. "EB-A \u2013 EB-Z (2010 \u2013 present)" . . . . "*Western Front *\n*Somme *\n*Arras\n*Cambrai *\n*Somme \n*Lys \n*Amiens* \n*Dunkirk \n*Battle of Britain *\n*Home Defence \n*Fortress Europe * \n*Dieppe*\n*France & Germany * \n*Arnhem \n*Walcheren\n*Gulf \n * (Honours marked with an asterisk are emblazoned on the squadron standard)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "* (Honours marked with an asterisk are emblazoned on the squadron standard)" . . . "*Somme(1918)" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1916"^^ . . . . . . "1916"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "*Home Defence (1940\u20131944)" . . . . . . . "FA\u2013FZ"@en . . . . . . . . "No. 41 Squadron RAF"@en . . . . . . "Home station"@en . . . . . . . . . "Squadron tail badge"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "EB-A \u2013 EB-Z"@en . "No. 41 Squadron RAF"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . "Flying squadron"@en . . . . "No. 41 Squadron RAF"@pl . . "Squadron badge"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Post 1950 squadron roundel"@en . "EB"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "A red double-armed cross on white background, originating from the squadron's association withSt Omer, France which was its first overseas base in 1916 during the First World War. The cross is part of the town's arms. Approved byKing George VIin February 1937." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "*Arnhem" . . . . "Esquadr\u00E3o N.\u00BA 41 da RAF"@pt . . . "50"^^ . "*France & Germany (1944\u20131945)*" . . . . . . . . "No. 41 Squadron RAF"@en . . . . . . . . . "Wing Commander Lee 'Flash' Gordon"@en . . . . . "*Dunkirk(1940)" . "No. 41 Squadron of the Royal Air Force is the RAF's Typhoon Test and Evaluation Squadron (\"TES\"), based at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire. Its official title is \"41 TES\". The squadron was formed in 1916 during First World War as part of the Royal Flying Corps and served on the Western Front as a ground attack and fighter squadron. Disbanded in 1919 as part of the post-war draw down, No. 41 Squadron was re-formed as an RAF squadron in 1923 and remained on home service until 1935 when it was deployed to Aden during the Abyssinian crisis. During the Second World War, the squadron flew Supermarine Spitfire fighters and saw action over Dunkirk and the during the Battle of Britain in the early years of the war. Combat operations were flown from Britain over German-occupied Europe during 1941\u20131944, before the squadron moved to the continent after the Normandy landings. During 1944\u201345, the squadron supported the Allied advance into Germany and it remained there until mid-1946 as part of the occupation force following the end of hostilities. In the post war years, the squadron was disbanded and re-formed several times, operating a variety of jet aircraft in the fighter, reconnaissance and interceptor roles. In 2006, the squadron was re-roled as the Fast Jet & Weapons Operational Evaluation Unit. It remained in this role until 2010 when it became the RAF's Test and Evaluation Squadron."@en . "Seek and Destroy"@en . . . . . . "Le 41e Escadron de la Royal Air Force est aujourd'hui le Typhoon Test and Evaluation Squadron (\u00AB TES \u00BB) de la RAF, bas\u00E9 \u00E0 RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire. Son titre officiel est \"41 TES\". L'escadron a \u00E9t\u00E9 form\u00E9 en 1916 pendant la Premi\u00E8re Guerre mondiale (au sein du Royal Flying Corps) et a servi sur le front occidental en tant qu'escadron d'attaque au sol et de chasse. Dissout en 1919, il a \u00E9t\u00E9 reform\u00E9 en 1923 et est rest\u00E9 en service au Royaume-Uni jusqu'en 1935. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 ensuite d\u00E9ploy\u00E9 \u00E0 Aden pendant la crise abyssine."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "150"^^ . . . . "FA\u2013FZ (Jaguars)" . . . "*Cambrai(1917)*" . . . . . . . . . . "1081169"^^ . "No. 41 Squadron RAF"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "O Esquadr\u00E3o N.\u00BA 41 da Real For\u00E7a A\u00E9rea (RAF) \u00E9 um esquadr\u00E3o de teste e avalia\u00E7\u00E3o, que se encontra na , em Lincolnshire. O seu t\u00EDtulo oficial \u00E9 \"41(R) TES\". O esquadr\u00E3o foi formado em 1916 durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial e serviu na Frente Ocidental como esquadr\u00E3o de ataque terrestre e de combate a\u00E9reo. Extinto em 1919, voltou a ser formado em 1923. Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial o esquadr\u00E3o pilotou aeronaves Supermarine Spitfire e viu ac\u00E7\u00E3o em Dunquerque e durante a Batalha da Gr\u00E3-Bretanha; esta ac\u00E7\u00E3o continuou at\u00E9 1945, at\u00E9 ao cessar das hostilidades. Depois do final da guerra, permaneceu na Alemanha at\u00E9 1946 como parte da ocupa\u00E7\u00E3o. No p\u00F3s-guerra, o esquadr\u00E3o voltou a ser extinto em 1963 e re-criado em 1965 e 1970, per\u00EDodo em que operou aeronaves a jato, de combate a\u00E9reo, de reconhecimento e de intercep\u00E7\u00E3o. Foi re-criado pela \u00FAltima vez em 1972 e mant\u00E9m-se activo at\u00E9 aos dias de hoje, desempenhando desde 2010 fun\u00E7\u00F5es de teste e avalia\u00E7\u00E3o de aeronaves."