"Frances Maria Kelly"@en . . . . "Il Royalty Theatre era un piccolo teatro londinese aperto nel 1840 e chiuso nel 1938."@it . "1840 Miss Kelly's Theatre and Dramatic School"@en . "1938-11-25"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "and Trial by Jury"@en . . . . . . . "1840"^^ . . . . . . . "1850"^^ . . . . . . . . "Dean Street,Soho"@en . . . . . . . . . "17629"^^ . . . . . . . . "51.513916015625"^^ . . "The Royalty Theatre was a small London theatre situated at 73 Dean Street, Soho. Established by the actress Frances Maria Kelly in 1840, it opened as Miss Kelly's Theatre and Dramatic School and finally closed to the public in 1938. The architect was Samuel Beazley. The theatre's opening was ill-fated, and it was little used for a decade. It changed its name twice and was used by an opera company, amateur drama companies and for French pieces. In 1861, it was renamed the New Royalty Theatre, and the next year it was leased by Mrs Charles Selby, who enlarged it from 200 seats to about 650. The theatre continued to change hands frequently. In the 1860s, it featured F. C. Burnand's burlesque of Black-Eyed Susan, which ran for nearly 500 nights, and a burlesque by W. S. Gilbert, The Merry Zingara. The theatre was managed by Henrietta Hodson during the early 1870s, who also produced mostly burlesques and comedies, including Gilbert's The Realm of Joy and Ought We to Visit Her? On 25 March 1875 the Royalty, under the direction of Selina Dolaro, enjoyed an historic success with Trial by Jury. In 1877, Kate Santley took control of the theatre, running it for nearly 30 years. She had the theatre rebuilt and it reopened in 1883. In this period, it featured opera-bouffes adapted from the French. M. L. Mayer and plays in French. It was increasingly hard for the theatre to compete with larger new London theatres. In 1891, the theatre started a policy of modern drama, presenting plays by Ibsen and George Bernard Shaw. When the theatre finally had a great success, with Charley's Aunt in 1892, its popularity led to its transference after only a month to a larger theatre. In 1895\u201396 the theatre underwent another renovation. Arthur Bourchier's The Chili Widow ran for over 300 nights. In the new century, Mrs Patrick Campbell played at the theatre. After another renovation in 1906, Sarah Bernhardt led her own company in a season. In 1912, Milestones, by Arnold Bennett and Edward Knoblauch had over 600 performances. The Man Who Stayed at Home played for 584 performances. The Co-Optimists played at the theatre after the war as did No\u00EBl Coward's The Vortex. In 1932, While Parents Sleep was a hit. The theatre closed in 1938 and was demolished in 1953."@en . . . "POINT(-0.1327899992466 51.513916015625)"^^ . . . "1861"^^ . "Das Royalty Theatre war ein Theater in der Dean Street in Soho, London, das von 1840 bis 1938 bestand."@de . . . . . . . . . . "-0.1327899992465973"^^ . . . . "Site occupied by office block" . "1861 New Royalty Theatre"@en . . . . . "Royalty Theatre"@en . . "1850 (Royal) Soho Theatre"@en . . . . "1840-05-25"^^ . . "Programme cover for La P\u00E9richole"@en . . . "Royalty Theatre"@en . . . . . . . "657"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Il Royalty Theatre era un piccolo teatro londinese aperto nel 1840 e chiuso nel 1938."@it . . . . . . . . . "Theatre and opera"@en . . "Royalty Theatre"@sv . . . . . . . . "51.513917 -0.13279" . . . "Royalty Theatre"@de . . . . . "1883"^^ . . "Demolished"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Royalty Theatre was a small London theatre situated at 73 Dean Street, Soho. Established by the actress Frances Maria Kelly in 1840, it opened as Miss Kelly's Theatre and Dramatic School and finally closed to the public in 1938. The architect was Samuel Beazley. The theatre's opening was ill-fated, and it was little used for a decade. It changed its name twice and was used by an opera company, amateur drama companies and for French pieces."