. . . "1094531123"^^ . . . . . . "Pierre Clement Augustin Dangeard (23 November 1862, S\u00E9grie \u2013 10 November 1947, S\u00E9grie) was a botanist and mycologist known for his investigations of sexual reproduction in fungi. He was the father of botanist Pierre Dangeard (1895\u20131970) and geologist Louis Dangeard (1898\u20131987). In 1887 he founded the scientific journal Le Botaniste. He was the member of several learned societies, such as the Acad\u00E9mie des sciences (1917), the Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 botanique de France (president 1914\u201318) and the Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 mycologique de France. He was the circumscriber of the mycological genus Amoebophilus."@en . . . . . . "Pierre Cl\u00E9ment Augustin Dangeard ( S\u00E9grie , 23 de noviembre 1862 - 10 de noviembre 1947, ib\u00EDd.) fue un bot\u00E1nico, pterid\u00F3logo, alg\u00F3logo, y mic\u00F3logo franc\u00E9s; consagr\u00E1ndose al estudio de la reproducci\u00F3n de las setas."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Pierre Augustin Dangeard, mit vollem Namen Pierre Cl\u00E9ment Augustin Dangeard (* 23. November 1862 in S\u00E9grie im Departement Sarthe; \u2020 10. November 1947 in S\u00E9grie), war ein franz\u00F6sischer Botaniker und Mykologe. Sein offizielles botanisches Autorenk\u00FCrzel lautet \u201EP.A.Dang.\u201C"@de . . . . "Pierre Cl\u00E9ment Augustin Dangeard (S\u00E9grie, 1862 \u2014 1947) foi um bot\u00E2nico franc\u00EAs. P.A.Dang. \u00E9 a abreviatura padr\u00E3o usada para indicar Pierre Augustin Dangeard como autoridade na descri\u00E7\u00E3o e classifica\u00E7\u00E3o cient\u00EDfica de um nome bot\u00E2nico.(Lista dos t\u00E1xones descritos por este autor no IPNI)"@pt . . . . . "3735"^^ . . . "Pierre Clement Augustin Dangeard"@es . . . "Pierre Augustin Dangeard"@pt . . "Pierre Augustin Dangeard"@en . . "Pierre Cl\u00E9ment Augustin Dangeard est un botaniste et un mycologue fran\u00E7ais, n\u00E9 \u00E0 S\u00E9grie le 23 novembre 1862 et mort le 10 novembre 1947 dans le m\u00EAme lieu. Il se consacre \u00E0 l\u2019\u00E9tude de la reproduction des champignons."@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Pierre Cl\u00E9ment Augustin Dangeard (S\u00E9grie, 1862 \u2014 1947) foi um bot\u00E2nico franc\u00EAs. P.A.Dang. \u00E9 a abreviatura padr\u00E3o usada para indicar Pierre Augustin Dangeard como autoridade na descri\u00E7\u00E3o e classifica\u00E7\u00E3o cient\u00EDfica de um nome bot\u00E2nico.(Lista dos t\u00E1xones descritos por este autor no IPNI)"@pt . . "Pierre Clement Augustin Dangeard (23 November 1862, S\u00E9grie \u2013 10 November 1947, S\u00E9grie) was a botanist and mycologist known for his investigations of sexual reproduction in fungi. He was the father of botanist Pierre Dangeard (1895\u20131970) and geologist Louis Dangeard (1898\u20131987). Beginning in 1883, he worked as a pr\u00E9parateur to the faculty at Caen, earning his doctorate in 1886. Following graduation, he served as chief of travaux de botanique. In 1891 he was appointed associate professor of botany at the University of Poitiers, later relocating to Paris as a lecturer at the faculty of sciences. In 1921 he attained the title of professor in Paris. In 1887 he founded the scientific journal Le Botaniste. He was the member of several learned societies, such as the Acad\u00E9mie des sciences (1917), the Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 botanique de France (president 1914\u201318) and the Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 mycologique de France. He was the circumscriber of the mycological genus Amoebophilus. He was honoured in 1899, when botanists Pier Andrea Saccardo and Paul Sydow published Dangeardiella, which is a genus of fungi in the class Dothideomycetes."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Pierre Cl\u00E9ment Augustin Dangeard est un botaniste et un mycologue fran\u00E7ais, n\u00E9 \u00E0 S\u00E9grie le 23 novembre 1862 et mort le 10 novembre 1947 dans le m\u00EAme lieu. Il se consacre \u00E0 l\u2019\u00E9tude de la reproduction des champignons."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Pierre Augustin Dangeard"@de . "Pierre Augustin Dangeard, mit vollem Namen Pierre Cl\u00E9ment Augustin Dangeard (* 23. November 1862 in S\u00E9grie im Departement Sarthe; \u2020 10. November 1947 in S\u00E9grie), war ein franz\u00F6sischer Botaniker und Mykologe. Sein offizielles botanisches Autorenk\u00FCrzel lautet \u201EP.A.Dang.\u201C"@de . . . . . "Pierre Augustin Dangeard"@fr . . . . "35645616"^^ . . . "Pierre Cl\u00E9ment Augustin Dangeard ( S\u00E9grie , 23 de noviembre 1862 - 10 de noviembre 1947, ib\u00EDd.) fue un bot\u00E1nico, pterid\u00F3logo, alg\u00F3logo, y mic\u00F3logo franc\u00E9s; consagr\u00E1ndose al estudio de la reproducci\u00F3n de las setas."@es . . . . . . .