. . . . . . . . . . "1019721000"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Rautavaara's Case"@en . . . . . "P\u0159\u00EDpad Rautavaarov\u00E1 (anglicky \u201ERautavaara's Case\u201C) je v\u011Bdeckofantastick\u00E1 pov\u00EDdka americk\u00E9ho spisovatele Philipa K. Dicka, kter\u00E1 vy\u0161la poprv\u00E9 v \u0159\u00EDjnu 1980 v \u010Dasopise Omni. V roce 1981 byla nominov\u00E1na na cenu Locus v kategorii nejlep\u0161\u00ED pov\u00EDdka (za rok 1980) a skon\u010Dila na 14. m\u00EDst\u011B, v\u00EDt\u011Bzem se stala pov\u00EDdka (anglicky Grotto of the Dancing Deer\u201C) Clifforda D. Simaka. P\u0159\u00EDb\u011Bh se odehr\u00E1v\u00E1 v Galaxii, kde existuj\u00ED r\u016Fzn\u00E9 civilizace \u2013 rasy. Je vypr\u00E1v\u011Bn z pohledu \u010Dlena inteligentn\u00ED plazmatick\u00E9 formy \u017Eivota (lidmi\u2013pozem\u0161\u0165any naz\u00FDvanou pon\u011Bkud hanliv\u011B Aproximace, nebo\u0165 poch\u00E1z\u00ED z hv\u011Bzdn\u00E9ho syst\u00E9mu Proxima Centauri), kter\u00E1 je nucena poskytnout pomoc kosmick\u00E9mu pr\u016Fzkumn\u00E9mu \u010Dlunu lid\u00ED. Odli\u0161n\u00E1 podstata fyzick\u00E9ho byt\u00ED je p\u0159\u00ED\u010Dinou nepochopen\u00ED a vz\u00E1jemn\u00FDch antipati\u00ED."@cs . . "2287645"^^ . . "\"Rautavaara's Case\" is a science fiction short story by American writer Philip K. Dick. It was first published in 1980 in Omni magazine and subsequently in the 1985 short story collection I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon. The story was also included on We Can Remember It For You Wholesale, volume five of the Collected Short Stories of Philip K. Dick in 2003. The story is about Agneta Rautavaara, a young Finnish technician, who dies in an accident while working on a space vessel with two other technicians. However, a rescue team from Proxima Centauri gets there in time to save Rautavaara's brain and impose artificial life support on it. In her damaged brain, Rautavaara goes through a series of experiences that draw on the conceptions of afterlife held by herself on the one hand and the Proxima Centauri natives on the other. A theme of the story is whether it is ethically right to keep a human on life-support if they exist only as a mind, with their body paralyzed or otherwise destroyed."@en . "P\u0159\u00EDpad Rautavaarov\u00E1"@cs . "\"Rautavaara's Case\" is a science fiction short story by American writer Philip K. Dick. It was first published in 1980 in Omni magazine and subsequently in the 1985 short story collection I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon. The story was also included on We Can Remember It For You Wholesale, volume five of the Collected Short Stories of Philip K. Dick in 2003. A theme of the story is whether it is ethically right to keep a human on life-support if they exist only as a mind, with their body paralyzed or otherwise destroyed."@en . . . . . "P\u0159\u00EDpad Rautavaarov\u00E1 (anglicky \u201ERautavaara's Case\u201C) je v\u011Bdeckofantastick\u00E1 pov\u00EDdka americk\u00E9ho spisovatele Philipa K. Dicka, kter\u00E1 vy\u0161la poprv\u00E9 v \u0159\u00EDjnu 1980 v \u010Dasopise Omni. V roce 1981 byla nominov\u00E1na na cenu Locus v kategorii nejlep\u0161\u00ED pov\u00EDdka (za rok 1980) a skon\u010Dila na 14. m\u00EDst\u011B, v\u00EDt\u011Bzem se stala pov\u00EDdka (anglicky Grotto of the Dancing Deer\u201C) Clifforda D. Simaka."@cs . . . . . . . "1565"^^ . . . . . .