. . . "Poverty in Afghanistan"@en . . "1107422222"^^ . . . "O Afeganist\u00E3o \u00E9 um dos pa\u00EDses mais pobres do mundo. No Afeganist\u00E3o, a pobreza \u00E9 generalizada nas \u00E1reas rurais e urbanas. No entanto, estimou-se que a pobreza no Afeganist\u00E3o est\u00E1 concentrada principalmente nas \u00E1reas rurais. Estima-se que quatro em cada cinco pobres vivam em \u00E1reas rurais. Nessas \u00E1reas rurais, as fam\u00EDlias sem acesso suficiente a nutri\u00E7\u00E3o adequada v\u00EAem muitos beb\u00EAs e crian\u00E7as atrofiarem, desnutridos e morrerem a cada ano. As regi\u00F5es do Afeganist\u00E3o onde quase metade dos habitantes s\u00E3o pobres s\u00E3o as regi\u00F5es Leste, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste. De acordo com as estimativas do governo afeg\u00E3o, 42% da popula\u00E7\u00E3o total do Afeganist\u00E3o vive abaixo da linha da pobreza. Al\u00E9m disso, 20 por cento das pessoas que vivem logo acima da linha de pobreza s\u00E3o altamente vulner\u00E1veis a cair na pobreza."@pt . "Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world. In Afghanistan, poverty is widespread in rural and urban areas. However, it has been estimated that poverty in Afghanistan is mainly concentrated in rural areas. It has been estimated that four out of five poor people live in rural areas. In these rural areas, families without enough access to adequate nutrition see many infants and children become stunted, malnourished, and die each year. The regions in Afghanistan where almost half of the inhabitants are poor are the East, Northeast, and West-Central regions. According to the Afghan government's estimates, 42 percent of the Afghanistan's total population lives below the poverty line. Also, 20 percent of people living just above the poverty line are highly vulnerable to falling into poverty."@en . . . . . . . . . "O Afeganist\u00E3o \u00E9 um dos pa\u00EDses mais pobres do mundo. No Afeganist\u00E3o, a pobreza \u00E9 generalizada nas \u00E1reas rurais e urbanas. No entanto, estimou-se que a pobreza no Afeganist\u00E3o est\u00E1 concentrada principalmente nas \u00E1reas rurais. Estima-se que quatro em cada cinco pobres vivam em \u00E1reas rurais. Nessas \u00E1reas rurais, as fam\u00EDlias sem acesso suficiente a nutri\u00E7\u00E3o adequada v\u00EAem muitos beb\u00EAs e crian\u00E7as atrofiarem, desnutridos e morrerem a cada ano. As regi\u00F5es do Afeganist\u00E3o onde quase metade dos habitantes s\u00E3o pobres s\u00E3o as regi\u00F5es Leste, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste. De acordo com as estimativas do governo afeg\u00E3o, 42% da popula\u00E7\u00E3o total do Afeganist\u00E3o vive abaixo da linha da pobreza. Al\u00E9m disso, 20 por cento das pessoas que vivem logo acima da linha de pobreza s\u00E3o altamente vulner\u00E1veis a cair na pobreza."@pt . . "Pobreza no Afeganist\u00E3o"@pt . "54889544"^^ . "Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world. In Afghanistan, poverty is widespread in rural and urban areas. However, it has been estimated that poverty in Afghanistan is mainly concentrated in rural areas. It has been estimated that four out of five poor people live in rural areas. In these rural areas, families without enough access to adequate nutrition see many infants and children become stunted, malnourished, and die each year. The regions in Afghanistan where almost half of the inhabitants are poor are the East, Northeast, and West-Central regions. According to the Afghan government's estimates, 42 percent of the Afghanistan's total population lives below the poverty line. Also, 20 percent of people living just above the poverty line are highly vulnerable to falling int"@en . "8857"^^ . . . .