. . "yes"@en . . . . . "POINT(-102.59999847412 36.43399810791)"^^ . . . . . . . "Rita Blanca National Grassland"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Rita Blanca National Grassland \u00E9s un localitzat al nord del (Texas), a la , i al sud del Comtat de Cimarron (Oklahoma), a l'oest de la Panhandle d'Oklahoma, als Estats Units d'Am\u00E8rica. No \u00E9s tot terra propietat del govern per\u00F2 s\u00F3n petits blocs de terra propietat del govern. T\u00E9 una \u00E0rea de 376,3 quil\u00F2metres quadrats. El grassland \u00E9s administrat pel juntament amb , i els National Grasslands de , i , tots amb seu a Albuquerque (Nou M\u00E8xic). Tamb\u00E9 hi ha oficines m\u00E9s petites a Clayton (Nou M\u00E8xic). La ciutat principal de l'\u00E0rea \u00E9s Dalhart (Texas), el qual t\u00E9 el ."@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Rita Blanca National Grassland"@en . . . "92989"^^ . . . . . "Rita Blanca National Grassland \u00E9s un localitzat al nord del (Texas), a la , i al sud del Comtat de Cimarron (Oklahoma), a l'oest de la Panhandle d'Oklahoma, als Estats Units d'Am\u00E8rica. No \u00E9s tot terra propietat del govern per\u00F2 s\u00F3n petits blocs de terra propietat del govern. T\u00E9 una \u00E0rea de 376,3 quil\u00F2metres quadrats. El grassland \u00E9s administrat pel juntament amb , i els National Grasslands de , i , tots amb seu a Albuquerque (Nou M\u00E8xic). Tamb\u00E9 hi ha oficines m\u00E9s petites a Clayton (Nou M\u00E8xic). La ciutat principal de l'\u00E0rea \u00E9s Dalhart (Texas), el qual t\u00E9 el ."@ca . . . . "36.43399810791016"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Dallam County, Texas and Cimarron County, Oklahoma, United States"@en . . . . "1001562464"^^ . "-102.5999984741211"^^ . . "36.434 -102.6" . . "Rita Blanca National Grassland"@ca . . . . "Rita Blanca National Grassland.jpg"@en . . "Rita Blanca National Grassland is a National Grassland on the Great Plains near the community of Texline in northwest Dallam County, Texas, in the Texas Panhandle, and in southern Cimarron County, Oklahoma, in the western Oklahoma Panhandle. The principal city in the area is Dalhart, Texas, which houses the . The name Rita Blanca (Little White River) was applied to a stream by Spanish sheepherders in the 19th Century. It was later used by the XIT ranch and has been applied to other geographic features in the vicinity."@en . . . "Rita Blanca"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "6760"^^ . . "right"@en . . . "Rita Blanca National Grassland"@en . . . . . "300"^^ . . "Rita Blanca National Grassland is a National Grassland on the Great Plains near the community of Texline in northwest Dallam County, Texas, in the Texas Panhandle, and in southern Cimarron County, Oklahoma, in the western Oklahoma Panhandle. The principal city in the area is Dalhart, Texas, which houses the . The name Rita Blanca (Little White River) was applied to a stream by Spanish sheepherders in the 19th Century. It was later used by the XIT ranch and has been applied to other geographic features in the vicinity."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "3260668"^^ . . . . . . .