"Ren Shang"@ca . "Ren Shang (Chinese: \u4EFB\u5C1A; Wade\u2013Giles: Jen Shang, died 118) was the Protector General of the Western Regions under Eastern Han between 102-106 CE. In February, 91, he and Geng Kui defeated the unnamed Northern Shanyu shortly after the Battle of Ikh Bayan, on commission by Dou Xian. In 93, he killed the penultimate northern chanyu, Yuchujian Chanyu during a pursuit with Wang Fu. A Chinese inscription stele of him, the Achievements Inscription of Ren Shang of the Han (\u6C49\u4EFB\u5C1A\u7EAA\u529F\u94ED) was excavated in 1957 from Kumul, Xinjiang, which recorded the event in 93."@en . . . "Ren Shang (xin\u00E8s tradicional: \u4EFB\u5C1A, xin\u00E8s simplificat: \u4EFB\u5C1AWade-Giles: Jen Shang, mort el 118 EC) va ser el sota la Dinastia Han Oriental entre el 102-106 EC. En febrer, 91, ell i van derrotar el sense nom poc despr\u00E9s de la Batalla d'Ikh Bayan, per enc\u00E0rrec de . En el 93, ell va matar a l'\u00FAltim del nord, Yuchujian Chanyu, durant un empait amb Wang Fu. Una estela amb una inscripci\u00F3 xinesa d'ell, \u6C49\u4EFB\u5C1A\u7EAA\u529F\u94ED, va ser excavada en el 1957 per , Xinjiang, la qual tenia registrada un esdeveniment del 93 EC. Quan Ban Chao es retirava del seu c\u00E0rrec de Protector General de les Regions Occidentals en el 102 EC, a causa de la seva edat i mala salut, Ren Shang li va demanar un consell. Ban Chao va dir: \"Els oficials que es troben fora de la barrera no s\u00F3n, naturalment, fills dedicats i nets obedients. Tots ells han estat deportats per alguna malifeta i se'ls ha ordenat d'ocupar un post en les col\u00F2nies de la frontera militar. D'altra banda, els b\u00E0rbars tenen les emocions de les aus silvestres i els animals. \u00C9s dif\u00EDcil fomentar les seves bones tend\u00E8ncies i \u00E9s f\u00E0cil de destruir-los. Ara, tens un car\u00E0cter auster i estricte. B\u00E9, quan un riu \u00E9s clar, aquest no en t\u00E9 peixos grans. Un govern que \u00E9s massa meticul\u00F3s no obt\u00E9 la simpatia dels seus inferiors. Has d'estar amb una actitud complaent i lliure de tibantor, sigues indulgent amb els errors petits, i acontenta't amb guiar de la m\u00E0 als generals principals.Despr\u00E9s que (Ban) Chao va marxar, (Ren) Shang li va dir en privat als seus amics m\u00E9s propers: \u201CPense que el Senyor Ban t\u00E9 algunes prescripcions meravelloses, per\u00F2 el que m'ha dit ha estat molt ordinari.\" En el 107 EC, les Regions Occidentals de l'actual prov\u00EDncia de Xinjiang es van revoltar en contra del govern xin\u00E8s. Ban Yong va ser nomenat com a Comandant (Jun Sima \u8ECD\u53F8\u99AC), i juntament amb el seu germ\u00E0 major, Ban Xiong (\u73ED\u96C4), va anar cap a Dunhuang per reunir-se amb el , Ren Shang (?-119 EC), que havia substitu\u00EFt a Ban Chao com Protector General en el 102 EC. Els xinesos hagueren de retirar-se, i despr\u00E9s d'a\u00E7\u00F2 no hi va haver m\u00E9s funcionaris xinesos a les Regions Occidentals durant m\u00E9s de deu anys fins que Ban Yong va tornar en el 126 EC. Segons el Hou Hanshu, Cap. 117, p. 6b, Ren Shang va ser retirat i executat en el 118 EC, per cometre exactament els errors que Ban Chao li havia advertit de no fer."