. . . . "Obusier de 36, mod\u00E8le 1787, found on the wreck of the Golymin. On display at the Mus\u00E9e national de la Marine"@en . "977854343"^^ . . . "France"@en . . . . "5"^^ . . "Obusier de vaisseau \u2013 francuskie 36-funtowe dzia\u0142o artylerii okr\u0119towej o du\u017Cym kalibrze, lecz lekkie i o niewielkiej (85 cm) d\u0142ugo\u015Bci, u\u017Cytkowane na francuskich okr\u0119tach wojennych w epoce \u017Cagli. Pierwsze zosta\u0142y wyprodukowane w roku 1787, a u\u017Cytkowano je do 1805. Do obs\u0142ugi wymaga\u0142y pi\u0119ciu ludzi. Obusiery zaprojektowano do wystrzeliwania pocisk\u00F3w eksploduj\u0105cych z niewielk\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015Bci\u0105 pocz\u0105tkow\u0105. Mia\u0142y by\u0107 odpowiedzi\u0105 na karonady w walce na blisk\u0105 odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107, szczeg\u00F3lnie skuteczn\u0105 w ra\u017Ceniu si\u0142y \u017Cywej nieprzyjaciela."@pl . . . "late 18th century to early 19th century."@en . "yes"@en . "Sea, land"@en . . . "Obusier de vaisseau"@en . "Un obusier de vaisseau est une pi\u00E8ce d'artillerie adopt\u00E9e par la Marine fran\u00E7aise \u00E0 la fin du XVIIIe si\u00E8cle pour \u00E9quiper ses navires."@fr . . . . . . "1787"^^ . . . . . . "France"@en . . . . "Obusier de vaisseau"@en . . . . . . "Obusier de vaisseau"@en . "Obusier de vaisseau"@fr . . "2667"^^ . . "Obusier de vaisseau"@pl . "35833841"^^ . . "85.0"^^ . . . "The obusier de vaisseau was a light piece of naval artillery with a large calibre mounted on French warships of the Age of Sail. Designed to fire explosive shells at a low velocity, they were an answer to the carronade in the close combat and anti-personnel role. However, their intended ammunition proved too dangerous for the crew, and the French navy phased them out at the beginning of the Empire in favour of the carronade. Several of the guns were recovered from the wreck of the Golymin in the road of Brest, and are now on display at the Mus\u00E9e national de la Marine in Paris and in Brest."@en . "Obusier de vaisseau \u2013 francuskie 36-funtowe dzia\u0142o artylerii okr\u0119towej o du\u017Cym kalibrze, lecz lekkie i o niewielkiej (85 cm) d\u0142ugo\u015Bci, u\u017Cytkowane na francuskich okr\u0119tach wojennych w epoce \u017Cagli. Pierwsze zosta\u0142y wyprodukowane w roku 1787, a u\u017Cytkowano je do 1805. Do obs\u0142ugi wymaga\u0142y pi\u0119ciu ludzi. Obusiery zaprojektowano do wystrzeliwania pocisk\u00F3w eksploduj\u0105cych z niewielk\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015Bci\u0105 pocz\u0105tkow\u0105. Mia\u0142y by\u0107 odpowiedzi\u0105 na karonady w walce na blisk\u0105 odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107, szczeg\u00F3lnie skuteczn\u0105 w ra\u017Ceniu si\u0142y \u017Cywej nieprzyjaciela. Ich amunicja mia\u0142a jednak tendencj\u0119 do samozap\u0142onu i okaza\u0142a si\u0119 zbyt gro\u017Ana dla za\u0142\u00F3g. W rezultache Marine nationale pozby\u0142a ich si\u0119 w pierwszych miesi\u0105cach I Cesarstwa, przechodz\u0105c zdecydowanie na karonady."@pl . . "36"^^ . "yes"@en . "The obusier de vaisseau was a light piece of naval artillery with a large calibre mounted on French warships of the Age of Sail. Designed to fire explosive shells at a low velocity, they were an answer to the carronade in the close combat and anti-personnel role. However, their intended ammunition proved too dangerous for the crew, and the French navy phased them out at the beginning of the Empire in favour of the carronade. Accounts by British warships of the armament of captured French ships tend to describe them as carronades. However, when the description includes the remark that the weapon was brass, this suggests that it was an obusier. Several of the guns were recovered from the wreck of the Golymin in the road of Brest, and are now on display at the Mus\u00E9e national de la Marine in Paris and in Brest."@en . . . . . . . . "1787"^^ . . . "Un obusier de vaisseau est une pi\u00E8ce d'artillerie adopt\u00E9e par la Marine fran\u00E7aise \u00E0 la fin du XVIIIe si\u00E8cle pour \u00E9quiper ses navires."@fr . . .