"Quint Novi"@ca . . . . . . . . . . "Quinto Novio fue un poeta latino del siglo I a. C."@es . . . "Quinto Novio (in latino: Quintus Novius; ... \u2013 dopo il 90 a.C.) \u00E8 stato un commediografo latino."@it . . . . . "Quinto Novio"@es . . . . "Quintus Novius (fl. 30 BC), was a Roman dramatist, and composer of Atellanae Fabulae (Atellan Fables). His efforts seem to have been directed towards giving literary dignity to this form of drama without diminishing their popular quality and traditional cast of characters. He is known to have written his works around the same time as Lucius Pomponius, who also wrote Atellanae Fabulae; Macrobius makes reference to him as a very well-esteemed writer whose atellaniolae (\"little Atellans\") found a receptive audience. Some of Novius' known works, among the forty-three that are attributed to him, include:"@en . . "Quint Novi (en llat\u00ED Quintus Novius) va viure cap a l'any 30 aC. Va ser un c\u00E8lebre escriptor rom\u00E0 contemporani de Luci Pomponi Bononiense. Formava part de la gens N\u00F2via, una gens romana d'origen plebeu."@ca . . "Quintus Novius (fl. 30 BC), was a Roman dramatist, and composer of Atellanae Fabulae (Atellan Fables). His efforts seem to have been directed towards giving literary dignity to this form of drama without diminishing their popular quality and traditional cast of characters. He is known to have written his works around the same time as Lucius Pomponius, who also wrote Atellanae Fabulae; Macrobius makes reference to him as a very well-esteemed writer whose atellaniolae (\"little Atellans\") found a receptive audience."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Quinto Novio fue un poeta latino del siglo I a. C."@es . . . "Quinto Novio (in latino: Quintus Novius; ... \u2013 dopo il 90 a.C.) \u00E8 stato un commediografo latino."@it . . "1832280"^^ . . . "Quint Novi (en llat\u00ED Quintus Novius) va viure cap a l'any 30 aC. Va ser un c\u00E8lebre escriptor rom\u00E0 contemporani de Luci Pomponi Bononiense. Formava part de la gens N\u00F2via, una gens romana d'origen plebeu. Va escriure algunes obres que segons sembla feien refer\u00E8ncia al dictador Sul\u00B7la. Les com\u00E8dies de Novi s\u00F3n mencionades sovint per Noni Marcel i tamb\u00E9 per altres gram\u00E0tics. Algunes de les seves obres s'han conservat i s\u00F3n totes del g\u00E8nere literari atel\u00B7lana, Atellanae Fabulae, molt populars, que tractaven temes humor\u00EDstics i sense gaire connexi\u00F3 uns amb els altres per\u00F2 que tenien gran \u00E8xit entre els romans."@ca . . . . "2190"^^ . . "Quintus Novius"@en . . . . . "Quinto Novio"@it . "1117338368"^^ . . . . . . .