@ca . . . . . . . . . "\u4EFB\u5C1A\uFF08\uFF1F\uFF0D119\u5E741\u670822\u65E5\uFF09\uFF0C\u6771\u6F22\u5C07\u9818\u3002"@zh . "4611711"^^ . . . . "Jen Shang"@en . "\u4EFB\u5C1A"@en . . . "Ren Shang (Chinese: \u4EFB\u5C1A; Wade\u2013Giles: Jen Shang, died 118) was the Protector General of the Western Regions under Eastern Han between 102-106 CE. In February, 91, he and Geng Kui defeated the unnamed Northern Shanyu shortly after the Battle of Ikh Bayan, on commission by Dou Xian. In 93, he killed the penultimate northern chanyu, Yuchujian Chanyu during a pursuit with Wang Fu. A Chinese inscription stele of him, the Achievements Inscription of Ren Shang of the Han (\u6C49\u4EFB\u5C1A\u7EAA\u529F\u94ED) was excavated in 1957 from Kumul, Xinjiang, which recorded the event in 93. When Ban Chao was retiring from the post of Protector General of the Western Regions in 102 CE, due to age an ill health, Ren Shang asked him for some advice. Ban Chao said: \"The officers who are outside the Barrier are naturally not devoted sons and obedient grandsons. All have been deported for some misdeed and ordered to fill a post in the frontier military colonies. On the other hand, the barbarians have the emotions of wild birds and animals. It is difficult to foster their good tendencies and easy to destroy them. Now, you have an austere and strict character. Well, when a river is clear, it doesn\u2019t have big fish. A government that is too meticulous doesn\u2019t obtain the sympathy of its inferiors. You have to be flowing and accommodating, be indulgent with the little mistakes, and content yourself with guiding the hand of the principal generals.After (Ban) Chao left, (Ren) Shang said in private to his close friends: \u201CI think that Lord Ban has some marvellous prescriptions, but what he said to me was very ordinary.\" In 107 CE, the Western Regions in modern Xinjiang province rebelled against Chinese rule. Ban Yong was appointed as a Major (Jun Sima \u8ECD\u53F8\u99AC) and, with his elder brother, Ban Xiong (\u73ED\u96C4), went to Dunhuang to meet up with the Protector General of the Western Regions, Ren Shang, who had replaced Ban Chao as Protector General in 102 CE. The Chinese had to retreat and, following this, there were no Chinese functionaries in the Western Regions for more than ten years until Ban Yong returned in 126 CE. According to the Hou Hanshu (Chap. 117, p. 6b), Ren Shang was recalled and executed in 118 CE, for committing exactly the mistakes which Ban Chao had warned him against."@en . "\u4EFB\u5C1A\uFF08\uFF1F\uFF0D119\u5E741\u670822\u65E5\uFF09\uFF0C\u6771\u6F22\u5C07\u9818\u3002"@zh . . . "3498"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ren Shang"@en . . . . . . . "Ren Shang (xin\u00E8s tradicional: \u4EFB\u5C1A, xin\u00E8s simplificat: \u4EFB\u5C1AWade-Giles: Jen Shang, mort el 118 EC) va ser el sota la Dinastia Han Oriental entre el 102-106 EC. En febrer, 91, ell i van derrotar el sense nom poc despr\u00E9s de la Batalla d'Ikh Bayan, per enc\u00E0rrec de . En el 93, ell va matar a l'\u00FAltim del nord, Yuchujian Chanyu, durant un empait amb Wang Fu. Una estela amb una inscripci\u00F3 xinesa d'ell, \u6C49\u4EFB\u5C1A\u7EAA\u529F\u94ED, va ser excavada en el 1957 per , Xinjiang, la qual tenia registrada un esdeveniment del 93 EC."@ca . "\u4EFB\u5C1A"@zh . . . . . . . . . "1009536593"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .