. . . . "Pteropodinae \u2013 podrodzina ssak\u00F3w z rodziny rudawkowatych (Pteropodidae)."@pl . "Eidolon"@en . . . . . . . . . . "De Pteropodinae zijn een onderfamilie van vleermuizen uit de familie van de vleerhonden (Pteropodidae). De onderfamilie telt zeven geslachten. \n* Acerodon \n* Eidolon \n* Mirimiri \n* Neopteryx \n* Pteralopex \n* Pteropus \n* Styloctenium"@nl . "Pteropodinae"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . "\uD070\uBC15\uC950\uC544\uACFC(Pteropodinae)\uB294 \uD070\uBC15\uC950\uACFC\uC5D0 \uC18D\uD558\uB294 \uBC15\uC950 \uC544\uACFC\uC758 \uD558\uB098\uC774\uB2E4. 8\uAC1C \uC18D\uC5D0 80\uC5EC \uC885\uC73C\uB85C \uC774\uB8E8\uC5B4\uC838 \uC788\uB2E4."@ko . . . . . "De Pteropodinae zijn een onderfamilie van vleermuizen uit de familie van de vleerhonden (Pteropodidae). De onderfamilie telt zeven geslachten. \n* Acerodon \n* Eidolon \n* Mirimiri \n* Neopteryx \n* Pteralopex \n* Pteropus \n* Styloctenium"@nl . . . . . . . . "\uD070\uBC15\uC950\uC544\uACFC"@ko . "Pteralopex"@en . . . . . "Els pteropodins (Pteropodinae) s\u00F3n una subfam\u00EDlia de ratpenats de la fam\u00EDlia dels pterop\u00F2dids. Totes les esp\u00E8cies vivents d'aquest grup viuen en zones tropicals i subtropicals. Aquest t\u00E0xon cont\u00E9 els seg\u00FCents g\u00E8neres: \n* Acerodon (5 esp\u00E8cies) \n* Desmalopex (2 esp\u00E8cies) \n* Eidolon (2 esp\u00E8cies) \n* Mirimiri (1 esp\u00E8cie) \n* Neopteryx (1 esp\u00E8cie) \n* Pteralopex (5 esp\u00E8cies) \n* Pteropus (~60 esp\u00E8cies) \n* Styloctenium (2 esp\u00E8cies)"@ca . . . . "Mirimiri"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\uD070\uBC15\uC950\uC544\uACFC(Pteropodinae)\uB294 \uD070\uBC15\uC950\uACFC\uC5D0 \uC18D\uD558\uB294 \uBC15\uC950 \uC544\uACFC\uC758 \uD558\uB098\uC774\uB2E4. 8\uAC1C \uC18D\uC5D0 80\uC5EC \uC885\uC73C\uB85C \uC774\uB8E8\uC5B4\uC838 \uC788\uB2E4."@ko . . ""@en . . . "Pteropodinae"@nl . "Pteropodinae"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Pteropodinae are a subfamily of megabats. Taxa within this subfamily are: \n* Genus Acerodon \n* Sulawesi flying fox, A. celebensis \n* Talaud flying fox, A. humilis \n* Giant golden-crowned flying fox, A. jubatus \n* Palawan fruit bat, A. leucotis \n* Sunda flying fox, A. mackloti \n* Genus Desmalopex \n* White-winged flying fox, D. leucopterus \n* Small white-winged flying fox, D. microleucopterus \n* Genus Eidolon \u2014 straw-coloured fruit bats \n* Madagascan fruit bat, E. dupreanum \n* Straw-coloured fruit bat, E. helvum \n* Genus Mirimiri \n* Fijian monkey-faced bat, M. acrodonta \n* Genus Neopteryx \n* Small-toothed fruit bat, N. frosti \n* Genus Pteralopex - flying monkeys \n* Bougainville monkey-faced bat, P. anceps \n* Guadalcanal monkey-faced bat, P. atrata \n* Greater monkey-faced bat, P. flannery"@en . . "Pteropodinae"@en . "Pteropodinae"@en . . . "Pteropodins"@ca . "13741504"^^ . . . "Els pteropodins (Pteropodinae) s\u00F3n una subfam\u00EDlia de ratpenats de la fam\u00EDlia dels pterop\u00F2dids. Totes les esp\u00E8cies vivents d'aquest grup viuen en zones tropicals i subtropicals. Aquest t\u00E0xon cont\u00E9 els seg\u00FCents g\u00E8neres: \n* Acerodon (5 esp\u00E8cies) \n* Desmalopex (2 esp\u00E8cies) \n* Eidolon (2 esp\u00E8cies) \n* Mirimiri (1 esp\u00E8cie) \n* Neopteryx (1 esp\u00E8cie) \n* Pteralopex (5 esp\u00E8cies) \n* Pteropus (~60 esp\u00E8cies) \n* Styloctenium (2 esp\u00E8cies)"@ca . . . . . "Pteropus poliocephalus with baby"@en . . . . "1033581193"^^ . . . . . . "Les Pteropodinae sont une sous-famille de chauve-souris."@fr . . . . . . "Styloctenium"@en . . "Desmalopex"@en . "The Pteropodinae are a subfamily of megabats. Taxa within this subfamily are: \n* Genus Acerodon \n* Sulawesi flying fox, A. celebensis \n* Talaud flying fox, A. humilis \n* Giant golden-crowned flying fox, A. jubatus \n* Palawan fruit bat, A. leucotis \n* Sunda flying fox, A. mackloti \n* Genus Desmalopex \n* White-winged flying fox, D. leucopterus \n* Small white-winged flying fox, D. microleucopterus \n* Genus Eidolon \u2014 straw-coloured fruit bats \n* Madagascan fruit bat, E. dupreanum \n* Straw-coloured fruit bat, E. helvum \n* Genus Mirimiri \n* Fijian monkey-faced bat, M. acrodonta \n* Genus Neopteryx \n* Small-toothed fruit bat, N. frosti \n* Genus Pteralopex - flying monkeys \n* Bougainville monkey-faced bat, P. anceps \n* Guadalcanal monkey-faced bat, P. atrata \n* Greater monkey-faced bat, P. flanneryi \n* Montane monkey-faced bat, P. pulchra \n* New Georgian monkey-faced bat, P. taki \n* Genus Pteropus \u2014 flying foxes \n* P. alecto species group \n* Black flying fox, P. alecto \n* P. caniceps species group \n* Ashy-headed flying fox, P. caniceps \n* P. chrysoproctus species group \n* Silvery flying fox, P. argentatus \n* Moluccan flying fox, P. chrysoproctus \n* Makira flying fox, P. cognatus \n* Banks flying fox, P. fundatus \n* Solomons flying fox, P. rayneri \n* Rennell flying fox, P. rennelli \n* P. conspicillatus species group \n* Spectacled flying fox, P. conspicillatus \n* Ceram fruit bat, P. ocularis \n* P. livingstonii species group \n* Aru flying fox, P. aruensis \n* Kei flying fox, P. keyensis \n* Livingstone's fruit bat, P. livingstonii \n* Black-bearded flying fox, P. melanopogon \n* P. mariannus species group \n* Okinawa flying fox, P. loochoensis \n* Mariana fruit bat, P. mariannus \n* Pelew flying fox, P. pelewensis \n* Kosrae flying fox, P. ualanus \n* Yap flying fox, P. yapensis \n* P. melanotus species group \n* Black-eared flying fox, P. melanotus \n* P. molossinus species group \n* Lombok flying fox, P. lombocensis \n* Caroline flying fox, P. molossinus \n* Rodrigues flying fox, P. rodricensis \n* P. neohibernicus species group \n* Great flying fox, P. neohibernicus \n* P. niger species group \n* Aldabra flying fox, P. aldabrensis \n* Mauritian flying fox, P. niger \n* Madagascan flying fox, P. rufus \n* Seychelles fruit bat, P. seychellensis \n* Pemba flying fox, P. voeltzkowi \n* P. personatus species group \n* Bismark masked flying fox, P. capistratus \n* Masked flying fox, Pteropus personatus \n* Temminck's flying fox, P. temminckii \n* P. poliocephalus species group \n* Big-eared flying fox, P. macrotis \n* Geelvink Bay flying fox, P. pohlei \n* Grey-headed flying fox, P. poliocephalus \n* P. pselaphon species group \n* Chuuk flying fox, P. insularis \n* Temotu flying fox, P. nitendiensis \n* Large Palau flying fox, P. pilosus (19th century \u2020) \n* Bonin flying fox, P. pselaphon \n* Guam flying fox, P. tokudae (1970s \u2020) \n* Insular flying fox, P. tonganus \n* Vanikoro flying fox, P. tuberculatus \n* New Caledonia flying fox, P. vetulus \n* P. samoensis species group \n* Vanuatu flying fox, P. anetianus \n* Samoa flying fox, P. samoensis \n* P. scapulatus species group \n* Gilliard's flying fox, P. gilliardorum \n* Lesser flying fox, P. mahaganus \n* Little red flying fox, P. scapulatus \n* Dwarf flying fox, P. woodfordi \n* P. subniger species group \n* Admiralty flying fox, P. admiralitatum \n* Dusky flying fox, P. brunneus (19th century \u2020) \n* Ryukyu flying fox, P. dasymallus \n* Nicobar flying fox, P. faunulus \n* Gray flying fox, P. griseus \n* Ontong Java flying fox, P. howensis \n* Small flying fox, P. hypomelanus \n* Ornate flying fox, P. ornatus \n* Little golden-mantled flying fox, P. pumilus \n* Philippine gray flying fox, P. speciosus \n* Small Mauritian flying fox, P. subniger (19th century \u2020) \n* P. vampyrus species group \n* Indian flying fox, P. giganteus \n* Andersen's flying fox, P. intermedius \n* Lyle's flying fox, P. lylei \n* Large flying fox, P. vampyrus \n* incertae sedis \n* Small Samoan flying fox, P. allenorum (19th century \u2020) \n* Large Samoan flying fox, P. coxi (19th century \u2020) \n* Genus Styloctenium \n* Mindoro stripe-faced fruit bat, S. mindorensis \n* Sulawesi stripe-faced fruit bat, S. wallacei \n* v \n* t \n* e"@en . "Pteropodinae \u2013 podrodzina ssak\u00F3w z rodziny rudawkowatych (Pteropodidae)."@pl . . . . . . "Neopteryx"@en . . . "Genera"@en . . "5678"^^ . . . . . . . "Les Pteropodinae sont une sous-famille de chauve-souris."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . "Pteropus"@en . "Acerodon"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .