. "El Caso de la ti\u00F1a o Tratamiento de la tinea capitis en Israel y en las comunidades jud\u00EDas es una referencia a la ionizaci\u00F3n con rayos X de la cabeza de 20.000 israel\u00EDes, especialmente ni\u00F1os, de 1948 a 1960 por tinea capitis. Esta poblaci\u00F3n estaba formada principalmente por jud\u00EDos sefard\u00EDes de \u00C1frica del Norte y de Oriente Medio\u200B Este tema fue parte de una pel\u00EDcula documental: Los Ni\u00F1os de la Ti\u00F1a por David Belhassen y Asher Hemias. La pel\u00EDcula gan\u00F3 el premio del mejor documental al festival internacional de Haifa y particip\u00F3 al Israel Film Festival en Los \u00C1ngeles en 2007.\u200B\u200B El tema ha dado lugar a un esc\u00E1ndalo pol\u00EDtico y a varias teor\u00EDas de conspiraci\u00F3n."@es . . "1113173003"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "InternetArchiveBot"@en . . . . "The ringworm affair refers to circumstances involving an alleged number of 20,000 to 200,000 Jews who were treated between 1948 and 1960 for tinea capitis (ringworm) with ionizing radiation to the head and neck area within Israel. The population suffering from the disease in Israel at the time was composed primarily of newly-arrived immigrants and populations who were expected to emigrate, mostly from North Africa, as well as some from Middle East and elsewhere, but many Jewish children were irradiated in their home countries regardless of their intent to emigrate."@en . . "The ringworm affair refers to circumstances involving an alleged number of 20,000 to 200,000 Jews who were treated between 1948 and 1960 for tinea capitis (ringworm) with ionizing radiation to the head and neck area within Israel. The population suffering from the disease in Israel at the time was composed primarily of newly-arrived immigrants and populations who were expected to emigrate, mostly from North Africa, as well as some from Middle East and elsewhere, but many Jewish children were irradiated in their home countries regardless of their intent to emigrate. The irradiation of Mizrahi children is viewed by activists in Israel as the most salient example of injustices encountered in the 1950s as a result of shortcomings or irresponsibility on the part of authorities in the absorption in Israeli society of new immigrants."@en . "Ringelflechte-Aff\u00E4re"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Caso della tigna"@it . . . . . . . . . . "L'affaire des enfants de la teigne fait r\u00E9f\u00E9rence aux dizaines de milliers d'enfants isra\u00E9liens principalement Marocains s\u00E9farades atteints de cancer \u00E0 la suite de radioth\u00E9rapies pratiqu\u00E9es au d\u00E9but des ann\u00E9es 1950 au niveau de la t\u00EAte cens\u00E9es constituer un traitement contre la teigne. Un film, The Ringworm Children (2003) r\u00E9alis\u00E9 par Asher Nachmias et David Belhassen, consacr\u00E9 \u00E0 cette affaire, a \u00E9t\u00E9 projet\u00E9 au Festival du Film International de Ha\u00EFfa en 2003 et a re\u00E7u une mention honorable au PriMed, Prix International pour le Documentaire et le Reportage M\u00E9diterran\u00E9en, en France en 2005."@fr . . . . . . "L'affare della tigna si riferisce al trattamento della tinea capitis attraverso radiazioni ionizzanti, proposto per la prima volta nel 1903 e somministrato secondo uno schema denominato procedura -Kienbock dal nome dei medici che lo definirono. Si stima che almeno 200.000 bambini in tutto il mondo abbiano subito questo trattamento, tra il 1910 e il 1959, antecedentemente alla scoperta del primo farmaco antifungino, la griseofulvina."@it . . . "Affaire des enfants de la teigne"@fr . . . . "13812952"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Caso de la ti\u00F1a"@es . "L'affaire des enfants de la teigne fait r\u00E9f\u00E9rence aux dizaines de milliers d'enfants isra\u00E9liens principalement Marocains s\u00E9farades atteints de cancer \u00E0 la suite de radioth\u00E9rapies pratiqu\u00E9es au d\u00E9but des ann\u00E9es 1950 au niveau de la t\u00EAte cens\u00E9es constituer un traitement contre la teigne. Un film, The Ringworm Children (2003) r\u00E9alis\u00E9 par Asher Nachmias et David Belhassen, consacr\u00E9 \u00E0 cette affaire, a \u00E9t\u00E9 projet\u00E9 au Festival du Film International de Ha\u00EFfa en 2003 et a re\u00E7u une mention honorable au PriMed, Prix International pour le Documentaire et le Reportage M\u00E9diterran\u00E9en, en France en 2005."@fr . . "L'affare della tigna si riferisce al trattamento della tinea capitis attraverso radiazioni ionizzanti, proposto per la prima volta nel 1903 e somministrato secondo uno schema denominato procedura -Kienbock dal nome dei medici che lo definirono. Si stima che almeno 200.000 bambini in tutto il mondo abbiano subito questo trattamento, tra il 1910 e il 1959, antecedentemente alla scoperta del primo farmaco antifungino, la griseofulvina."@it . "yes"@en . . "Ringworm affair"@en . . "16126"^^ . "Die Ringelflechte-Aff\u00E4re bezieht sich auf sp\u00E4te Nebenwirkungen einer Therapie, bei der mindestens 20.000 Israelis, insbesondere Kinder, in der Zeit zwischen 1948 und 1960 wegen Tinea capitis (Kopfhautringelflechte) mit R\u00F6ntgenstrahlen im Kopfbereich behandelt wurden. Die Patienten waren vor allem Einwanderer aus Nordafrika und dem Mittleren Osten. Die Bestrahlung hat das Krebsrisiko der Betroffenen vermutlich auf das \u00FCber 3fache gegen\u00FCber dem Krebsrisiko unbestrahlter Ringelflechten-Patienten ansteigen lassen."@de . . "Die Ringelflechte-Aff\u00E4re bezieht sich auf sp\u00E4te Nebenwirkungen einer Therapie, bei der mindestens 20.000 Israelis, insbesondere Kinder, in der Zeit zwischen 1948 und 1960 wegen Tinea capitis (Kopfhautringelflechte) mit R\u00F6ntgenstrahlen im Kopfbereich behandelt wurden. Die Patienten waren vor allem Einwanderer aus Nordafrika und dem Mittleren Osten. Die Bestrahlung hat das Krebsrisiko der Betroffenen vermutlich auf das \u00FCber 3fache gegen\u00FCber dem Krebsrisiko unbestrahlter Ringelflechten-Patienten ansteigen lassen."@de . "April 2019"@en . "El Caso de la ti\u00F1a o Tratamiento de la tinea capitis en Israel y en las comunidades jud\u00EDas es una referencia a la ionizaci\u00F3n con rayos X de la cabeza de 20.000 israel\u00EDes, especialmente ni\u00F1os, de 1948 a 1960 por tinea capitis. Esta poblaci\u00F3n estaba formada principalmente por jud\u00EDos sefard\u00EDes de \u00C1frica del Norte y de Oriente Medio\u200B Este tema fue parte de una pel\u00EDcula documental: Los Ni\u00F1os de la Ti\u00F1a por David Belhassen y Asher Hemias. La pel\u00EDcula gan\u00F3 el premio del mejor documental al festival internacional de Haifa y particip\u00F3 al Israel Film Festival en Los \u00C1ngeles en 2007.\u200B\u200B El tema ha dado lugar a un esc\u00E1ndalo pol\u00EDtico y a varias teor\u00EDas de conspiraci\u00F3n."@es .