. "1117588342"^^ . "...Or Maybe a Marine"@en . . . "Our Finest Flowers to album autorstwa awangardowej grupy The Residents wydany w 1992 roku. Wed\u0142ug pocz\u0105tkowych zamys\u0142\u00F3w zawarto\u015B\u0107 p\u0142yty mia\u0142 stanowi\u0107 zbi\u00F3r najwi\u0119kszych przeboj\u00F3w grupy wydany z okazji ich 20 rocznicy powstania, po g\u0142\u0119bszym namy\u015Ble (wed\u0142ug historii przytoczonej przez The Cryptic Corporation g\u0142\u00F3wnym impulsem dla zespo\u0142u by\u0142o zwymiotowanie przez jednego z cz\u0142onk\u00F3w na kartk\u0119 papieru zawieraj\u0105c\u0105 list\u0105 najwi\u0119kszych przeboj\u00F3w, kt\u00F3re mia\u0142y trafi\u0107 na wydawnictwo) zesp\u00F3\u0142 postanowi\u0142 wypu\u015Bci\u0107 album zawieraj\u0105cy nowe piosenki zbudowane na podstawie znanych fanom kompozycji."@pl . . . "studio"@en . . . "190.0"^^ . . "224.0"^^ . . "Resdidents finest flowers cover.jpg"@en . "The Sour Song"@en . "951583"^^ . . . "Ship of Fools"@en . . . . . . "Our Finest Flowers est le titre d'un album des Residents, sorti en 1992. \u00C0 l'origine (si l'on en croit les notes de pochettes), The Residents pensaient sortir une simple compilation de leurs \u00AB plus grands succ\u00E8s \u00BB pour leur vingti\u00E8me anniversaire ; mais tandis qu'ils discutaient de la liste des titres \u00E0 inclure, l'un d'eux vomit sur le papier, et, apr\u00E8s avoir nettoy\u00E9 le document, constata que l'encre partiellement effac\u00E9e avait chang\u00E9 le sens des mots ; l'id\u00E9e est donc venue au groupe de r\u00E9enregistrer leurs chansons en m\u00E9langeant des \u00E9l\u00E9ments provenant de plusieurs chansons \u00E0 la fois, cr\u00E9ant ainsi des sortes de \u00AB monstres de Frankenstein \u00BB musicaux."@fr . . "48.0"^^ . . . . "Mr. Lonely"@en . . "1990"^^ . . "[{{AllMusic|class=album|id=r168533|pure_url=yes}} link]"@en . "Six Amber Things"@en . . . . "1992"^^ . . . "153.0"^^ . . "Baby Sister"@en . . "265.0"^^ . . "I'm Dreaming of a White Sailor"@en . . "162.0"^^ . "Our Finest Flowers is an album by American art rock group The Residents, released in 1992. For their 20th anniversary, instead of releasing a greatest hits compilation, they decided to release an album of new songs created by combining various components of different past songs. The Residents borrowed from not only their own past original songs, but some of their known cover songs and songs by frequent collaborators Snakefinger and Renaldo and the Loaf. The liner notes refer to the album as \"Celebrating Twenty Long Dreary Years of Obscure Stardom\"."@en . . . . . "Forty-Four No More"@en . "Be Kind to U-WEB Footed Friends"@en . . . . "Jungle Bunny"@en . . "168.0"^^ . "Original Source Songs"@en . "8108"^^ . . "Our Finest Flowers"@en . . "Our Finest Flowers is an album by American art rock group The Residents, released in 1992. For their 20th anniversary, instead of releasing a greatest hits compilation, they decided to release an album of new songs created by combining various components of different past songs. The Residents borrowed from not only their own past original songs, but some of their known cover songs and songs by frequent collaborators Snakefinger and Renaldo and the Loaf. The liner notes refer to the album as \"Celebrating Twenty Long Dreary Years of Obscure Stardom\"."@en . "1994"^^ . . "Our Finest Flowers to album autorstwa awangardowej grupy The Residents wydany w 1992 roku. Wed\u0142ug pocz\u0105tkowych zamys\u0142\u00F3w zawarto\u015B\u0107 p\u0142yty mia\u0142 stanowi\u0107 zbi\u00F3r najwi\u0119kszych przeboj\u00F3w grupy wydany z okazji ich 20 rocznicy powstania, po g\u0142\u0119bszym namy\u015Ble (wed\u0142ug historii przytoczonej przez The Cryptic Corporation g\u0142\u00F3wnym impulsem dla zespo\u0142u by\u0142o zwymiotowanie przez jednego z cz\u0142onk\u00F3w na kartk\u0119 papieru zawieraj\u0105c\u0105 list\u0105 najwi\u0119kszych przeboj\u00F3w, kt\u00F3re mia\u0142y trafi\u0107 na wydawnictwo) zesp\u00F3\u0142 postanowi\u0142 wypu\u015Bci\u0107 album zawieraj\u0105cy nowe piosenki zbudowane na podstawie znanych fanom kompozycji."@pl . . "Gone Again"@en . . "He Also Serves"@en . . . . . "Dead Wood"@en . . "Blue Tongues"@en . . . . . "256.0"^^ . "239.0"^^ . . "2942.0"^^ . . "Our Finest Flowers"@fr . ""@en . . . . . . . . "150.0"^^ . "Our Finest Flowers"@en . . . "169.0"^^ . . . "146.0"^^ . . . "166.0"^^ . . "Our Finest Flowers est le titre d'un album des Residents, sorti en 1992. \u00C0 l'origine (si l'on en croit les notes de pochettes), The Residents pensaient sortir une simple compilation de leurs \u00AB plus grands succ\u00E8s \u00BB pour leur vingti\u00E8me anniversaire ; mais tandis qu'ils discutaient de la liste des titres \u00E0 inclure, l'un d'eux vomit sur le papier, et, apr\u00E8s avoir nettoy\u00E9 le document, constata que l'encre partiellement effac\u00E9e avait chang\u00E9 le sens des mots ; l'id\u00E9e est donc venue au groupe de r\u00E9enregistrer leurs chansons en m\u00E9langeant des \u00E9l\u00E9ments provenant de plusieurs chansons \u00E0 la fois, cr\u00E9ant ainsi des sortes de \u00AB monstres de Frankenstein \u00BB musicaux. \n* (Cette anecdote, comme la plupart concernant les Residents, est peut-\u00EAtre totalement invent\u00E9e)"@fr . . "Kick a Picnic"@en . . . "222.0"^^ . "216.0"^^ . "Our Finest Flowers"@pl . "Perfect Goat"@en . .