. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "4221754"^^ . "Robert Whitaker is an American journalist and author, writing primarily about medicine, science, and history. He is the author of five books, three of which cover the history or practice of modern psychiatry. He has won numerous awards for science writing, and in 1998 he was part of a team writing for the Boston Globe that was shortlisted for the 1999 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for a series of articles questioning the ethics of psychiatric research in which unsuspecting patients were given drugs expected to heighten their psychosis. He is the founder and publisher of Mad in America, a webzine critical of the modern psychiatric establishment."@en . . . "Robert Whitaker"@es . . "Robert Whitaker (\u00E9crivain)"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "13103"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Robert Whitaker is an American journalist and author, writing primarily about medicine, science, and history. He is the author of five books, three of which cover the history or practice of modern psychiatry. He has won numerous awards for science writing, and in 1998 he was part of a team writing for the Boston Globe that was shortlisted for the 1999 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for a series of articles questioning the ethics of psychiatric research in which unsuspecting patients were given drugs expected to heighten their psychosis. He is the founder and publisher of Mad in America, a webzine critical of the modern psychiatric establishment."@en . "Robert Whitaker, f\u00F6dd 1952, \u00E4r en amerikansk journalist och f\u00F6rfattare som fr\u00E4mst skrivit om medicin, vetenskap och historia. Whitaker \u00E4r f\u00F6rfattare till fem b\u00F6cker, varav tre adresserar den moderna psykiatrins historia och eller praktik. Han har vunnit ett flertal utm\u00E4rkelser f\u00F6r vetenskapligt skrivande, och 1998 var han en del av ett team som skrev f\u00F6r Boston Globe, vilka nominerades till Pulitzerpriset f\u00F6r public service 1999, p\u00E5 grundval av en serie artiklar som ifr\u00E5gasatte etiken kring psykiatrisk forskning inom vilken intet ont anande patienter gavs l\u00E4kemedel som f\u00F6rv\u00E4ntades f\u00F6rv\u00E4rra deras psykotiska tillst\u00E5nd. Han \u00E4r grundaren och utgivaren av , ett som h\u00E5ller en kritisk inst\u00E4llning gentemot det samtida psykiatriska etablissemanget."@sv . . . . . . . . . . "Robert Whitaker est un journaliste et \u00E9crivain am\u00E9ricain. Il r\u00E9dige surtout sur la m\u00E9decine, la science et l'histoire. Par ses \u00E9crits, il s'inscrit dans le mouvement de l'anti-psychiatrie."@fr . . . . "Robert Whitaker"@sv . . . . . . "Robert Whitaker es un periodista y escritor estadounidense. Whitaker escribe sobre medicina y ciencia; est\u00E1 especializado en historia de la medicina, historia de la psiquiatr\u00EDa, ensayos cl\u00EDnicos y psicof\u00E1rmacos.\u200B Es conocido por sus libros 'Locura en Estados Unidos: mala ciencia, mala medicina y maltrato duradero de los enfermos mentales' (Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill) de 2002 y 'Anatom\u00EDa de una epidemia: Medicamentos psiqui\u00E1tricos y el asombroso aumento de las enfermedades mentales'\u200B (Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America) de 2010.\u200B\u200B Su \u00FAltimo libro publicado en 2015, junto a , es 'Psychiatry Under The Influence: Institutional Corruption, Social Injury, and Prescriptions for Reform'.\u200B"@es . . . . . . . "Robert Whitaker, f\u00F6dd 1952, \u00E4r en amerikansk journalist och f\u00F6rfattare som fr\u00E4mst skrivit om medicin, vetenskap och historia. Whitaker \u00E4r f\u00F6rfattare till fem b\u00F6cker, varav tre adresserar den moderna psykiatrins historia och eller praktik. Han har vunnit ett flertal utm\u00E4rkelser f\u00F6r vetenskapligt skrivande, och 1998 var han en del av ett team som skrev f\u00F6r Boston Globe, vilka nominerades till Pulitzerpriset f\u00F6r public service 1999, p\u00E5 grundval av en serie artiklar som ifr\u00E5gasatte etiken kring psykiatrisk forskning inom vilken intet ont anande patienter gavs l\u00E4kemedel som f\u00F6rv\u00E4ntades f\u00F6rv\u00E4rra deras psykotiska tillst\u00E5nd. Han \u00E4r grundaren och utgivaren av , ett som h\u00E5ller en kritisk inst\u00E4llning gentemot det samtida psykiatriska etablissemanget."@sv . . . . . . . "Robert Whitaker est un journaliste et \u00E9crivain am\u00E9ricain. Il r\u00E9dige surtout sur la m\u00E9decine, la science et l'histoire. Par ses \u00E9crits, il s'inscrit dans le mouvement de l'anti-psychiatrie."@fr . . . "Robert Whitaker es un periodista y escritor estadounidense. Whitaker escribe sobre medicina y ciencia; est\u00E1 especializado en historia de la medicina, historia de la psiquiatr\u00EDa, ensayos cl\u00EDnicos y psicof\u00E1rmacos.\u200B Su \u00FAltimo libro publicado en 2015, junto a , es 'Psychiatry Under The Influence: Institutional Corruption, Social Injury, and Prescriptions for Reform'.\u200B"@es . . . . . . "Robert Whitaker (author)"@en . "1054316327"^^ . . .