte plus le vote populaire est une question ancienne aux \u00C9tats-Unis, ainsi depuis le d\u00E9but du XIXe si\u00E8cle plus de 900 amendements \u00E0 la Constitution ont \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9pos\u00E9s sans succ\u00E8s."@fr . . . . . . . "Nolan"@en . . . "Neale"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Chart|width=340|height=150|type=line\n|xAxisMin=1860\n|xAxisMax=2016\n|yAxisFormat=%\n|colors=#D0D0D0,#A000A0\n|showSymbols=1\n|linewidth=0\n|yGrid= |xGrid= \n|xAxisTitle=Year\n|yAxisTitle=Partisan advantage\n|x=1864,1868,1872,1876,1880,1884,1888,1892,1896,1900,1904,1908,1912,1916,1920,1924,1928,1932,1936,1940,1944,1948,1952,1956,1960,1964,1968,1972,1976,1980,1984,1988,1992,1996,2000,2004,2008,2012,2016\n|y1=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n|y2=-.013,.015,-.047,.035,.017,.005,.019,-.002,.005,.022,-.002,.017,-.017,.027,.050,.014,-.027,.001,.037,.030,.025,.037,.006,-.009,-.004,-.020,.019,-.008,.004,-.018,.008,.002,.009,-.007,.005,-.004,-.017,-.015,.029"@en . . . . "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact"@nl . "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact"@fr . "O Pacto Interestadual pelo Voto Popular (em ingl\u00EAs, National Popular Vote Interstate Compact) \u00E9 um acordo entre um grupo de estados norte-americanos e o Distrito de Col\u00FAmbia para outorgar todos os seus votos no Col\u00E9gio Eleitoral ao candidato a presidente que obtiver a maior vota\u00E7\u00E3o popular a n\u00EDvel nacional. Iniciado em 2006, o pacto foi elaborado para garantir que o candidato que recebesse o maior n\u00FAmero de votos populares diretos em todo o pa\u00EDs seja eleito presidente dos Estados Unidos. Por n\u00E3o ter alcan\u00E7ado a maioria dos votos do Col\u00E9gio Eleitoral, ainda n\u00E3o se encontra em vigor. O presidente norte-americano \u00E9 eleito com uma maioria absoluta dos votos do col\u00E9gio eleitoral (atualmente, pelo menos 270), distribu\u00EDdos para cada estado de acordo com sua bancada no Congresso. Portanto, para entrar em vigor, os estados signat\u00E1rios do pacto devem representar pelo menos 270 votos no Col\u00E9gio Eleitoral. At\u00E9 junho de 2019, havia sido adotado por quinze estados e pelo Distrito de Columbia, totalizando 195 votos, ou 36,2% do Col\u00E9gio Eleitoral e 72,2% do necess\u00E1rio para conter for\u00E7a legal. Desde o s\u00E9culo XVIII, o pa\u00EDs realizou 58 elei\u00E7\u00F5es presidenciais. Destas, cinco foram vencidas por um candidato que n\u00E3o recebeu o maior n\u00FAmero de votos populares, mas prevaleceu no Col\u00E9gio Eleitoral. A maior diferen\u00E7a percentual ocorreu em 1824, quando John Quincy Adams foi eleito presidente tendo 10,5% de votos populares a menos que Andrew Jackson, enquanto que na elei\u00E7\u00E3o de 2016 houve a maior diferen\u00E7a de votos entre o vencedor e o perdedor, com Donald Trump registrando 2,9 milh\u00F5es de votos a menos que Hillary Clinton. Os defensores do pacto argumentam que o sistema eleitoral obriga os candidatos \u00E0 presid\u00EAncia a focarem tempo e dinheiro em estados espec\u00EDficos, deturpando a vontade nacional, muitas vezes diminuindo a participa\u00E7\u00E3o do eleitorado em estados sem elei\u00E7\u00F5es acirradas. De acordo com pesquisas conduzidas pela Gallup desde a d\u00E9cada de 1940, a maioria dos norte-americanos preferem eleger o presidente de modo direto, incluindo uma maioria de democratas, republicanos e independentes."@pt . . . . . . . . . "2019"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "of Electoral College)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1124386183"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "NPVIC status|signatories"@en . . "440"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "O Pacto Interestadual pelo Voto Popular (em ingl\u00EAs, National Popular Vote Interstate Compact) \u00E9 um acordo entre um grupo de estados norte-americanos e o Distrito de Col\u00FAmbia para outorgar todos os seus votos no Col\u00E9gio Eleitoral ao candidato a presidente que obtiver a maior vota\u00E7\u00E3o popular a n\u00EDvel nacional. Iniciado em 2006, o pacto foi elaborado para garantir que o candidato que recebesse o maior n\u00FAmero de votos populares diretos em todo o pa\u00EDs seja eleito presidente dos Estados Unidos. Por n\u00E3o ter alcan\u00E7ado a maioria dos votos do Col\u00E9gio Eleitoral, ainda n\u00E3o se encontra em vigor."