@en . . . . . . . . "657"^^ . . . . . "1850 New English Opera House"@en . . "Royalty Theatre"@en . . "Royalty Theatre var en liten teater i London p\u00E5 73 Dean Street i Soho. Den \u00F6ppnade 1840 som \"Miss Kelly's Theatre and Dramatic School\" och st\u00E4ngdes 1938. Aktrisen Frances Maria \"Fanny\" Kelly (1790\u20131882) anv\u00E4nde sina sparade pengar fr\u00E5n sin karri\u00E4r till att etablera en dramaskola och tillh\u00F6rande teater med 200 platser. Arkitekten hette och teatern och skolan var f\u00E4rdig 1837. Kelleys v\u00E4n, uppfinnaren , \u00F6vertalade henne att bygga ett teatermaskineri som han hade uppfunnit vilket kunde f\u00E5 scenen och dekoren att r\u00F6ra p\u00E5 sig; teoretiskt sett ett stort steg fram\u00E5t i teaterteknologin. Det tog mer \u00E4n tv\u00E5 \u00E5r att installera maskineriet. Teatern var \"obskyrt bel\u00E4gen [och] farligt l\u00E4ttant\u00E4ndlig\" men den hade \"en relativt rymlig scen och Beazleys verk i auditoriet var vackert\" The Times beskrev den fashionabla lilla teatern som \"mycket vackert pyntad och utsmyckad, och m\u00E5lad i en ljus behaglig f\u00E4rg.\" Det skulle visa sig att maskineriet var f\u00F6r tungt att hanteras av m\u00E4nniskor och Stephenson fick anv\u00E4nda sig av en h\u00E4st. P\u00E5 premi\u00E4ren den 25 maj 1840 uppf\u00F6rdes tre stycken: Summer and Winter av ; en melodram, The Sergeant's Wife; och farsen The Midnight Hour. Premi\u00E4ren blev ett fiasko och inom en vecka st\u00E4ngdes teatern. Kellys h\u00F6ga biljettpriser var ingen hj\u00E4lp men det st\u00F6rsta problemet var att trampet av h\u00E4star och maskineriets oljud dr\u00E4nkte sk\u00E5despelarnas r\u00F6ster och fick hela byggnaden att vibrera. Teatern fick rivas f\u00F6r att kunna avl\u00E4gsna maskineriet. Den \u00E5teruppbyggda teatern invigdes i februari 1841 till reducerade biljettpriset och med Kelly som l\u00E4ste sina egna monologer. Men efter en s\u00E4song blev hon sjuk. Hon f\u00F6rs\u00F6kte hyra ut teatern men under l\u00E5nga perioder stod den tom och anv\u00E4ndes mest f\u00F6r amat\u00F6rupps\u00E4ttningar, bland annat en av Charles Dickens verk. Inom ett decennium hade Kelly f\u00F6rlorat hela sin f\u00F6rm\u00F6genhet och vr\u00E4ktes fr\u00E5n teatern. 1861 d\u00F6ptes den om till New Royalty Theatre och \u00E5ret d\u00E4rp\u00E5 hyrdes den av Mrs , som ut\u00F6kade de 200 platserna till 650. Teatern fortsatte att byta \u00E4gare. P\u00E5 1860-talet var den sk\u00E5deplats f\u00F6r burlesk , som spelades n\u00E4stan 500 g\u00E5nger, och ett verk av W. S. Gilbert, . I b\u00F6rjan av 1870-talet styrdes teatern av , som mestadels satte upp burlesker och komedier, till exempel Gilberts och Ought We to Visit Her?. Den 25 mars 1875, under ledning av , \u00E5tnj\u00F6t teatern en historisk succ\u00E9 med Gilbert och Sullivans Savoy opera Trial by Jury. 1877 tog kontroll \u00F6ver teatern i n\u00E4ra 30 \u00E5r. Hon l\u00E4t bygga om teatern och \u00F6ppnade den p\u00E5 nytt 1883. Under denna period spelades \u00F6versatte fr\u00E5n franska pj\u00E4ser. Konkurrensen fr\u00E5n andra teatrar var stor och 1891 b\u00F6rjade teatern spela modern dramatik av Henrik Ibsen och George Bernard Shaw. N\u00E4r teatern \u00E4ntligen fick en stor framg\u00E5ng 1892 med farsen Charleys tant ledde populariteten till att f\u00F6rest\u00E4llningen fick flyttas till en st\u00F6rre teater. 1895-96 renoverades teatern och efter ytterligare en renovering 1906 leddes teatern under en s\u00E4song av Sarah Bernhardt. 1912 framf\u00F6rdes Milestones, av Arnold Bennett och , \u00F6ver 600 g\u00E5nger. Teatern st\u00E4ngdes 1938 och 1953 revs byggnaden."@sv . "1112908582"^^ . . . . . . . . "Site occupied by office block"@en . "5601289"^^ . . . . . "Das Royalty Theatre war ein Theater in der Dean Street in Soho, London, das von 1840 bis 1938 bestand."@de . . . "1840-05-25"^^ . . . . "1938-11-25"^^ . . . "Royalty Theatre var en liten teater i London p\u00E5 73 Dean Street i Soho. Den \u00F6ppnade 1840 som \"Miss Kelly's Theatre and Dramatic School\" och st\u00E4ngdes 1938. Aktrisen Frances Maria \"Fanny\" Kelly (1790\u20131882) anv\u00E4nde sina sparade pengar fr\u00E5n sin karri\u00E4r till att etablera en dramaskola och tillh\u00F6rande teater med 200 platser. Arkitekten hette och teatern och skolan var f\u00E4rdig 1837. Kelleys v\u00E4n, uppfinnaren , \u00F6vertalade henne att bygga ett teatermaskineri som han hade uppfunnit vilket kunde f\u00E5 scenen och dekoren att r\u00F6ra p\u00E5 sig; teoretiskt sett ett stort steg fram\u00E5t i teaterteknologin. Det tog mer \u00E4n tv\u00E5 \u00E5r att installera maskineriet. Teatern var \"obskyrt bel\u00E4gen [och] farligt l\u00E4ttant\u00E4ndlig\" men den hade \"en relativt rymlig scen och Beazleys verk i auditoriet var vackert\" The Times beskrev den fas"@sv . "Royalty Theatre"@it . . .