. . "3811"^^ . . "Otw"@en . "L'otwayite \u00E8 un minerale."@it . . . . "n\u03B1 = 1.650 n\u03B3 = 1.720"@en . . . . "Ni2CO32"@en . . . . . . "Otwayita"@eu . "L'otwayita \u00E9s un mineral de la classe dels carbonats. Rep el seu nom en honor de Mr. Charles Albert Otway of Gosnells, prospector i miner que va proporcionar les primeres mostres del mineral per al seu estudi."@ca . . . "Very strong"@en . . . "Otwayite, Ni2CO3(OH)2, is a hydrated nickel carbonate mineral. Otwayite is green, with a hardness of 4, a specific gravity of 3.4, and crystallises in the orthorhombic system."@en . . . . "Unknown space group"@en . "5"^^ . "Otwayita"@ca . "7422412"^^ . . "Otwayite from the type locality in Otway Nickel deposit"@en . "Otwayite, Ni2CO3(OH)2, is a hydrated nickel carbonate mineral. Otwayite is green, with a hardness of 4, a specific gravity of 3.4, and crystallises in the orthorhombic system."@en . "Otwayite"@en . . . . "Opaque to translucent"@en . "Otwayita karbonato motako minerala da."@eu . "L'otwayite \u00E8 un minerale."@it . . . . "\u03B4 = 0.070"@en . . . "Otwayite"@it . . . "Otwayite"@en . . "3.41"^^ . . "4"^^ . "a = 10.18, b = 27.4, c = 3.22 [\u00C5]; Z = 8"@en . . . . "Silky to waxy"@en . . . . . . . "L'otwayita \u00E9s un mineral de la classe dels carbonats. Rep el seu nom en honor de Mr. Charles Albert Otway of Gosnells, prospector i miner que va proporcionar les primeres mostres del mineral per al seu estudi."@ca . "Biaxial"@en . . "Weak"@en . "Sprays of Fibrous bundles oriented perpendicular to veinlet walls; spherules and claylike coatings"@en . . . . . "Otwayite"@en . . . . . "Bright green"@en . . "1072258184"^^ . "Otwayita karbonato motako minerala da."@eu . . .