. . "\u5317\u5C04\u7EB9\u7EBF\u5751\uFF08North Ray\uFF09\u662F\u963F\u6CE2\u7F5716\u53F7\u5B87\u822A\u5458\u5728\u6708\u7403\u7B1B\u5361\u5C14\u9AD8\u5730\u4E0A\u66FE\u5230\u8BBF\u8FC7\u7684\u4E00\u5EA7\u5C0F\u9668\u77F3\u5751\uFF0C1973\u5E74\u8BE5\u9668\u5751\u540D\u88AB\u56FD\u9645\u5929\u6587\u5B66\u8054\u5408\u4F1A\u6B63\u5F0F\u63A5\u53D7\u3002\u5B83\u662F\u963F\u6CE2\u7F57\u8BA1\u5212\u4E2D\u5B87\u822A\u5458\u53D6\u6837\u8FC7\u7684\u6700\u5927\u9668\u5751\u3002 1972\u5E744\u670821\u65E5\uFF0C\u963F\u6CE2\u7F5716\u53F7\u201D\u730E\u6237\u5EA7\u201C\u53F7\u767B\u6708\u8231\u964D\u843D\u5728\u5317\u5C04\u7EB9\u7EBF\u5751\u548C\u5357\u5C04\u7EB9\u7EBF\u5751\u4E4B\u95F4\u3002\u5B87\u822A\u5458\u7EA6\u7FF0\u00B7\u6768\u548C\u67E5\u5C14\u65AF\u00B7\u675C\u514B\u9A7E\u9A76\u6708\u9762\u8003\u5BDF\u8F66\u6216\u6708\u7403\u6F2B\u6E38\u8F66\uFF0C\u5728\u4E09\u6B21\u8231\u5916\u6D3B\u52A8\u4E2D\u63A2\u7D22\u4E86\u4E8C\u5EA7\u9668\u5751\u4E4B\u95F4\u7684\u533A\u57DF\uFF0C\u5176\u4E2D\u7B2C\u4E09\u6B21\u8231\u5916\u6D3B\u52A8\u5230\u8FBE\u4E86\u4F4D\u4E8E\u767B\u9646\u70B9\u4EE5\u5317\u7EA64.4\u516C\u91CC\u7684\u5317\u5C04\u7EB9\u7EBF\u575111\u53F7\u79D1\u8003\u70B9\u3002\u5728\u53BB\u5F80\u8BE5\u5730\u70B9\u7684\u8DEF\u4E0A\uFF0C\u4ED6\u4EEC\u9A71\u8F66\u6CBF\u7740\u8DDD\u5317\u5C04\u7EB9\u7EBF\u5751\u4EE5\u53573\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C\u5927\u5C0F\u7C7B\u4F3C\u4F46\u66F4\u53E4\u8001\u7684\u5E15\u5C14\u6885\u6258\u5751\u8FB9\u7F18\u884C\u9A76\u3002 \u5317\u5C04\u7EB9\u7EBF\u5751\u76F4\u5F84\u7EA61\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C\u6DF1\u7EA6240\u7C73\u3002\u5B87\u822A\u5458\u4EEC\u89C2\u5BDF\u5230\u9668\u5751\u5185\u4FA7\u5761\u4E0A50\u7C73\u8F83\u4E3A\u5E73\u7F13\uFF0C\u4F4650\u7C73\u4EE5\u4E0B\u53D8\u5F97\u5F88\u9661\u5CED\uFF0C\u4E14\u65E0\u6CD5\u770B\u5230\u5B83\u7684\u5751\u5E95\u3002\u5185\u4FA7\u5761\u4E0A\u6563\u843D\u4E86\u4E00\u4E9B5\u7C73\u4EE5\u4E0A\u89C1\u65B9\u7684\u5DE8\u5CA9\uFF0C\u5176\u4E2D\u4E00\u5757\u5DE8\u5927\u7684\uFF0C\u88AB \u79F0\u4F5C\u201C\u623F\u5C4B\u5CA9\u77F3\u201D\u7684\u5DE8\u5CA9\u5C31\u6A2A\u5367\u5728\u5357\u4FA7\u8FB9\u7F18\u9644\u8FD1\uFF0C\u53E6\u8FD8\u6709\u4E00\u5757\u7565\u5C0F\uFF0C\u6B63\u5F0F\u540D\u79F0\u53EB\u201C\u5357\u90E8\u5DE8\u77F3\u201D\uFF0C\u975E\u6B63\u5F0F\u79F0\u4F5C\u201C\u5C4B\u5916\u5CA9\u77F3\u201D\u7684\u5DE8\u783E\uFF0C\u51E0\u4E4E\u53EF\u4EE5\u80AF\u5B9A\u5C31\u662F\u4ECE\u201C\u623F\u5C4B\u5CA9\u77F3\u201D\u4E0A\u5206\u88C2\u51FA\u6765\u7684\u788E\u5757\u3002\u800C\u4ECE\u8F68\u9053\u4E0A\u53EF\u770B\u5230\u7684\u5C04\u7EB9\u7CFB\u7EDF\uFF0C\u5728\u5730\u9762\u5374\u5E76\u4E0D\u660E\u663E\u3002 \u5317\u5C04\u7EB9\u7EBF\u5751\u5207\u5165\u8FDB\u96E8\u6D77\u7EAA\u4EE3\u7684\"\u51EF\u5229\u5730\u5C42\"(Cayley Formation )\uFF0C\u4F46\u9668\u5751\u81EA\u8EAB\u5219\u662F\u975E\u5E38\u5E74\u8F7B\uFF0C\u6839\u636E\u6240\u5B58\u5728\u7684\u5C04\u7EB9\u7EBF\uFF0C\u5B83\u5E94\u5F52\u5C5E\u4E8E\u54E5\u767D\u5C3C\u7EAA\uFF08\u8BF7\u53C2\u89C1\u4E0B\u9762\u7684\u5730\u8D28\u9F84\u90E8\u5206\uFF09\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . . "-8.82 15.48" . "15.47999954223633"^^ . . . . . . . "41681120"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1115740505"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Il cratere North Ray \u00E8 un piccolo cratere situato nell'altopiano Descartes sulla Luna visitato dagli astronauti della missione Apollo 16. Il nome del cratere venne formalmente adottato dalla IAU nel 1973. \u00C8 il pi\u00F9 grande cratere in cui gli astronauti prelevarono campioni durante il programma Apollo. Il modulo lunare (LM) dell'Apollo 16 Orion atterr\u00F2 tra i crateri North Ray e South Ray il 21 aprile 1972. Gli astronauti John Young e Charles Duke esplorarono l'area nel corso di tre attivit\u00E0 extraveicolari utilizzando il rover lunare. Il cratere North Ray ha un diametro di circa 1 km e una profondit\u00E0 di circa 240 metri. Gli astronauti osservarono che i 50 metri superiori del pendio sono dolci, ma che diventano ripidi sotto i 50 metri non riuscendo ad osservarne il fondo. I pendii interni sono ricoperti da massi larghi fino a 5 metri. Un enorme masso, 10 metri di altezza e 20 metri di lunghezza, noto come House Rock, si trova vicino al bordo sud-orientale. Un masso pi\u00F9 piccolo, quasi certamente un frammento di House Rock,, \u00E8 ufficialmente noto come South Boulder ma non ufficialmente noto come Outhouse Rock."@it . . . . . . . . . . . "POINT(15.479999542236 -8.8199996948242)"^^ . . . . . "North Ray es un peque\u00F1o cr\u00E1ter lunar perteneciente a las Tierras Altas de Descartes, visitado por los astronautas del Apolo 16. El nombre del cr\u00E1ter fue adoptado formalmente por la Uni\u00F3n Astron\u00F3mica Internacional en 1973.\u200B Es el cr\u00E1ter m\u00E1s grande investigado por los astronautas durante el programa Apolo. El m\u00F3dulo lunar Orion del Apolo 16 aterriz\u00F3 entre los cr\u00E1teres North Ray y South Ray el 21 de abril de 1972. Los astronautas John Young y Charles M. Duke exploraron el \u00E1rea entre los cr\u00E1teres en el transcurso de tres EVAs utilizando un Lunar Roving Vehicle o rover. Visitaron North Ray en la EVA 3, donde situaron la Estaci\u00F3n 11, a unos 4.4 kil\u00F3metros al norte del lugar de aterrizaje. En el camino, recorrieron el borde del cr\u00E1ter de tama\u00F1o similar pero m\u00E1s antiguo Palmetto, que est\u00E1 aproximadamente a 5 km al sur de North Ray. El cr\u00E1ter North Ray tiene aproximadamente 1 km de di\u00E1metro y unos 240 m de profundidad.