. . . . . . . . . . . "L'Oratorio Society de Nova York \u00E9s una organitzaci\u00F3 sense \u00E0nim de lucre que interpreta m\u00FAsica coral d'estil oratori. La societat va ser fundada el 1873 pel director Leopold Damrosch i \u00E9s la tercera organitzaci\u00F3 musical m\u00E9s antiga de la ciutat de Nova York. La societat va tenir una funci\u00F3 prominent en les activitats del Carnegie Hall. Al llarg de la seva llarga hist\u00F2ria, ha estrenat moltes obres corals noves. va ser nomenat com l'onz\u00E8 director musical de la societat el gener de 2006, succeint al que ho va ser al llarg de molts anys, qui havia mort l'any anterior."@ca . . . . "1091439357"^^ . . "Oratorio Society of New York"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Oratorio Society of New York is a not-for-profit membership organization that performs choral music in the oratorio style. Founded in 1873 by conductor Leopold Damrosch and is the third oldest musical organization in New York City. The Society had a prominent role in the building of Carnegie Hall. Throughout its history, it has premiered many new choral works. Kent Tritle was appointed as the Society's 11th music director in January 2006, succeeding Lyndon Woodside."@en . "9269978"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Oratorio Society of New York is a not-for-profit membership organization that performs choral music in the oratorio style. Founded in 1873 by conductor Leopold Damrosch and is the third oldest musical organization in New York City. The Society had a prominent role in the building of Carnegie Hall. Throughout its history, it has premiered many new choral works. Kent Tritle was appointed as the Society's 11th music director in January 2006, succeeding Lyndon Woodside."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "L'Oratorio Society de Nova York \u00E9s una organitzaci\u00F3 sense \u00E0nim de lucre que interpreta m\u00FAsica coral d'estil oratori. La societat va ser fundada el 1873 pel director Leopold Damrosch i \u00E9s la tercera organitzaci\u00F3 musical m\u00E9s antiga de la ciutat de Nova York. La societat va tenir una funci\u00F3 prominent en les activitats del Carnegie Hall. Al llarg de la seva llarga hist\u00F2ria, ha estrenat moltes obres corals noves. va ser nomenat com l'onz\u00E8 director musical de la societat el gener de 2006, succeint al que ho va ser al llarg de molts anys, qui havia mort l'any anterior."@ca . . . . . "9352"^^ . . . . "Oratorio Society de Nova York"@ca . . . . . . . . . . . .