. . . . . . . . . . . . . "D\u00FAn an \u00D3ir near Ard na Caithne, Ireland"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "52.19038772583008"^^ . "400"^^ . . . . . . . . . "* Papal troops massacred" . . "La masacre de Smerwick tuvo lugar en (conocido en ingl\u00E9s como \u00ABSmerwick\u00BB, un nombre derivado del n\u00F3rdico antiguo que significa \u2039bah\u00EDa de la mantequilla\u203A) en 1580, durante la segunda rebeli\u00F3n de Desmond en Irlanda. Una fuerza de entre 400 y 700 mercenarios papales (las cuentas var\u00EDan), en su mayor\u00EDa de origen espa\u00F1ol e italiano, capturaron el pueblo, pero se vieron obligados a retirarse al cercano D\u00FAn an \u00D3ir (\u2039Fuerte de Oro\u203A, posiblemente una transcripci\u00F3n err\u00F3nea persistente de D\u00FAn an \u00C1ir, \u2039Fuerte de la Masacre\u203A), donde fueron asediados por el . Los defensores finalmente se rindieron y la mayor\u00EDa de ellos fueron ejecutados sumariamente por orden del comandante ingl\u00E9s, Arthur Gray, bar\u00F3n Gray de Wilton, .\u200B\u200B"@es . "1580-11-10"^^ . "Siege of Smerwick"@en . . . . "L\u00E9igear Ard na Caithne, 1580"@ga . "300"^^ . . "~4,000" . . . "Sebastiano di San Giuseppe"@en . . . . . . "POINT(-10.415546417236 52.19038772583)"^^ . . "~4,000"@en . . . . "--11-10"^^ . "La masacre de Smerwick tuvo lugar en (conocido en ingl\u00E9s como \u00ABSmerwick\u00BB, un nombre derivado del n\u00F3rdico antiguo que significa \u2039bah\u00EDa de la mantequilla\u203A) en 1580, durante la segunda rebeli\u00F3n de Desmond en Irlanda. Una fuerza de entre 400 y 700 mercenarios papales (las cuentas var\u00EDan), en su mayor\u00EDa de origen espa\u00F1ol e italiano, capturaron el pueblo, pero se vieron obligados a retirarse al cercano D\u00FAn an \u00D3ir (\u2039Fuerte de Oro\u203A, posiblemente una transcripci\u00F3n err\u00F3nea persistente de D\u00FAn an \u00C1ir, \u2039Fuerte de la Masacre\u203A), donde fueron asediados por el . Los defensores finalmente se rindieron y la mayor\u00EDa de ellos fueron ejecutados sumariamente por orden del comandante ingl\u00E9s, Arthur Gray, bar\u00F3n Gray de Wilton, .\u200B\u200B"@es . . . . . . . . . . . "Sa bhliain 1580, th\u00E1inig tr\u00FApa\u00ED \u00F3n R\u00F3imh agus an Sp\u00E1inn chun cabhair a thabhairt d\u2019."@ga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "25pxKingdom of England" . . . "16689357"^^ . . "Masacre de Smerwick"@es . "the Second Desmond Rebellion"@en . . . "15654"^^ . "52.190386 -10.415546" . . "-10.41554641723633"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sa bhliain 1580, th\u00E1inig tr\u00FApa\u00ED \u00F3n R\u00F3imh agus an Sp\u00E1inn chun cabhair a thabhairt d\u2019."@ga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "25"^^ . . "The siege of Smerwick took place at Ard na Caithne (known in English as Smerwick) in November 1580, during the Second Desmond Rebellion in Ireland. A force of between 400 and 700 Papal freelance soldiers, mostly of Spanish and Italian origin, landed at Smerwick to support the Catholic rebels. They were forced to retreat to the nearby promontory fort of D\u00FAn an \u00D3ir, where they were besieged by the English. The Papal commander parleyed and was bribed, and the defenders surrendered within a few days. The officers were spared, but the other ranks were then summarily executed on the orders of the English commander, Arthur Grey (Baron Grey de Wilton), the Lord Deputy of Ireland."@en . . . . . . . "400\u2013700" . . "English victory\n* Papal troops massacred"@en . . "Ireland County Kerry#Ireland"@en . . . . "Siege of Smerwick"@en . . . . . . . "*25pxKingdom of Ireland" . . "Siege of Smerwick"@en . "English victory" . . . . . . . . "1120084475"^^ . . . . . . . . . "25pxPapal States(consisting of Spanish & Italian troops)" . "The siege of Smerwick took place at Ard na Caithne (known in English as Smerwick) in November 1580, during the Second Desmond Rebellion in Ireland. A force of between 400 and 700 Papal freelance soldiers, mostly of Spanish and Italian origin, landed at Smerwick to support the Catholic rebels. They were forced to retreat to the nearby promontory fort of D\u00FAn an \u00D3ir, where they were besieged by the English. The Papal commander parleyed and was bribed, and the defenders surrendered within a few days. The officers were spared, but the other ranks were then summarily executed on the orders of the English commander, Arthur Grey (Baron Grey de Wilton), the Lord Deputy of Ireland."@en . . "Map of the English attack on Spanish and Italian forces at Smerwick"@en . .