. . . . . . . . . . . . . "1104464782"^^ . . . "Paul Schweizer, William (Bill) Schweizer e Ernest Schweizer furono tre fratelli, fondatori della Schweizer Aircraft. Iniziarono a costruire alianti nel 1930. Nel 1937, crearono la Schweizer Metal Aircraft Company. Il primo aliante commercializzato fu lo per lo Harvard University's Altosaurus Glider Club. A quel tempo Eliot Noyes fu un pilota di deltaplani presso lo Harvard soaring club. L'esemplare originale, restaurato, \u00E8 presente al di Elmira (New York)."@it . . . "Paul, William (Bill) et Ernest Schweizer sont trois fr\u00E8res qui ont commenc\u00E9 \u00E0 construire des planeurs en 1930. En 1937, ils fondent la Schweizer Metal Aircraft Company. Leur premi\u00E8re vente commerciale de planeurs \u00E9tait un planeur (en) au Altosaurus Glider Club de l'Universit\u00E9 de Harvard . A cette \u00E9poque, Eliot Noyes \u00E9tait pilote de planeur dans le club de vol \u00E0 voile de Harvard (Harvard soaring club). Ce planeur a ensuite \u00E9t\u00E9 restaur\u00E9 et r\u00E9side actuellement au National Soaring Museum \u00E0 Elmira, New York."@fr . "Schweizer brothers"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Fr\u00E8res Schweizer"@fr . . . "3519"^^ . . "Paul, William (Bill), and Ernest Schweizer were three brothers who started building gliders in 1930. In 1937, they formed the Schweizer Metal Aircraft Company. Their first commercial glider sale was an SGU 1-7 glider to Harvard University's Altosaurus Glider Club. At that time, Eliot Noyes was a sailplane pilot in the Harvard soaring club. That glider was later restored and currently resides at the National Soaring Museum in Elmira, New York."@en . "Paul, William (Bill) et Ernest Schweizer sont trois fr\u00E8res qui ont commenc\u00E9 \u00E0 construire des planeurs en 1930. En 1937, ils fondent la Schweizer Metal Aircraft Company. Leur premi\u00E8re vente commerciale de planeurs \u00E9tait un planeur (en) au Altosaurus Glider Club de l'Universit\u00E9 de Harvard . A cette \u00E9poque, Eliot Noyes \u00E9tait pilote de planeur dans le club de vol \u00E0 voile de Harvard (Harvard soaring club). Ce planeur a ensuite \u00E9t\u00E9 restaur\u00E9 et r\u00E9side actuellement au National Soaring Museum \u00E0 Elmira, New York. En 1939, les fr\u00E8res Schweizer ont d\u00E9m\u00E9nag\u00E9 \u00E0 Elmira, New York, et se sont incorpor\u00E9s sous le nom de Schweizer Aircraft. Mieux connus \u00E0 l'\u00E9chelle internationale pour leurs planeurs, ils se sont \u00E9galement souvenus de l'importance des gens qui travaillaient avec eux et pour eux. Au cours de leurs pr\u00E8s de 70 ans, ils ont permis la cr\u00E9ation de diverses machines volantes ; des planeurs aux crop dusters en passant par les h\u00E9licopt\u00E8res, tout en contribuant \u00E0 l'industrie a\u00E9ronautique dans son ensemble, et \u00E0 la partie sud de New York en particulier. Selon un r\u00E9cent \u00E9ditorial de la Elmira Star-Gazette, au moment de vendre l'entreprise, les fr\u00E8res ont voulu trouver un repreneur qui respecte leurs valeurs et leurs gens, et ont choisi la Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation (une filiale d'UTC ) dans le Connecticut . La vente a \u00E9t\u00E9 conclue avec succ\u00E8s en 2004, offrant des opportunit\u00E9s de croissance \u00E0 Schweizer. Les trois fr\u00E8res ont \u00E9t\u00E9 intronis\u00E9s au Soaring Hall of Fame des \u00C9tats-Unis ; Paul et Ernest dans sa deuxi\u00E8me ann\u00E9e, 1955 (avec les fr\u00E8res Wright), et plus tard William en 1984. Paul et Ernest ont \u00E9galement remport\u00E9 le troph\u00E9e comm\u00E9moratif Warren E. Eaton de 1953, consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme la plus haute distinction de la Soaring Society of America. En 1940, le pilote Lewin Barringer a compil\u00E9 un livre, Flight Without Power: The Art of Gliding and Soaring, auquel Paul et Ernest Schweizer ont contribu\u00E9 pour les parties a\u00E9rodynamique, conception, construction et l'entretien des planeurs."@fr . . . "Paul Schweizer, William (Bill) Schweizer e Ernest Schweizer furono tre fratelli, fondatori della Schweizer Aircraft. Iniziarono a costruire alianti nel 1930. Nel 1937, crearono la Schweizer Metal Aircraft Company. Il primo aliante commercializzato fu lo per lo Harvard University's Altosaurus Glider Club. A quel tempo Eliot Noyes fu un pilota di deltaplani presso lo Harvard soaring club. L'esemplare originale, restaurato, \u00E8 presente al di Elmira (New York). Nel 1939, fondano la Schweizer Aircraft. In settanta anni di attivit\u00E0 crearono diverse macchine volanti, alianti e elicotteri in particolare. Quando decisero di vendere l'azienda, scelsero un compratore con la loro stessa etica, la Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation (UTC) del Connecticut. La vendita si complet\u00F2 nel 2004. Tutte e tre i fratelli sono stati inseriti nella ; Paul e Earnest nel 1955 (con i Fratelli Wright), e pi\u00F9 tardi William nel 1984. Paul e Earnest vinsero nel 1953 il Warren E. Eaton Memorial Trophy, della ."@it . . . . . "Fratelli Schweizer"@it . . . . . "5636280"^^ . . . . . . "Paul, William (Bill), and Ernest Schweizer were three brothers who started building gliders in 1930. In 1937, they formed the Schweizer Metal Aircraft Company. Their first commercial glider sale was an SGU 1-7 glider to Harvard University's Altosaurus Glider Club. At that time, Eliot Noyes was a sailplane pilot in the Harvard soaring club. That glider was later restored and currently resides at the National Soaring Museum in Elmira, New York. In 1939, the Schweizer brothers relocated to Elmira, New York, and incorporated as Schweizer Aircraft. Best known internationally for their gliders, they also remembered the importance of the folks who worked with them and for them. Over their nearly 70 years, they enabled creation of various flying machines; from gliders to crop dusters to helicopters, while contributing to the aircraft industry as a whole, and the Southern Tier of New York in particular. According to a recent editorial in the Elmira Star-Gazette, when it came time to sell the company, the brothers wanted to find a buyer who respected their values and their folks, and chose the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation (a UTC subsidiary) in Connecticut. The sale was completed successfully in 2004, providing growth opportunities for Schweizer. All three brothers have been inducted to the U.S. Soaring Hall of Fame; Paul and Ernest in its second year, 1955 (along with the Wright Brothers), and later William in 1984. Paul and Ernest also won the 1953 Warren E. Eaton Memorial Trophy, considered Soaring Society of America's highest award."@en .