\u200B Los astronautas comprobaron que los 50 m superiores de la pendiente son suaves, pero que se vuelven empinados por debajo de los 50 m, y no pod\u00EDan observar el fondo. Las laderas interiores est\u00E1n cubiertas por cantos rodados de hasta 5 m. Una gran roca (10 m de altura x 20 m de largo), conocida como House Rock, se encuentra cerca del lado sureste. Una roca m\u00E1s peque\u00F1a que es casi seguro un fragmento de House Rock, se conoce oficialmente como South Boulder, pero extraoficialmente se denomin\u00F3 como Outhouse Rock.\u200B El sistema de marcas radiales, que se puede ver desde la nave en \u00F3rbita, no era obvio desde el suelo. North Ray pertenece a la Formaci\u00F3n Cayley, del Per\u00EDodo \u00CDmbrico,\u200B pero el cr\u00E1ter en s\u00ED mismo es mucho m\u00E1s reciente, del Per\u00EDodo Copernicano, debido a la presencia de rayos. (Cons\u00FAltese la secci\u00F3n sobre la edad que figura m\u00E1s adelante)."@es . "Apollo 16 image"@en . . "\u5317\u5C04\u7EB9\u7EBF\u5751"@zh . "950 m"@en . . . "North Ray (crater)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Astronaut-named feature"@en . . "North Ray (cr\u00E1ter)"@es . "240.0"^^ . . . . "\u5317\u5C04\u7EB9\u7EBF\u5751\uFF08North Ray\uFF09\u662F\u963F\u6CE2\u7F5716\u53F7\u5B87\u822A\u5458\u5728\u6708\u7403\u7B1B\u5361\u5C14\u9AD8\u5730\u4E0A\u66FE\u5230\u8BBF\u8FC7\u7684\u4E00\u5EA7\u5C0F\u9668\u77F3\u5751\uFF0C1973\u5E74\u8BE5\u9668\u5751\u540D\u88AB\u56FD\u9645\u5929\u6587\u5B66\u8054\u5408\u4F1A\u6B63\u5F0F\u63A5\u53D7\u3002\u5B83\u662F\u963F\u6CE2\u7F57\u8BA1\u5212\u4E2D\u5B87\u822A\u5458\u53D6\u6837\u8FC7\u7684\u6700\u5927\u9668\u5751\u3002 1972\u5E744\u670821\u65E5\uFF0C\u963F\u6CE2\u7F5716\u53F7\u201D\u730E\u6237\u5EA7\u201C\u53F7\u767B\u6708\u8231\u964D\u843D\u5728\u5317\u5C04\u7EB9\u7EBF\u5751\u548C\u5357\u5C04\u7EB9\u7EBF\u5751\u4E4B\u95F4\u3002\u5B87\u822A\u5458\u7EA6\u7FF0\u00B7\u6768\u548C\u67E5\u5C14\u65AF\u00B7\u675C\u514B\u9A7E\u9A76\u6708\u9762\u8003\u5BDF\u8F66\u6216\u6708\u7403\u6F2B\u6E38\u8F66\uFF0C\u5728\u4E09\u6B21\u8231\u5916\u6D3B\u52A8\u4E2D\u63A2\u7D22\u4E86\u4E8C\u5EA7\u9668\u5751\u4E4B\u95F4\u7684\u533A\u57DF\uFF0C\u5176\u4E2D\u7B2C\u4E09\u6B21\u8231\u5916\u6D3B\u52A8\u5230\u8FBE\u4E86\u4F4D\u4E8E\u767B\u9646\u70B9\u4EE5\u5317\u7EA64.4\u516C\u91CC\u7684\u5317\u5C04\u7EB9\u7EBF\u575111\u53F7\u79D1\u8003\u70B9\u3002\u5728\u53BB\u5F80\u8BE5\u5730\u70B9\u7684\u8DEF\u4E0A\uFF0C\u4ED6\u4EEC\u9A71\u8F66\u6CBF\u7740\u8DDD\u5317\u5C04\u7EB9\u7EBF\u5751\u4EE5\u53573\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C\u5927\u5C0F\u7C7B\u4F3C\u4F46\u66F4\u53E4\u8001\u7684\u5E15\u5C14\u6885\u6258\u5751\u8FB9\u7F18\u884C\u9A76\u3002 \u5317\u5C04\u7EB9\u7EBF\u5751\u76F4\u5F84\u7EA61\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C\u6DF1\u7EA6240\u7C73\u3002\u5B87\u822A\u5458\u4EEC\u89C2\u5BDF\u5230\u9668\u5751\u5185\u4FA7\u5761\u4E0A50\u7C73\u8F83\u4E3A\u5E73\u7F13\uFF0C\u4F4650\u7C73\u4EE5\u4E0B\u53D8\u5F97\u5F88\u9661\u5CED\uFF0C\u4E14\u65E0\u6CD5\u770B\u5230\u5B83\u7684\u5751\u5E95\u3002\u5185\u4FA7\u5761\u4E0A\u6563\u843D\u4E86\u4E00\u4E9B5\u7C73\u4EE5\u4E0A\u89C1\u65B9\u7684\u5DE8\u5CA9\uFF0C\u5176\u4E2D\u4E00\u5757\u5DE8\u5927\u7684\uFF0C\u88AB \u79F0\u4F5C\u201C\u623F\u5C4B\u5CA9\u77F3\u201D\u7684\u5DE8\u5CA9\u5C31\u6A2A\u5367\u5728\u5357\u4FA7\u8FB9\u7F18\u9644\u8FD1\uFF0C\u53E6\u8FD8\u6709\u4E00\u5757\u7565\u5C0F\uFF0C\u6B63\u5F0F\u540D\u79F0\u53EB\u201C\u5357\u90E8\u5DE8\u77F3\u201D\uFF0C\u975E\u6B63\u5F0F\u79F0\u4F5C\u201C\u5C4B\u5916\u5CA9\u77F3\u201D\u7684\u5DE8\u783E\uFF0C\u51E0\u4E4E\u53EF\u4EE5\u80AF\u5B9A\u5C31\u662F\u4ECE\u201C\u623F\u5C4B\u5CA9\u77F3\u201D\u4E0A\u5206\u88C2\u51FA\u6765\u7684\u788E\u5757\u3002\u800C\u4ECE\u8F68\u9053\u4E0A\u53EF\u770B\u5230\u7684\u5C04\u7EB9\u7CFB\u7EDF\uFF0C\u5728\u5730\u9762\u5374\u5E76\u4E0D\u660E\u663E\u3002 \u5317\u5C04\u7EB9\u7EBF\u5751\u5207\u5165\u8FDB\u96E8\u6D77\u7EAA\u4EE3\u7684\"\u51EF\u5229\u5730\u5C42\"(Cayley Formation )\uFF0C\u4F46\u9668\u5751\u81EA\u8EAB\u5219\u662F\u975E\u5E38\u5E74\u8F7B\uFF0C\u6839\u636E\u6240\u5B58\u5728\u7684\u5C04\u7EB9\u7EBF\uFF0C\u5B83\u5E94\u5F52\u5C5E\u4E8E\u54E5\u767D\u5C3C\u7EAA\uFF08\u8BF7\u53C2\u89C1\u4E0B\u9762\u7684\u5730\u8D28\u9F84\u90E8\u5206\uFF09\u3002"@zh . . "Cratere North Ray"@it . . . . . "North Ray es un peque\u00F1o cr\u00E1ter lunar perteneciente a las Tierras Altas de Descartes, visitado por los astronautas del Apolo 16. El nombre del cr\u00E1ter fue adoptado formalmente por la Uni\u00F3n Astron\u00F3mica Internacional en 1973.\u200B Es el cr\u00E1ter m\u00E1s grande investigado por los astronautas durante el programa Apolo. North Ray pertenece a la Formaci\u00F3n Cayley, del Per\u00EDodo \u00CDmbrico,\u200B pero el cr\u00E1ter en s\u00ED mismo es mucho m\u00E1s reciente, del Per\u00EDodo Copernicano, debido a la presencia de rayos. (Cons\u00FAltese la secci\u00F3n sobre la edad que figura m\u00E1s adelante)."