"\"Caring for the Fields"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Royal Agricultural College"@it . . "Royal Agricultural University"@de . . . "The Royal Agricultural University (RAU), formerly the Royal Agricultural College, is a university in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England. Established in 1845, it was the first agricultural college in the English-speaking world. The university provides more than 30 land-based undergraduate and postgraduate programmes to students from over 45 countries through the School of Agriculture, the School of Business and Entrepreneurship, the School of Equine and the School of Real Estate and Land Management."@en . "POINT(-1.9950000047684 51.543056488037)"^^ . . . . "21142"^^ . . . "3205657"^^ . . "Le Royal Agricultural College est une universit\u00E9 britannique publique situ\u00E9e \u00E0 Cirencester dans le Gloucestershire en Angleterre. Fond\u00E9e en 1844, elle acquit une charte royale un an plus tard. Le prince Charles en est le pr\u00E9sident depuis 1984."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . ""@en . "" . . . . . . . "240"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Royal Agricultural University (RAU), formerly the Royal Agricultural College, is a university in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England. Established in 1845, it was the first agricultural college in the English-speaking world. The university provides more than 30 land-based undergraduate and postgraduate programmes to students from over 45 countries through the School of Agriculture, the School of Business and Entrepreneurship, the School of Equine and the School of Real Estate and Land Management."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "-1.995000004768372"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "(from Virgil's Georgics)" . . . . "and the Beasts\"" . "1123594858"^^ . . . . . "\u2013 College"@en . ""@en . . . . "La Escuela Real de Agricultura, en ingl\u00E9s Royal Agricultural College (RAC), es una instituci\u00F3n de educaci\u00F3n superior ubicada en Cirencester, Gloucestershire, Reino Unido. Fundada en 1845,\u200B fue la primera universidad agr\u00EDcola en el mundo de habla inglesa.\u200B El College ofrece m\u00E1s de treinta grados con base en tierra y los programas de posgrado a estudiantes de m\u00E1s de 45 pa\u00EDses a trav\u00E9s de la Escuela de Agricultura, la Escuela de Negocios y la Escuela de Bienes Ra\u00EDces y Administraci\u00F3n de Tierras. El RAC tambi\u00E9n ofrece ense\u00F1anza con socios universitarios en China, los EE. UU. y los Pa\u00EDses Bajos.[cita requerida]"@es . "Royal Agricultural College"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . "51.54305648803711"^^ . . . "0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "51.543055555555554 -1.995" . . . . . "123"^^ . . . . . . . "Il Royal Agricultural College o RAC \u00E8 un'universit\u00E0 localizzata a Cirencester, Gloucestershire, nel Regno Unito.Fondata nel 1845, \u00E8 stata la prima universit\u00E0 agricola nei paesi parlanti la lingua inglese. Il college permette di ottenere circa 30 lauree e master, inoltre \u00E8 frequentato da studenti provenienti da 45 paesi, attraverso la School of Agriculture, la School of Business e la School of Real Estate & Land Management. Il RAC collabora con universit\u00E0 in Cina, Paesi Bassi e Stati Uniti."@it . . . "File:The Royal Agricultural University.png"@en . . . . "Royal Agricultural University"@en . . "Silver"@en . . "Royal Agricultural University"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ";" . . "Die Royal Agricultural University (RAU) ist eine 1845 durch die Royal Agricultural Society of England als Royal Agricultural College (RAC) gegr\u00FCndete Universit\u00E4t in Gro\u00DFbritannien. Die Universit\u00E4t wird durch eine Royal Charter der K\u00F6nigin Victoria I. aus dem Gr\u00FCndungsjahr unter besondere Patenschaft der Krone gestellt. Die Universit\u00E4t ist in Gro\u00DFbritannien als Unternehmen registriert als Royal Agricultural University Enterprises Ltd."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . "\"Caring for the Fields" . . . . . . . . . . "Royal Agricultural College of Cirencester"@es . "2013"^^ . . ";"@en . . . . . . "" . . . . . . . . . "La Escuela Real de Agricultura, en ingl\u00E9s Royal Agricultural College (RAC), es una instituci\u00F3n de educaci\u00F3n superior ubicada en Cirencester, Gloucestershire, Reino Unido. Fundada en 1845,\u200B fue la primera universidad agr\u00EDcola en el mundo de habla inglesa.\u200B El College ofrece m\u00E1s de treinta grados con base en tierra y los programas de posgrado a estudiantes de m\u00E1s de 45 pa\u00EDses a trav\u00E9s de la Escuela de Agricultura, la Escuela de Negocios y la Escuela de Bienes Ra\u00EDces y Administraci\u00F3n de Tierras. El RAC tambi\u00E9n ofrece ense\u00F1anza con socios universitarios en China, los EE. UU. y los Pa\u00EDses Bajos.[cita requerida]"@es . . . . "Peter McCaffery"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Arvorum Cultus Pecorumque" . . . "243"^^ . . "Il Royal Agricultural College o RAC \u00E8 un'universit\u00E0 localizzata a Cirencester, Gloucestershire, nel Regno Unito.Fondata nel 1845, \u00E8 stata la prima universit\u00E0 agricola nei paesi parlanti la lingua inglese. Il college permette di ottenere circa 30 lauree e master, inoltre \u00E8 frequentato da studenti provenienti da 45 paesi, attraverso la School of Agriculture, la School of Business e la School of Real Estate & Land Management. Il RAC collabora con universit\u00E0 in Cina, Paesi Bassi e Stati Uniti."@it . "Le Royal Agricultural College est une universit\u00E9 britannique publique situ\u00E9e \u00E0 Cirencester dans le Gloucestershire en Angleterre. Fond\u00E9e en 1844, elle acquit une charte royale un an plus tard. Le prince Charles en est le pr\u00E9sident depuis 1984."@fr . . . . . . . . "Arvorum Cultus Pecorumque"@en . . "Royal Agricultural University"@en . . "Die Royal Agricultural University (RAU) ist eine 1845 durch die Royal Agricultural Society of England als Royal Agricultural College (RAC) gegr\u00FCndete Universit\u00E4t in Gro\u00DFbritannien. Die Universit\u00E4t wird durch eine Royal Charter der K\u00F6nigin Victoria I. aus dem Gr\u00FCndungsjahr unter besondere Patenschaft der Krone gestellt. Die Universit\u00E4t ist in Gro\u00DFbritannien als Unternehmen registriert als Royal Agricultural University Enterprises Ltd. Neben akademischen Abschl\u00FCssen in Landwirtschaft bietet die Universit\u00E4t noch Abschl\u00FCsse in weiteren in der Landwirtschaft erforderlichen F\u00E4higkeiten, darunter Business Management, Pferdemanagement, Landmanagement und Tourismus. Zu Lehrzwecken werden ausgedehnte Fl\u00E4chen f\u00FCr landwirtschaftliche Betriebe unterhalten."@de . . "Chair of Governing Council"@en . . "and the Beasts\""@en . . . . .