. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "La cultura Safety-Harbor era una cultura arqueol\u00F3gica que experimentaron los pueblos nativos que viv\u00EDan en el centro-oeste de la pen\u00EDnsula de Florida desde el siglo X hasta principios del siglo XVIII. Esta cultura est\u00E1 definida por la presencia de cer\u00E1mica Safety-Harbor en mont\u00EDculos de enterramiento. Se le llama as\u00ED por el Sitio Safety-Harbor, en el centro del \u00E1rea, que es la localizaci\u00F3n probable de la ciudad capital de los tocobaga. Las tribus de la cultura Safety-Harbor estaban organizada en cacicazgos y viv\u00EDan principalmente en pueblos a lo largo de la bah\u00EDa de Tampa y de la contigua costa del golfo de M\u00E9xico. Los cacicazgos ocupaban un \u00E1rea de unos 24 km de costa y 32 km hacia el interior. Cada cacicazgo ten\u00EDa una capital con un templo y una plaza central. Los m\u00E1s importantes residentes de la ciudad viv\u00EDan en casas alrededor de la plaza, mientras que los dem\u00E1s en caba\u00F1as m\u00E1s lejos.\u200B\u200B"@es . . "The Safety Harbor culture was an archaeological culture practiced by Native Americans living on the central Gulf coast of the Florida peninsula, from about 900 CE until after 1700. The Safety Harbor culture is defined by the presence of Safety Harbor ceramics in burial mounds. The culture is named after the Safety Harbor site, which is close to the center of the culture area. The Safety Harbor site is the probable location of the chief town of the Tocobaga, the best known of the groups practicing the Safety Harbor culture. The Safety Harbor people were organized into chiefdoms and lived primarily in villages along the shoreline of Tampa Bay and the adjacent Gulf of Mexico coast. The chiefdoms may have consisted of about 15 miles (24 km) of shoreline, and extended about 20 miles (32 km) inland. Each chiefdom had a principal town or \"capital\" with a temple mound and central plaza. Fifteen such towns have been identified along the Florida Gulf coast from southern Pasco County to northern Sarasota County, an area that includes all of the Tampa Bay area. Only one principal town has been found inland. Descriptions of the villages by Spanish visitors mostly agree with archaeological reconstructions. Capitals had a central rectangular plaza. A truncated pyramidal mound up to 20 feet (6.1 m) high and up to 130 feet (40 m) long on each side at the base stood on one side of the plaza. One or more buildings stood on top of the mound, and a ramp ran from the top of the mound to the plaza. A burial mound would be located off to the side. A shell mound, or midden, ran along the shore, and other middens were sometimes located on other sides of the plaza. The plaza itself was kept clear of debris. The more important residents of the town had their houses around the plaza, while the lower class lived in huts further from the plaza. The Spanish reported that the chief and his family lived on the main mound, and that a \"temple\" (probably a charnel house) stood on the opposite side of the plaza. Archaeological excavations suggest that the charnel houses were on the mounds. Village sites without mounds, and isolated burial mounds, are also known."@en . . . . . . . "La cultura Safety-Harbor era una cultura arqueol\u00F3gica que experimentaron los pueblos nativos que viv\u00EDan en el centro-oeste de la pen\u00EDnsula de Florida desde el siglo X hasta principios del siglo XVIII. Esta cultura est\u00E1 definida por la presencia de cer\u00E1mica Safety-Harbor en mont\u00EDculos de enterramiento. Se le llama as\u00ED por el Sitio Safety-Harbor, en el centro del \u00E1rea, que es la localizaci\u00F3n probable de la ciudad capital de los tocobaga."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Safety-Harbor-Kultur"@de . . . . . "The Safety Harbor culture was an archaeological culture practiced by Native Americans living on the central Gulf coast of the Florida peninsula, from about 900 CE until after 1700. The Safety Harbor culture is defined by the presence of Safety Harbor ceramics in burial mounds. The culture is named after the Safety Harbor site, which is close to the center of the culture area. The Safety Harbor site is the probable location of the chief town of the Tocobaga, the best known of the groups practicing the Safety Harbor culture."@en . . . . "24272701"^^ . . . . . . "Die Safety-Harbor-Kultur war eine pr\u00E4historische Kultur, die unter einigen indigenen St\u00E4mmen von etwa 700 bis 1700 n. Chr. an der zentralen Golfk\u00FCste Floridas in Nordamerika verbreitet war. Der Name bezieht sich auf die Stadt Safety Harbor an der Tampa Bay, die unweit der arch\u00E4ologischen Ausgrabungsst\u00E4tten liegt. Hier wurden Keramikscherben gefunden, die aus Grabh\u00FCgeln stammen. Die Anlage ist vermutlich der Standort der Hauptstadt der Tocobaga, eines Indianerstamms, der als Hauptvertreter der Safety-Harbor-Kultur gilt."@de . . . . . . "Die Safety-Harbor-Kultur war eine pr\u00E4historische Kultur, die unter einigen indigenen St\u00E4mmen von etwa 700 bis 1700 n. Chr. an der zentralen Golfk\u00FCste Floridas in Nordamerika verbreitet war. Der Name bezieht sich auf die Stadt Safety Harbor an der Tampa Bay, die unweit der arch\u00E4ologischen Ausgrabungsst\u00E4tten liegt. Hier wurden Keramikscherben gefunden, die aus Grabh\u00FCgeln stammen. Die Anlage ist vermutlich der Standort der Hauptstadt der Tocobaga, eines Indianerstamms, der als Hauptvertreter der Safety-Harbor-Kultur gilt."@de . "1099486445"^^ . . . . "25764"^^ . . "Cultura Safety-Harbor"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Safety Harbor culture"@en . . . . . .