. . . . . "Robert Waring Darwin ( * Newark, Lincolnshire 17 de octubre 1724 \u2013 , Nottinghamshire, 4 de noviembre de 1816) fue un bot\u00E1nico brit\u00E1nico. Era hijo de Robert Darwin of Elston (1682-1754), un abogado, y de Elizabeth Hill (1702-1797). Nunca se cas\u00F3 ni tuvo hijos, mas su sobrino el Dr. Robert Waring Darwin, hijo de Erasmus y padre del sabio Charles Darwin, tom\u00F3 su apelativo, y no deben confundirse. \n* La abreviatura \u00ABR.W.Darwin\u00BB se emplea para indicar a Robert Waring Darwin como autoridad en la descripci\u00F3n y clasificaci\u00F3n cient\u00EDfica de los vegetales.\u200B"@es . . . . . . . "Robert Waring Darwin of Elston"@en . . . . . . . . . "Robert Waring Darwin (1724\u20131816) of Elston Hall was an English botanist. He was the eldest son of Robert Darwin of Elston (1682\u20131754), a lawyer, and his wife Elizabeth Hill (1702\u20131797). His brothers were William Alvey Darwin (1726-1783), Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802), the poet, philosopher, physician, etc., and Rev. John Darwin (1730-1805), rector of Elston. He was baptized as a Christian. He never married and had no children, but his nephew Dr Robert Waring Darwin, son of Erasmus and father of Charles Darwin, took his name."@en . . . . . . . . . "1090534385"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Robert Waring Darwin (1724\u20131816) of Elston Hall was an English botanist. He was the eldest son of Robert Darwin of Elston (1682\u20131754), a lawyer, and his wife Elizabeth Hill (1702\u20131797). His brothers were William Alvey Darwin (1726-1783), Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802), the poet, philosopher, physician, etc., and Rev. John Darwin (1730-1805), rector of Elston. He was baptized as a Christian. He never married and had no children, but his nephew Dr Robert Waring Darwin, son of Erasmus and father of Charles Darwin, took his name. He was educated at Chesterfield Grammar School, and St John's College, Cambridge although he apparently did not take a degree, but became a lawyer of Lincoln's Inn and Gray's Inn. He inherited Elston Hall on the death of his father in 1754. In 1787 he published Principia Botanica (full title: Principia Botanica or, a Concise and Easy Introduction to the Sexual Botany of Linnaeus), an introduction to the Linnean system of taxonomy. His famous great-nephew Charles notes, in his autobiography: The eldest son of Robert, christened Robert Waring, succeeded to the estate of Elston, and died there at the age of ninety-two, a bachelor. He had a strong taste for poetry, like his youngest brother Erasmus, as I infer from the later having dedicated an MS. volume of juvenile poems to him, with the words, \"By whose example and encouragement my mind was directed to the study of poetry in my very early years\". The two brothers also corresponded together in verse. Robert also cultivated botany, and, when an oldish man, he published his Principia Botanica. This book in MS. was beautifully written, and my father [Dr. R.W. Darwin] declared that he believed it was published because his old uncle could not endure that such fine calligraphy should be wasted. But this was hardly just, as the work contains many curious notes on biology \u2014 a subject wholly neglected in England in the last century. The public, moreover, appreciated the book, as the copy in my possession is the third edition. The standard author abbreviation R.W.Darwin is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "5151559"^^ . . . . "Robert Waring Darwin (* 17. Oktober 1724 in Newark, Lincolnshire; \u2020 4. November 1816 in , Nottinghamshire) war ein englischer Arzt und Botaniker. Sein offizielles botanisches Autorenk\u00FCrzel lautet \u201ER.W.Darwin\u201C."@de . . . . . "Robert Waring Darwin ( * Newark, Lincolnshire 17 de octubre 1724 \u2013 , Nottinghamshire, 4 de noviembre de 1816) fue un bot\u00E1nico brit\u00E1nico. Era hijo de Robert Darwin of Elston (1682-1754), un abogado, y de Elizabeth Hill (1702-1797). Nunca se cas\u00F3 ni tuvo hijos, mas su sobrino el Dr. Robert Waring Darwin, hijo de Erasmus y padre del sabio Charles Darwin, tom\u00F3 su apelativo, y no deben confundirse. En 1787 publica Principia Botanica (t\u00EDtulo completo: Principia Botanica or, a Concise and Easy Introduction to the Sexual Botany of Linnaeus), y en 1788, una introducci\u00F3n al sistema de taxonom\u00EDa de Linneo. Su famoso sobrino nieto Charles anota, en su autobiograf\u00EDa (en ingl\u00E9s): El mayor de Robert, bautizado Robert Waring, le sucedi\u00F3 en el estate de Elston, y falleci\u00F3 all\u00ED a la edad de noventa y dos, siendo soltero. Ten\u00EDa un fuerte gusto por la poes\u00EDa, como su m\u00E1s joven hermano Erasmus, e infiero del m\u00E1s tarde escrito y dedicado volumen manuscrito de poemas juveniles a \u00E9l, con las palabras, \"Por aquellos ejemplos y acondicionamientos de mi mente fui directamente al estudio de la po\u00E9tica en mis m\u00E1s tempranos a\u00F1os\". Los dos hermanos tambi\u00E9n tuvieron correspondencia en verso. Robert tambi\u00E9n cultiv\u00F3 la bot\u00E1nica, y, cuando ya era anciano, public\u00F3 su Principia Botanica. Este texto manuscrito estaba bellamente redactado, y mi padre [Dr. R.W. Darwin] declar\u00F3 que cre\u00EDa que ser\u00EDa publicado pues su viejo t\u00EDo no tolerar\u00EDa que tal fina caligraf\u00EDa se estropeara. Per, m\u00E1s all\u00E1 de estas trivialidades, la obra conten\u00EDa muchas curiosas notas sobre biolog\u00EDa \u2014 una tem\u00E1tica ampliamente negada en Inglaterra en el \u00FAltimo siglo. El p\u00FAblico, apreci\u00F3 tal libro, y la copia en mi posesi\u00F3n es de la tercera edici\u00F3n.\u200B \n* La abreviatura \u00ABR.W.Darwin\u00BB se emplea para indicar a Robert Waring Darwin como autoridad en la descripci\u00F3n y clasificaci\u00F3n cient\u00EDfica de los vegetales.\u200B"@es . . "Robert Waring Darwin (* 17. Oktober 1724 in Newark, Lincolnshire; \u2020 4. November 1816 in , Nottinghamshire) war ein englischer Arzt und Botaniker. Sein offizielles botanisches Autorenk\u00FCrzel lautet \u201ER.W.Darwin\u201C."@de . . . . . . . . . . "Robert Waring Darwin"@es . "Robert Waring Darwin"@de . . . . . "3340"^^ . . . . .