. . . "Joseph Haydn's Piano Trio No. 39 in G major, Hob. XV/25 was written in 1795, during the final few weeks of Haydn's second trip to London, and one of a set of three (H. XV:24\u201326) dedicated to Rebecca Schroeter. It is perhaps his best-known piano trio and sometimes nicknamed the \"Gypsy\" or \"Gypsy Rondo\" trio because of its Rondo finale in 'Hungarian' style. The trio is in three movements. 1. \n* Andante 2. \n* Poco adagio, cantabile 3. \n* Rondo all'Ongarese: Presto"@en . . "Piano Trio No. 39 (Haydn)"@en . "Klaviertrio Nr. 39 (Haydn)"@de . . . . . . . "25.0"^^ . . "17390362"^^ . . . "25.0"^^ . . . "2764"^^ . . . . . . "Joseph Haydn's Piano Trio No. 39 in G major, Hob. XV/25 was written in 1795, during the final few weeks of Haydn's second trip to London, and one of a set of three (H. XV:24\u201326) dedicated to Rebecca Schroeter. It is perhaps his best-known piano trio and sometimes nicknamed the \"Gypsy\" or \"Gypsy Rondo\" trio because of its Rondo finale in 'Hungarian' style. The trio is in three movements. 1. \n* Andante 2. \n* Poco adagio, cantabile 3. \n* Rondo all'Ongarese: Presto Rosemary Hughes describes the first movement as \"a curious but charming blend of double-variation and rondo, for the two minor sections are extremely free in their connection either with the major main theme or with each other. The alternation of variations in major and minor keys is characteristic of Haydn. The final movement incorporates a number of Gypsy tunes, including the Hungarian \"recruiting dance\" genre known as Verbunkos, and gypsy effects (such as strumming accompaniments and left-hand pizzicato). The work was published in October 1795 by the English firm of Longman and Broderip as part of a set of three with the opus number (seldom used today) 73. The other two are No. 38 in D major (Hoboken XV:24) and No. 40 in F\u266F minor, (Hoboken XV:26). All are dedicated to Haydn's friend, the widow Rebecca Schroeter."@en . "1118199253"^^ . . "El trio per a piano, viol\u00ED i violoncel, n\u00FAmero 39 de Joseph Haydn en sol major, Hob. XV/25 data de 1795. Potser \u00E9s el trio de Haydn m\u00E9s conegut de tots i a vegades es coneix amb el sobrenom de \"z\u00EDngar\" o \"Trio del rond\u00F3 z\u00EDngar\" at\u00E8s que el rond\u00F3 final \u00E9s en \"estil hongar\u00E8s\", segons la indicaci\u00F3 de tempo del mateix compositor.Consta de tres moviments: 1. \n* Andante 2. \n* Poco adagio, cantabile 3. \n* Rondo a l'Ongarese: Presto"@ca . . "Trio n\u00FAmero 39 (Haydn)"@ca . "Das Klaviertrio No. 39 in G-Dur Hob. XV/25 von Joseph Haydn wurde im Jahr 1795 komponiert. Es ist vermutlich Haydns bekanntestes Klaviertrio und wird als \u201EZigeunertrio\u201C bezeichnet, da sein finaler Satz als Rondo \u201Ein ungarischer Weise\u201C geschrieben wurde."@de . . . . . . "Trio pour piano no 39 de Joseph Haydn"@fr . "Le Trio pour piano no 39, dit Trio tzigane, en allemand, Zigeunertrio, Hob. XV.25 en sol majeur est un trio pour piano, violon et violoncelle compos\u00E9 en 1795 par Joseph Haydn \u00E0 l'intention de Rebecca Schroeter, pianiste amateur et amie du compositeur. C'est un des rares opus de Haydn \u00E0 ne pas utiliser la forme sonate."@fr . "Le Trio pour piano no 39, dit Trio tzigane, en allemand, Zigeunertrio, Hob. XV.25 en sol majeur est un trio pour piano, violon et violoncelle compos\u00E9 en 1795 par Joseph Haydn \u00E0 l'intention de Rebecca Schroeter, pianiste amateur et amie du compositeur. C'est un des rares opus de Haydn \u00E0 ne pas utiliser la forme sonate."@fr . . . . . . . "El trio per a piano, viol\u00ED i violoncel, n\u00FAmero 39 de Joseph Haydn en sol major, Hob. XV/25 data de 1795. Potser \u00E9s el trio de Haydn m\u00E9s conegut de tots i a vegades es coneix amb el sobrenom de \"z\u00EDngar\" o \"Trio del rond\u00F3 z\u00EDngar\" at\u00E8s que el rond\u00F3 final \u00E9s en \"estil hongar\u00E8s\", segons la indicaci\u00F3 de tempo del mateix compositor.Consta de tres moviments: 1. \n* Andante 2. \n* Poco adagio, cantabile 3. \n* Rondo a l'Ongarese: Presto L'obra va ser publicada per l'editor angl\u00E8s Longman and Broderin amb el n\u00FAmero d'opus 73 (que avui quasi no s'utilitza). Tant aquest com els altres dos trios de l'opus 73, Haydn els va dedicar a la seva amiga ."@ca . "Das Klaviertrio No. 39 in G-Dur Hob. XV/25 von Joseph Haydn wurde im Jahr 1795 komponiert. Es ist vermutlich Haydns bekanntestes Klaviertrio und wird als \u201EZigeunertrio\u201C bezeichnet, da sein finaler Satz als Rondo \u201Ein ungarischer Weise\u201C geschrieben wurde."@de .