@es . . . . "240"^^ . . . "North Ray crater is a small crater in the Descartes Highlands of the Moon visited by the astronauts of Apollo 16. The name of the crater was formally adopted by the IAU in 1973. It is the largest crater sampled by astronauts during the Apollo program. North Ray cuts into the Cayley Formation of Imbrian age, but the crater itself is much younger, of Copernican age, based on the presence of rays. (See also section on age below.)"@en . . . "950.0"^^ . "North Ray crater is a small crater in the Descartes Highlands of the Moon visited by the astronauts of Apollo 16. The name of the crater was formally adopted by the IAU in 1973. It is the largest crater sampled by astronauts during the Apollo program. The Apollo 16 Lunar Module (LM) Orion landed between North Ray and South Ray craters on April 21, 1972. The astronauts John Young and Charles Duke explored the area between the craters over the course of three EVAs using a Lunar Roving Vehicle, or rover. They visited North Ray on EVA 3, at station 11, about 4.4 km north of the landing site. On the way, they drove along the rim of the similar sized but older crater Palmetto, which is approximately 3 km south of North Ray. North Ray crater is approximately 1 km in diameter and approximately 240 m deep. The astronauts observed that the upper 50 m of the slope is gentle, but that it becomes steep below 50 m, and they could not observe the bottom. The inner slopes are covered by boulders up to 5 m across. A huge (10 m high x 20 m long) boulder, known as House Rock, lies near the southeastern rim. A smaller boulder that is almost certainly a fragment of House Rock is officially known as South Boulder, but unofficially known as Outhouse Rock. The ray system, which can be seen from orbit, was not obvious on the ground. North Ray cuts into the Cayley Formation of Imbrian age, but the crater itself is much younger, of Copernican age, based on the presence of rays. (See also section on age below.)"@en . . "Il cratere North Ray \u00E8 un piccolo cratere situato nell'altopiano Descartes sulla Luna visitato dagli astronauti della missione Apollo 16. Il nome del cratere venne formalmente adottato dalla IAU nel 1973. \u00C8 il pi\u00F9 grande cratere in cui gli astronauti prelevarono campioni durante il programma Apollo. Il modulo lunare (LM) dell'Apollo 16 Orion atterr\u00F2 tra i crateri North Ray e South Ray il 21 aprile 1972. Gli astronauti John Young e Charles Duke esplorarono l'area nel corso di tre attivit\u00E0 extraveicolari utilizzando il rover lunare."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "240 m"@en . . "12360"^^ . . . "-8.819999694824219"^^ . . . .