. . . . . "La penikisita \u00E9s un mineral de la classe dels fosfats, que pertany al grup de la bjarebyita. Rep el nom en honor de Gunnar Penikis (1936-1979), geof\u00EDsic i prospector de Ross River, al territori del Yukon, un dels primers exploradors (1974-1975), en col\u00B7laboraci\u00F3 amb A. Kulan, de les localitats de la zona de Rapid Creek."@ca . . . "7421"^^ . "Penikisite"@en . "Penikisite"@fr . . . "Penikisita fosfato motako minerala da eta bjarebyita taldearen kidea da."@eu . . "Penikisite was discovered by Alan Kulan and near Rapid Creek, Yukon Territory. The mineral is a member of the bjarebyite group along with , ideally BaFe2+2Al2(PO4)3(OH)3, and , ideally BaMn2+2Al2(PO4)3(OH)3. It is among several new minerals that have been discovered in the Rapid Creek and Big Fish areas of Yukon Territory. Kulanite is similar in many ways to penikisite in appearance and properties. The chemical formula for penikisite is Ba(Mg,Fe,Ca)Al2(PO4)2(OH)3. It has a hardness of about 4 and a density of 3.79 g/cm3. Penikisite is unique among the bjarebyite group in being monoclinic and has a biaxial optical class. It comes in shades of blue and green and, when rubbed on a streak plate, is pale green to white in color. Although penikisite and kulanite both range from blue to green, penikisite zones are easily distinguishable from kulanite zones in kulanite-penikisite crystals because they are lighter than the darker kulanite in color. Penikisite is a phosphate and is different from kulanite in that it is a magnesium-rich phosphate whereas kulanite is an iron-rich phosphate."@en . . "P21/m"@en . "Penikisite"@it . "La penikisite est une esp\u00E8ce min\u00E9rale du groupe des phosphates et du sous-groupe des phosphates anhydres avec anions \u00E9trangers, de formule Ba(Mg,Fe2+)2Al2(PO4)3(OH)3."@fr . "Phosphate mineral"@en . . . "Penikisite"@en . . . . . "Pks"@en . . . . "Penikisita fosfato motako minerala da eta bjarebyita taldearen kidea da."@eu . "Penikisita"@eu . . "La penikisita es un mineral de la clase de los minerales fosfatos, y dentro de esta pertenece al llamado \u201Cgrupo de la \u201D. Fue descubierta en 1977 en Rapid Creek, en el territorio de Yuk\u00F3n (Canad\u00E1), siendo nombrada as\u00ED en honor de Gunnar Penikis, quien descubri\u00F3 el yacimiento.\u200B Un sin\u00F3nimo poco usado es su clave: IMA1976-023."@es . "La penikisite \u00E8 un minerale appartenente al gruppo della bjarebyite."@it . "1072431993"^^ . . . . . . "La penikisita es un mineral de la clase de los minerales fosfatos, y dentro de esta pertenece al llamado \u201Cgrupo de la \u201D. Fue descubierta en 1977 en Rapid Creek, en el territorio de Yuk\u00F3n (Canad\u00E1), siendo nombrada as\u00ED en honor de Gunnar Penikis, quien descubri\u00F3 el yacimiento.\u200B Un sin\u00F3nimo poco usado es su clave: IMA1976-023."@es . . . . . "Penikisite"@en . . "La penikisite \u00E8 un minerale appartenente al gruppo della bjarebyite."@it . "Penikisite was discovered by Alan Kulan and near Rapid Creek, Yukon Territory. The mineral is a member of the bjarebyite group along with , ideally BaFe2+2Al2(PO4)3(OH)3, and , ideally BaMn2+2Al2(PO4)3(OH)3. It is among several new minerals that have been discovered in the Rapid Creek and Big Fish areas of Yukon Territory. Kulanite is similar in many ways to penikisite in appearance and properties. The chemical formula for penikisite is Ba(Mg,Fe,Ca)Al2(PO4)2(OH)3. It has a hardness of about 4 and a density of 3.79 g/cm3. Penikisite is unique among the bjarebyite group in being monoclinic and has a biaxial optical class. It comes in shades of blue and green and, when rubbed on a streak plate, is pale green to white in color. Although penikisite and kulanite both range from blue to green, p"@en . . . . "Bjarebyite group"@en . . . . . . "La penikisite est une esp\u00E8ce min\u00E9rale du groupe des phosphates et du sous-groupe des phosphates anhydres avec anions \u00E9trangers, de formule Ba(Mg,Fe2+)2Al2(PO4)3(OH)3."@fr . . . . . "La penikisita \u00E9s un mineral de la classe dels fosfats, que pertany al grup de la bjarebyita. Rep el nom en honor de Gunnar Penikis (1936-1979), geof\u00EDsic i prospector de Ross River, al territori del Yukon, un dels primers exploradors (1974-1975), en col\u00B7laboraci\u00F3 amb A. Kulan, de les localitats de la zona de Rapid Creek."@ca . "34051427"^^ . . . . . "Penikisita"@es . . . . "Penikisita"@ca . "8"^^ .