"981009803"^^ . . . . . "Sekitori"@en . . . . . "1035275"^^ . . "Un sekitori (\u95A2\u53D6) est un lutteur de sumo (ou rikishi) class\u00E9 dans l'une des deux premi\u00E8res divisions du classement : makuuchi et j\u016Bry\u014D. Actuellement, il y a 70 sekitori. Les avantages d'\u00EAtre sekitori par rapport \u00E0 \u00EAtre class\u00E9 dans les divisions inf\u00E9rieures (makushita, jonokuchi, jonidan et sandanme) sont : \n* de recevoir un salaire, \n* d'avoir son propre club de supporteurs, \n* de porter des kimonos de qualit\u00E9, \n* d'avoir une pi\u00E8ce priv\u00E9e dans son \u00E9curie (\u90E8\u5C4B, heya, club de rikishi), \n* de se marier et alors de vivre loin de l'\u00E9curie, \n* d'avoir des tsukebito (\u4ED8\u3051\u4EBA, des lutteurs de divisions inf\u00E9rieures \u00E0 son service), \n* de porter un mawashi (ceinture de combat) en soie avec des sagari (\u4E0B\u304C\u308A, ficelles d'ornement) solides durant les combats des tournois, \n* de participer \u00E0 la c\u00E9r\u00E9monie d'entr\u00E9e sur le ring (\u571F\u4FF5\u5165\u308A, dohy\u014D-iri), et de porter pour l'occasion un mawashi de c\u00E9r\u00E9monie appel\u00E9 kesh\u014D-mawashi (\u5316\u7CA7\u5EFB\u3057), \n* d'\u00EAtre coiff\u00E9 avec un chonmage de style \u014Dich\u014D (\u5927\u9280\u674F) plus \u00E9labor\u00E9 pour les occasions importantes, \n* d'obtenir sa place dans l'association de sumo pour un sekitori de longue date. Litt\u00E9ralement, \u00AB sekitori \u00BB signifie \u00AB avoir franchi la barri\u00E8re \u00BB car seul un faible pourcentage de lutteurs de sumo atteignent ce niveau. Les sekitori effectuent quinze combats par tournoi (honbasho), contre seulement sept pour les quatre divisions inf\u00E9rieures."@fr . . "Un sekitori (\u95A2\u53D6) est un lutteur de sumo (ou rikishi) class\u00E9 dans l'une des deux premi\u00E8res divisions du classement : makuuchi et j\u016Bry\u014D. Actuellement, il y a 70 sekitori. Les avantages d'\u00EAtre sekitori par rapport \u00E0 \u00EAtre class\u00E9 dans les divisions inf\u00E9rieures (makushita, jonokuchi, jonidan et sandanme) sont : Litt\u00E9ralement, \u00AB sekitori \u00BB signifie \u00AB avoir franchi la barri\u00E8re \u00BB car seul un faible pourcentage de lutteurs de sumo atteignent ce niveau. Les sekitori effectuent quinze combats par tournoi (honbasho), contre seulement sept pour les quatre divisions inf\u00E9rieures."@fr . "Sekitori"@fr . "3237"^^ . "\u95DC\u53D6"@zh . . . . . . . . . . "Sekitori (\u95A2\u53D6) adalah sebutan untuk pesumo profesional yang dalam (ranking pesumo) telah mencapai peringkat atau peringkat di atasnya. Sebaliknya, pesumo yang berada di peringkat dan peringkat di bawahnya disebut Toriteki"@in . "\u95A2\u53D6"@ja . "\u95A2\u53D6\uFF08\u305B\u304D\u3068\u308A\uFF09\u3068\u306F\u3001\u5927\u76F8\u64B2\u306E\u756A\u4ED8\u306E\u968E\u7D1A\u306E\u7DCF\u79F0\u3067\u3042\u308A\u3001\u5E55\u5185\u3001\u5341\u4E21\u306E\u529B\u58EB\u3092\u6307\u3059\u3002\u3053\u308C\u306B\u5BFE\u3057\u3001\u5E55\u4E0B\u4EE5\u4E0B\u306E\u529B\u58EB\u306F\u53D6\u7684\uFF08\u6B63\u3057\u304F\u306F\u529B\u58EB\u990A\u6210\u54E1\uFF09\u3068\u3044\u3046\u3002"@ja . "A sekitori (\u95A2\u53D6) is a rikishi (\u529B\u58EB, sumo wrestler) who is ranked in one of the top two professional divisions: makuuchi and j\u016Bry\u014D.The name literally translates to having taken the barrier, as only a relatively small fraction of those who enter professional sumo achieve sekitori status. Currently there are 70 rikishi in these divisions. The benefits of being a sekitori compared to lower ranked wrestlers are significant and include:"@en . "\u95DC\u53D6\uFF08\u65E5\u8BED\uFF1A\u95A2\u53D6\uFF0F\u305B\u304D\u3068\u308A Sekitori */?\uFF09\uFF0C\u662F\u5927\u76F8\u64B2\u5E55\u5185\u548C\u5341\u5169\u529B\u58EB\u7684\u7D71\u7A31\uFF0C\u8207\u4E4B\u76F8\u5C0D\u7684\u662F\u5E55\u4E0B\u529B\u58EB\uFF08\u6B63\u5F0F\u7A31\u547C\u662F\u529B\u58EB\u990A\u6210\u54E1\uFF09\u3002"@zh . "\u95A2\u53D6\uFF08\u305B\u304D\u3068\u308A\uFF09\u3068\u306F\u3001\u5927\u76F8\u64B2\u306E\u756A\u4ED8\u306E\u968E\u7D1A\u306E\u7DCF\u79F0\u3067\u3042\u308A\u3001\u5E55\u5185\u3001\u5341\u4E21\u306E\u529B\u58EB\u3092\u6307\u3059\u3002\u3053\u308C\u306B\u5BFE\u3057\u3001\u5E55\u4E0B\u4EE5\u4E0B\u306E\u529B\u58EB\u306F\u53D6\u7684\uFF08\u6B63\u3057\u304F\u306F\u529B\u58EB\u990A\u6210\u54E1\uFF09\u3068\u3044\u3046\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . "A sekitori (\u95A2\u53D6) is a rikishi (\u529B\u58EB, sumo wrestler) who is ranked in one of the top two professional divisions: makuuchi and j\u016Bry\u014D.The name literally translates to having taken the barrier, as only a relatively small fraction of those who enter professional sumo achieve sekitori status. Currently there are 70 rikishi in these divisions. The benefits of being a sekitori compared to lower ranked wrestlers are significant and include: \n* to receive a salary and bonus (those in the lower divisions merely receive an allowance) \n* to have one's own supporters' club \n* to wear high quality men's kimono and other items of attire \n* to have a private room in the training stable \n* to be able to get married and live away from the training stable \n* to have junior rikishi to effectively act as their personal servants \n* to wear a silk mawashi with stiffened cords (called sagari) in tournament bouts \n* to participate in the ring entrance ceremony and wear a kesh\u014D-mawashi \n* to wear the more elaborate \u014Dich\u014D chonmage hairstyle in competition and on formal occasions \n* to become an elder in the Sumo Association if one is sekitori for long enough"@en . "Sekitori (\u95A2\u53D6) adalah sebutan untuk pesumo profesional yang dalam (ranking pesumo) telah mencapai peringkat atau peringkat di atasnya. Sebaliknya, pesumo yang berada di peringkat dan peringkat di bawahnya disebut Toriteki"@in . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sekitori"@in . "\u95DC\u53D6\uFF08\u65E5\u8BED\uFF1A\u95A2\u53D6\uFF0F\u305B\u304D\u3068\u308A Sekitori */?\uFF09\uFF0C\u662F\u5927\u76F8\u64B2\u5E55\u5185\u548C\u5341\u5169\u529B\u58EB\u7684\u7D71\u7A31\uFF0C\u8207\u4E4B\u76F8\u5C0D\u7684\u662F\u5E55\u4E0B\u529B\u58EB\uFF08\u6B63\u5F0F\u7A31\u547C\u662F\u529B\u58EB\u990A\u6210\u54E1\uFF09\u3002"@zh . .