"Operation Dismantle c. La Reine est un arr\u00EAt de principe de la Cour supr\u00EAme du Canada rendu en 1985 concernant le contr\u00F4le judiciaire de la pr\u00E9rogative royale."@fr . . "--02-14"^^ . . "Laskin CJ. and Ritchie and Beetz JJ."@en . . . . "Appeal from the Federal Court of Appeal"@en . "Operation Dismantle v R"@en . . . "Operation Dismantle v R"@en . "Dickson J."@en . . . . . "641513114"^^ . . . . "Operation Dismantle c. La Reine est un arr\u00EAt de principe de la Cour supr\u00EAme du Canada rendu en 1985 concernant le contr\u00F4le judiciaire de la pr\u00E9rogative royale."@fr . . . "18154"^^ . "Operation Dismantle v R [1985] 1 S.C.R. 441 is a decision by the Supreme Court of Canada where the court rejected a section 7 Charter challenge against the government for allowing the US government to test cruise missiles over Canadian territory. It was argued that the use of cruise missiles by the US government increased the risk of nuclear war and that Canada's participation made Canada a more likely target."@en . . . . "Operation Dismantle c. La Reine"@fr . . "Estey, McIntyre, Chouinard and Lamer JJ."@en . . "Appeal dismissed."@en . . . . "1982"^^ . "2771956"^^ . . "[1985] 1 SCR 441"@en . . . . . "2660"^^ . . . . . "Wilson J."@en . "1985-05-09"^^ . . "Operation Dismantle v R [1985] 1 S.C.R. 441 is a decision by the Supreme Court of Canada where the court rejected a section 7 Charter challenge against the government for allowing the US government to test cruise missiles over Canadian territory. It was argued that the use of cruise missiles by the US government increased the risk of nuclear war and that Canada's participation made Canada a more likely target. Chief Justice Brian Dickson, writing for the majority, struck down the claim on the basis that given the unpredictability of foreign policy decisions of sovereign nations, suggestion of an increase in danger can only be speculative. It would be impossible to prove a causal link between the testing and the increased threat. In her reasons, Wilson J. dismissed the use of the political question in Canadian law. She examined the jurisprudence behind the doctrine identified its basis in the core US constitutional principle of the separation of powers. She distinguished this from Canadian constitutional law where separation is not a core principle, but rather is only secondary. Instead, there is a foundation in overlap between the branches as demonstrated in the system of responsible government. Wilson concludes that section 24 of the Charter requires judicial review of the executive branch of the government. For an issue to be justiciable the question must raise a legal issue. She further noted that exercise of the royal prerogative can be judicially reviewed under section 32 of the Charter."@en .