. . . . . "1084559680"^^ . . . . . "Sur (deserto)"@pt . "31346930"^^ . . . "Syur adalah lokasi yang disebutkan beberapa kali dalam Alkitab Ibrani. Sarjana percaya bahwa jalan ke Syur terletak di sepanjang Wadi Tumilat \u2014 suatu jalur garapan lahan di sebelah timur Delta Nil, berfungsi sebagai rute transit kuno antara Mesir dan Kanaan melintasi Sinai. Ketika Hagar lari dari Sara (istri Abram, nyonyanya), \"Lalu Malaikat TUHAN menjumpainya dekat suatu mata air di padang gurun, yakni dekat mata air di jalan ke Syur.\" (Kejadian 16:7)."@in . . "Syur (Alkitab)"@in . . "Shur, sometimes rendered in translations as Sur, is a location mentioned several times in the Hebrew Bible. James K. Hoffmeier believes that the 'way of Shur' was located along the Wadi Tumilat \u2014 an arable strip of land to the east of the Nile Delta, serving as the ancient transit route between Ancient Egypt and Canaan across the Sinai Peninsula. When Hagar ran away from Sarah (Abram's wife, her owner), \"the Angel of the Lord found her ... by the fountain in the way to Shur\" (Book of Genesis, Genesis 16:7, KJV)."@en . . . "2076"^^ . . . . "Shur, sometimes rendered in translations as Sur, is a location mentioned several times in the Hebrew Bible. James K. Hoffmeier believes that the 'way of Shur' was located along the Wadi Tumilat \u2014 an arable strip of land to the east of the Nile Delta, serving as the ancient transit route between Ancient Egypt and Canaan across the Sinai Peninsula. When Hagar ran away from Sarah (Abram's wife, her owner), \"the Angel of the Lord found her ... by the fountain in the way to Shur\" (Book of Genesis, Genesis 16:7, KJV). Shur is also mentioned in 1 Samuel 15:7 \u2014 \"Then Saul slaughtered the Amalekites from Havilah all the way to Shur, east of Egypt.\" According to the Book of Exodus (Exodus 15:22\u201323), Marah is located in the \"wilderness of Shur\". Easton's Bible Dictionary (1893) says that Shur is \"a part, probably, of the Arabian desert, on the north-eastern border of Egypt, giving its name to a wilderness extending from Egypt toward Philistia (Gen. 16:7; 20:1; 25:18; Ex. 15:22). The name was probably given to it from the wall which the Egyptians built to defend their frontier on the north-east from the desert tribes. This wall or line of fortifications extended from Pelusium to Heliopolis.\""@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Shur (Bible)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Syur adalah lokasi yang disebutkan beberapa kali dalam Alkitab Ibrani. Sarjana percaya bahwa jalan ke Syur terletak di sepanjang Wadi Tumilat \u2014 suatu jalur garapan lahan di sebelah timur Delta Nil, berfungsi sebagai rute transit kuno antara Mesir dan Kanaan melintasi Sinai. Ketika Hagar lari dari Sara (istri Abram, nyonyanya), \"Lalu Malaikat TUHAN menjumpainya dekat suatu mata air di padang gurun, yakni dekat mata air di jalan ke Syur.\" (Kejadian 16:7). Syur juga disebutkan dalam 1 Samuel 15:7 \u2014 \"Lalu Saul memukul kalah orang Amalek mulai dari Hawila sampai ke Syur, yang di sebelah timur Mesir.\" Menurut Keluaran 15:22-23, Mara terletak di \"padang gurun Syur\". Easton's Bible Dictionary (1893) mengatakan bahwa Syur adalah \"kemungkinan bagian dari gurun Arab, di timur laut perbatasan Mesir, memberi nama sebuah padang gurun yang membentang dari Mesir terhadap Filistin (Kejadian 16:7; 20:1; 25:18; Keluaran 15:22). Nama ini mungkin diberikan mulai dari tembok yang dibangun oleh orang Mesir untuk mempertahankan perbatasan di timur laut dari suku-suku padang pasir. Tembok atau garis benteng ini diperpanjang dari Pelusium ke Heliopolis.\""@in . . "Sur (em hebraico: \u05E9\u05D5\u05E8, cujo significado \u00E9 \"muro\") lugar de limite, \u00E9 um local mencionada na B\u00EDblia que possivelmente se refere a um deserto ao leste do golfo de Suez. Provavelmente o nome se refere ao muro de montanhas do planalto de Tih, vis\u00EDvel a partir do litoral da plan\u00EDcie."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sur (em hebraico: \u05E9\u05D5\u05E8, cujo significado \u00E9 \"muro\") lugar de limite, \u00E9 um local mencionada na B\u00EDblia que possivelmente se refere a um deserto ao leste do golfo de Suez. Provavelmente o nome se refere ao muro de montanhas do planalto de Tih, vis\u00EDvel a partir do litoral da plan\u00EDcie."@pt . .