. . . "Palazzo Malipiero"@de . . . . "Palazzo Malipiero is a palace in Venice, Italy. It is on the Grand Canal in the central San Samuele square. It stands just across from the Palazzo Grassi Exhibition Center. It is situated at the crossroads of the city's cultural and artistic areas. The splendid Italian garden with a view of the Grand Canal makes it even more unique. Originally built in Byzantine times, the nine centuries' architectural history of the palace can be retraced in its complex structure: each generation of owners left its stamp of caring and fervour for the arts. For some years from 1740 Giacomo Casanova lived in the Palazzo Malipiero. In spite of his young age (he was just 15 years old), he began his successful social life in these very rooms. Here he gave a broad demonstration of his innate gift for the art of love. The present owners have handled the recent restoration with special care in respecting the palace's historical background. They have maintained Palazzo Malipiero's ancient splendour and the traditional prestige, and, in upgrading installations and equipment to modern standards, improved the great comfort of its spacious rooms."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Palazzo Malipiero, anticamente chiamato \"la Ca' Granda de' San Samuel\" per le notevoli dimensioni, \u00E8 un palazzo di Venezia di ubicato nel sestiere di San Marco, in prossimit\u00E0 di Palazzo Grassi e affacciato sul Canal Grande. I proprietari nei secoli sono stati innumerevoli e non tutti noti, tra loro si ricordano: i Soranzo, che probabilmente lo edificarono, i Cappello, i Malipiero, che lo ingrandirono fino a dargli l'attuale struttura, e i Barnab\u00F2."@it . "Palazzo Malipiero, auch Palazzo Cappello Malipiero Barnab\u00F2 oder Palazzo Malipiero Cappello, fr\u00FCher auch Ca\u2019 Granda de San Samuel genannt, ist ein Palast in Venedig in der italienischen Region Venetien. Er liegt im Sestiere San Marco mit Blick auf den Canal Grande neben der Kirche San Samuele und dem Ca\u2019 del Duca. \u00DCber die Jahrhunderte ging der Palast durch viele H\u00E4nde und nicht alle Eigent\u00FCmer sind bekannt. Man wei\u00DF, dass die Soranzos ihn vermutlich erbauen lie\u00DFen, er irgendwann den Cappellos geh\u00F6rte, auch den Malipieros, die ihm schlie\u00DFlich sein heutiges Aussehen gaben, und auch den Barnab\u00F2s. Das Geb\u00E4ude, das in byzantinischer Zeit entstand, hat eine stark gegliederte Struktur, was darauf zur\u00FCckzuf\u00FChren ist, dass jeder Eigent\u00FCmer den Palast an seine eigenen Erfordernisse und an seinen eigenen Geschmack angepasst hat, was zu einer gro\u00DFen Vielzahl von Architekturstilen f\u00FChrte."@de . . . . . . "Palazzo Malipiero is a palace in Venice, Italy. It is on the Grand Canal in the central San Samuele square. It stands just across from the Palazzo Grassi Exhibition Center. It is situated at the crossroads of the city's cultural and artistic areas. The splendid Italian garden with a view of the Grand Canal makes it even more unique. Originally built in Byzantine times, the nine centuries' architectural history of the palace can be retraced in its complex structure: each generation of owners left its stamp of caring and fervour for the arts."@en . . . . . . "Palazzo Malipiero"@it . . . . "Palazzo Malipiero"@en . . "\u99AC\u5C3C\u76AE\u8036\u7F85\u5BAE\uFF08\u7FA9\u5927\u5229\u8A9E\uFF1APalazzo Malipiero\uFF09\u662F\u7FA9\u5927\u5229\u57CE\u5E02\u5A01\u5C3C\u65AF\u7684\u4E00\u5EA7\u5BAE\u6BBF\u5EFA\u7BC9\uFF0C\u9130\u8FD1\u5A01\u5C3C\u65AF\u5927\u904B\u6CB3\uFF0C\u5C0D\u9762\u662F\u683C\u62C9\u897F\u5BAE\u3002\u99AC\u5C3C\u76AE\u8036\u7F85\u5BAE\u59CB\u5EFA\u65BC11\u4E16\u7D00\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "12256"^^ . . . . "Palazzo Malipiero, anticamente chiamato \"la Ca' Granda de' San Samuel\" per le notevoli dimensioni, \u00E8 un palazzo di Venezia di ubicato nel sestiere di San Marco, in prossimit\u00E0 di Palazzo Grassi e affacciato sul Canal Grande. I proprietari nei secoli sono stati innumerevoli e non tutti noti, tra loro si ricordano: i Soranzo, che probabilmente lo edificarono, i Cappello, i Malipiero, che lo ingrandirono fino a dargli l'attuale struttura, e i Barnab\u00F2. L'edificio, sorto in epoca bizantina, ha una struttura molto articolata, dovuta al fatto che ogni proprietario ha adattato il palazzo alle proprie esigenze e ai propri gusti, facendo confluire in esso una grande variet\u00E0 di stili architettonici."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Palazzo Malipiero, auch Palazzo Cappello Malipiero Barnab\u00F2 oder Palazzo Malipiero Cappello, fr\u00FCher auch Ca\u2019 Granda de San Samuel genannt, ist ein Palast in Venedig in der italienischen Region Venetien. Er liegt im Sestiere San Marco mit Blick auf den Canal Grande neben der Kirche San Samuele und dem Ca\u2019 del Duca. \u00DCber die Jahrhunderte ging der Palast durch viele H\u00E4nde und nicht alle Eigent\u00FCmer sind bekannt. Man wei\u00DF, dass die Soranzos ihn vermutlich erbauen lie\u00DFen, er irgendwann den Cappellos geh\u00F6rte, auch den Malipieros, die ihm schlie\u00DFlich sein heutiges Aussehen gaben, und auch den Barnab\u00F2s."@de . . . . . . "\u99AC\u5C3C\u76AE\u8036\u7F85\u5BAE\uFF08\u7FA9\u5927\u5229\u8A9E\uFF1APalazzo Malipiero\uFF09\u662F\u7FA9\u5927\u5229\u57CE\u5E02\u5A01\u5C3C\u65AF\u7684\u4E00\u5EA7\u5BAE\u6BBF\u5EFA\u7BC9\uFF0C\u9130\u8FD1\u5A01\u5C3C\u65AF\u5927\u904B\u6CB3\uFF0C\u5C0D\u9762\u662F\u683C\u62C9\u897F\u5BAE\u3002\u99AC\u5C3C\u76AE\u8036\u7F85\u5BAE\u59CB\u5EFA\u65BC11\u4E16\u7D00\u3002"@zh . . . "1090666573"^^ . "10715459"^^ . . . . "\u99AC\u5C3C\u76AE\u8036\u7F85\u5BAE"@zh . . . . . . . . . . .