@pt . "A red double-armed cross on white background, originating from the squadron's association with St Omer, France which was its first overseas base in 1916 during the First World War. The cross is part of the town's arms. Approved by King George VI in February 1937."@en . "*Air Vice Marshal Raymond Collishaw \n*Squadron Leader Raymond Hesselyn \n*Air Marshal Sir Christopher Harper"@en . . . . "50px" . . "*Walcheren" . . . . . "150"^^ . . . . "O Esquadr\u00E3o N.\u00BA 41 da Real For\u00E7a A\u00E9rea (RAF) \u00E9 um esquadr\u00E3o de teste e avalia\u00E7\u00E3o, que se encontra na , em Lincolnshire. O seu t\u00EDtulo oficial \u00E9 \"41(R) TES\". O esquadr\u00E3o foi formado em 1916 durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial e serviu na Frente Ocidental como esquadr\u00E3o de ataque terrestre e de combate a\u00E9reo. Extinto em 1919, voltou a ser formado em 1923."@pt . . . "*Western Front(1916\u20131918)*" . . . . "No. 41 Squadron RAF \u2013 brytyjska jednostka lotnicza utworzona 22 maja 1916 w Gosport g\u0142\u00F3wnie z cz\u0119\u015Bci personelu jako No 41 Squadron RFC. 22 maja zosta\u0142 rozwi\u0105zany, a na jego miejsce powo\u0142ano \"27 Reserve Squadron\". 14 lipca 1916 roku dywizjon 41 zosta\u0142 ponownie powo\u0142any do \u017Cycia, z wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci personelu 27 dywizjonu."@pl . . . . . . . "124681"^^ . "*Fortress Europe (1940\u20131944)*" . . . . . . . . . . . "Test and evaluation" . . "--05-22"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Squadron badge heraldry"@en . "PN"@en . . "*Somme(1916)*" . . . . . . . "150px" . "*Amiens*" . . "Aircraft"@en . . "Seek and Destroy" . . . . . . "*Dieppe*" . . "No. 41 Squadron RAF \u2013 brytyjska jednostka lotnicza utworzona 22 maja 1916 w Gosport g\u0142\u00F3wnie z cz\u0119\u015Bci personelu jako No 41 Squadron RFC. 22 maja zosta\u0142 rozwi\u0105zany, a na jego miejsce powo\u0142ano \"27 Reserve Squadron\". 14 lipca 1916 roku dywizjon 41 zosta\u0142 ponownie powo\u0142any do \u017Cycia, z wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci personelu 27 dywizjonu."@pl . . . "United Kingdom"@en . "*Arras" . . . . . . . . . . "Le 41e Escadron de la Royal Air Force est aujourd'hui le Typhoon Test and Evaluation Squadron (\u00AB TES \u00BB) de la RAF, bas\u00E9 \u00E0 RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire. Son titre officiel est \"41 TES\". L'escadron a \u00E9t\u00E9 form\u00E9 en 1916 pendant la Premi\u00E8re Guerre mondiale (au sein du Royal Flying Corps) et a servi sur le front occidental en tant qu'escadron d'attaque au sol et de chasse. Dissout en 1919, il a \u00E9t\u00E9 reform\u00E9 en 1923 et est rest\u00E9 en service au Royaume-Uni jusqu'en 1935. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 ensuite d\u00E9ploy\u00E9 \u00E0 Aden pendant la crise abyssine. Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l'escadron est \u00E9quip\u00E9 des chasseurs Supermarine Spitfire et participe aux op\u00E9rations de Dunkerque ainsi qu'\u00E0 la bataille d'Angleterre dans les premi\u00E8res ann\u00E9es de la guerre. Ces op\u00E9rations sont men\u00E9es depuis la Grande-Bretagne au-dessus de l'Europe occup\u00E9e par les Allemands de 1941 \u00E0 1944, avant que l'escadron ne se d\u00E9place vers le continent apr\u00E8s le d\u00E9barquement de Normandie le 6 juin 1944. De 1944 \u00E0 1945, l'escadron soutient l'avanc\u00E9e alli\u00E9e en Allemagne. Il y reste jusqu'au milieu de 1946 dans le cadre de la force d'occupation apr\u00E8s la fin des hostilit\u00E9s. Dans les ann\u00E9es d'apr\u00E8s-guerre, l'escadron est dissous et reform\u00E9 plusieurs fois, utilisant plusieurs types d'avions \u00E0 r\u00E9action dans les r\u00F4les de chasseurs, d'appareils de reconnaissance, d'intercepteurs et pour les tests et \u00E9valuation de la RAF. En 2006, l'escadron est renomm\u00E9 Fast Jet & Weapons Operational Evaluation Unit (Unit\u00E9 d'Evaluation Op\u00E9rationnelle des Jets Rapides et des Armes). Il est rest\u00E9 dans ce r\u00F4le jusqu'en 2010, date \u00E0 laquelle il est devenu l'escadron de test et d'\u00E9valuation de la RAF."@fr . "*Gulf(1991)" . . . . . . . . . . . "1119297959"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "No. 41 Squadron of the Royal Air Force is the RAF's Typhoon Test and Evaluation Squadron (\"TES\"), based at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire. Its official title is \"41 TES\". The squadron was formed in 1916 during First World War as part of the Royal Flying Corps and served on the Western Front as a ground attack and fighter squadron. Disbanded in 1919 as part of the post-war draw down, No. 41 Squadron was re-formed as an RAF squadron in 1923 and remained on home service until 1935 when it was deployed to Aden during the Abyssinian crisis."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "April 2016"@en . . . . . . . "*Battle of Britain(1940)*" . "Squadron codes"@en . "*Lys(1918)" . "PN (Jan 1939 \u2013 Sep 1939)" . . . "EB (Sep 1939 \u2013 Feb 1951)" . . "23"^^ . . .