@pt . . . . "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact"@en . "January 2006"@en . . . "Keyssar"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Pacto Interestadual pelo Voto Popular"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u5168\u56FD\u666E\u9009\u7968\u5DDE\u9645\u534F\u5B9A\uFF08National Popular Vote Interstate Compact\uFF09\u662F\u7F8E\u56FD\u82E5\u5E72\u5DDE\u4EFD\u4E4B\u95F4\u7684\u534F\u5B9A\uFF0C\u5176\u76EE\u7684\u65E8\u5728\u6539\u9769\u7F8E\u56FD\u76EE\u524D\u5728\u603B\u7EDF\u9009\u4E3E\u4E2D\u65BD\u884C\u7684\u9009\u4E3E\u4EBA\u56E2\u5236\u5EA6\uFF0C\u95F4\u63A5\u5B9E\u73B0\u5168\u6C11\u666E\u9009\u3002\u534F\u5B9A\u89C4\u5B9A\uFF0C\u4E00\u65E6\u6240\u6709\u52A0\u5165\u534F\u5B9A\u7684\u5DDE\u4EFD\u6240\u6301\u6709\u7684\u9009\u4E3E\u4EBA\u56E2\u7968\u603B\u6570\u8D85\u8FC7\u5168\u56FD\u603B\u6570\u7684\u4E00\u534A\uFF0C\u52A0\u5165\u7684\u5404\u5DDE\u5C31\u4F1A\u628A\u6240\u6709\u9009\u4E3E\u4EBA\u56E2\u7968\u6295\u7ED9\u5168\u56FD\u666E\u9009\u7968\u4E2D\u7684\u80DC\u51FA\u8005\uFF1B\u5C4A\u65F6\u52A0\u5165\u7684\u5404\u5DDE\u4FBF\u80FD\u4EE5\u538B\u5012\u6027\u591A\u6570\u4F7F\u5168\u56FD\u666E\u9009\u4E2D\u5F97\u7968\u6700\u591A\u7684\u5019\u9009\u4EBA\u5F53\u9009\u3002\u800C\u5728\u4EE5\u4E0A\u6761\u4EF6\u5C1A\u672A\u8FBE\u5230\u7684\u60C5\u51B5\u4E0B\uFF0C\u5404\u5DDE\u4F9D\u7136\u6309\u7167\u73B0\u884C\u5236\u5EA6\u6295\u7968\uFF0C\u4FDD\u6301\u73B0\u72B6\u4E0D\u53D8\u3002"@zh . . . "Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote"@en . . . . . . . . . "8"^^ . "195"^^ . . . . "1"^^ . . . "4"^^ . . . . "\u5168\u56FD\u666E\u9009\u7968\u5DDE\u9645\u534F\u5B9A\uFF08National Popular Vote Interstate Compact\uFF09\u662F\u7F8E\u56FD\u82E5\u5E72\u5DDE\u4EFD\u4E4B\u95F4\u7684\u534F\u5B9A\uFF0C\u5176\u76EE\u7684\u65E8\u5728\u6539\u9769\u7F8E\u56FD\u76EE\u524D\u5728\u603B\u7EDF\u9009\u4E3E\u4E2D\u65BD\u884C\u7684\u9009\u4E3E\u4EBA\u56E2\u5236\u5EA6\uFF0C\u95F4\u63A5\u5B9E\u73B0\u5168\u6C11\u666E\u9009\u3002\u534F\u5B9A\u89C4\u5B9A\uFF0C\u4E00\u65E6\u6240\u6709\u52A0\u5165\u534F\u5B9A\u7684\u5DDE\u4EFD\u6240\u6301\u6709\u7684\u9009\u4E3E\u4EBA\u56E2\u7968\u603B\u6570\u8D85\u8FC7\u5168\u56FD\u603B\u6570\u7684\u4E00\u534A\uFF0C\u52A0\u5165\u7684\u5404\u5DDE\u5C31\u4F1A\u628A\u6240\u6709\u9009\u4E3E\u4EBA\u56E2\u7968\u6295\u7ED9\u5168\u56FD\u666E\u9009\u7968\u4E2D\u7684\u80DC\u51FA\u8005\uFF1B\u5C4A\u65F6\u52A0\u5165\u7684\u5404\u5DDE\u4FBF\u80FD\u4EE5\u538B\u5012\u6027\u591A\u6570\u4F7F\u5168\u56FD\u666E\u9009\u4E2D\u5F97\u7968\u6700\u591A\u7684\u5019\u9009\u4EBA\u5F53\u9009\u3002\u800C\u5728\u4EE5\u4E0A\u6761\u4EF6\u5C1A\u672A\u8FBE\u5230\u7684\u60C5\u51B5\u4E0B\uFF0C\u5404\u5DDE\u4F9D\u7136\u6309\u7167\u73B0\u884C\u5236\u5EA6\u6295\u7968\uFF0C\u4FDD\u6301\u73B0\u72B6\u4E0D\u53D8\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . . . . "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u5168\u56FD\u666E\u9009\u7968\u5DDE\u9645\u534F\u5B9A"@zh . . . "178"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Each square in the cartogram represents one electoral vote."@en . . . "Historical partisan advantage in the Electoral College, computed as the difference between popular vote margins nationally and in the tipping-point state. Positive values indicate a Republican advantage and negative values indicate a Democratic advantage."@en . . . . . "Le National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (en fran\u00E7ais \u00AB accord inter-\u00C9tats du vote national populaire \u00BB) est un accord conclu entre des \u00C9tats des \u00C9tats-Unis et incluant le district de Columbia (un Interstate compact - voir liste des \u00C9tats ci-dessous) visant \u00E0 faire \u00E9lire le pr\u00E9sident am\u00E9ricain de facto au scrutin direct en attribuant les grands \u00E9lecteurs de chaque \u00E9tat signataire au candidat \u00E0 la pr\u00E9sidentielle arriv\u00E9 en t\u00EAte en termes de suffrages populaires au niveau f\u00E9d\u00E9ral."@fr . . . . . "736"^^ . . . . . . "193493"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "120"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "yes"@en . . . . . "The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is an agreement among a group of U.S. states and the District of Columbia to award all their electoral votes to whichever presidential candidate wins the overall popular vote in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The compact is designed to ensure that the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide is elected president, and it would come into effect only when it would guarantee that outcome. As of June 2022, it has been adopted by fifteen states and the District of Columbia. These states have 195 electoral votes, which is 36% of the Electoral College and 72% of the 270 votes needed to give the compact legal force."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . .