"Puente Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda is a 1650 metre long liftable road bridge with 2 lanes in Buenos Aires, Argentina over Riachuelo River, which was built from 1937 to 1940. The 57 metre tall liftable section over Riachuelo River has a length of 60 metres and offers a clearance of 43 metres when lifted, and a clearance of 21 metres when not lifted. This section of the bridge carries a transporter gondola ( see picture http:/ /i.imgur.com/2P094qz.jpg and http:/ /i.imgur.com/YAuUqgJl.jpg ) and can work like the nearby Puente Transbordador as a transporter bridge. The transporter gondola was designed to allow horse-driven wagons to cross the river without using the long strenuous way over the ramps of the bridge. Puente Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda is the only liftable bridge in the world equipped with a transp"@en . "47648824"^^ . . . . . "Nicol\u00E1s Avellanedabron"@sv . "-58.35570526123047"^^ . . . . . . "El puente Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda cruza el R\u00EDo Matanza-Riachuelo, uniendo los barrios de La Boca, en el sur de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, e Isla Maciel, en el Municipio de Avellaneda. Su viaducto forma parte de la Ruta Nacional A001. Consta simult\u00E1neamente de un tablero levadizo y un puente transbordador, lo que lo hace \u00FAnico en su tipo en el mundo. Fue dise\u00F1ado para reemplazar al adyacente Puente Transbordador Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda."@es . "Puente Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda"@en . "Nicol\u00E1s Avellanedabron, (spanska Puente Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda), \u00E4r en lyftbro, med funktion ocks\u00E5 som h\u00E4ngf\u00E4rja, \u00F6ver floden Riachuelo i Buenos Aires i Argentina. Nicol\u00E1s Avellanedabron har sitt namn efter en tidigare argentinsk president p\u00E5 1870-talet, Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda. Den binder samman stadsdelen Island Maciel i staden Dock Sud med Avenida Almirante Brown i stadsdelen La Boca i staden Buenos Aires. Nicol\u00E1s Avellanedabron byggdes 1937\u20131940, ett hundra meter nedstr\u00F6ms den befintliga H\u00E4ngf\u00E4rjan Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda. Den har tv\u00E5 k\u00F6rfiler. Den lyftbara delen av bron, som kan lyftas 57 meter, \u00E4r 60 meter l\u00E5ng och erbjuder 43 meters seglingsh\u00F6jd i upplyft l\u00E4ge och 21 meter i neds\u00E4nkt l\u00E4ge. Den lyftbara bron b\u00E4r en gondol och fungerar d\u00E4rmed, liksom den n\u00E4rbel\u00E4gna H\u00E4ngf\u00E4rjan Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda, ocks\u00E5 som h\u00E4ngf\u00E4rja. Nicol\u00E1s Avellanedabron \u00E4r ensam i sitt slag om att vara en lyftbro med kapacitet ocks\u00E5 som h\u00E4ngf\u00E4rja. Sedan 1960 anv\u00E4nds h\u00E4ngf\u00E4rjefunktionen endast n\u00E4r Nicol\u00E1s Avellanedabron \u00E4r avst\u00E4ngd f\u00F6r underh\u00E5ll."@sv . . "1111255224"^^ . . "El puente Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda cruza el R\u00EDo Matanza-Riachuelo, uniendo los barrios de La Boca, en el sur de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, e Isla Maciel, en el Municipio de Avellaneda. Su viaducto forma parte de la Ruta Nacional A001. Consta simult\u00E1neamente de un tablero levadizo y un puente transbordador, lo que lo hace \u00FAnico en su tipo en el mundo. Fue dise\u00F1ado para reemplazar al adyacente Puente Transbordador Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda."@es . "Die Puente Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda ist eine 1650 Meter lange Stra\u00DFenbr\u00FCcke mit zwei Fahrspuren \u00FCber den R\u00EDo Matanza-Riachuelo in Argentinien."@de . . "Die Puente Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda ist eine 1650 Meter lange Stra\u00DFenbr\u00FCcke mit zwei Fahrspuren \u00FCber den R\u00EDo Matanza-Riachuelo in Argentinien."@de . . . "-34.638017 -58.355706" . . "Puente Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda"@de . . . "Puente Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda is a 1650 metre long liftable road bridge with 2 lanes in Buenos Aires, Argentina over Riachuelo River, which was built from 1937 to 1940. The 57 metre tall liftable section over Riachuelo River has a length of 60 metres and offers a clearance of 43 metres when lifted, and a clearance of 21 metres when not lifted. This section of the bridge carries a transporter gondola ( see picture http:/ /i.imgur.com/2P094qz.jpg and http:/ /i.imgur.com/YAuUqgJl.jpg ) and can work like the nearby Puente Transbordador as a transporter bridge. The transporter gondola was designed to allow horse-driven wagons to cross the river without using the long strenuous way over the ramps of the bridge. Puente Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda is the only liftable bridge in the world equipped with a transporter gondola.However since 1960, this gondola is only in use when the roadway on the bridge is closed for maintenance work."@en . . "-34.63801574707031"^^ . "Puente Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda"@es . . . . . "Nicol\u00E1s Avellanedabron, (spanska Puente Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda), \u00E4r en lyftbro, med funktion ocks\u00E5 som h\u00E4ngf\u00E4rja, \u00F6ver floden Riachuelo i Buenos Aires i Argentina. Nicol\u00E1s Avellanedabron har sitt namn efter en tidigare argentinsk president p\u00E5 1870-talet, Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda. Den binder samman stadsdelen Island Maciel i staden Dock Sud med Avenida Almirante Brown i stadsdelen La Boca i staden Buenos Aires. Nicol\u00E1s Avellanedabron byggdes 1937\u20131940, ett hundra meter nedstr\u00F6ms den befintliga H\u00E4ngf\u00E4rjan Nicol\u00E1s Avellaneda. Den har tv\u00E5 k\u00F6rfiler."@sv . . "1730"^^ . . . "POINT(-58.35570526123 -34.63801574707)"^^ .