. . . . "Siru-tteok"@en . . . . "glutinous riceflour, grains and beans (such asazuki bean,mung beanandsesame,wheat flourorstarch)" . . . "Sirutteok (\uC2DC\uB8E8\uB5A1) is a type of Korean rice cake (tteok) traditionally made by steaming rice or glutinous rice flour in a \"siru\" (\uC2DC\uB8E8). The Siru is an earthenware steaming vessel that dates back to the late bronze age of the Korean northern peninsula and the use of the utensil spread to the entire peninsula by the time of the Three Kingdoms (57 B.C.E-676) in which the popularity of siru-tteok grew. The Siru is also used during shamanic rituals and is even offered on the tables for daegamsin (\uB300\uAC10\uC2E0, state official God). The Siru is not an everyday utensil but is one for preparing and serving the sacrificial dishes during rituals, which also means that siru-tteok is not a casual dish for every day enjoyment. The making of siru-tteok is said to be the oldest form of tteok (\uB5A1). Tteok (\uB5A1), or steamed rice cake, which is made by steaming powdered rice, then pounding or rolling the dough, itself dates back to 57 B.C.E, along with the siru. The Siru-tteok dish is a layered cake of the glutinous rice that is filled often filled with beans and/or red beans (pat, \uD325), and the most seen and basic sacrifice offered in rituals for household gods. This cake is generally used for bad fortune prevention rituals (aengmagi) to bring wealth, luck and health into the households. The red beans/ fillings is believed to chase away bad spirits, and the another type of siru-tteok cake is the Baekseolgi, which is pure white, and is offered to the higher gods, including Cheonsin (\uCC9C\uC2E0,Celestial God), Sansin (\uC0B0\uC2E0,Mountain God) and Yongsin (\uC6A9\uC2E0,Dragon God), reflecting the folk belief that the latter two are considered to be as high up and divine as Cheonsin(\uCC9C\uC2E0)."@en . . . "\uC2DC\uB8E8\uB5A1"@en . "6147"^^ . "seolgitteok, kyeotteok"@en . . . . "sirutteok"@en . "\uC2DC\uB8E8\uB5A1"@ko . . . . . "sirutteok, steamed tteok made with red bean and rice"@en . . . "Sirutteok (\uC2DC\uB8E8\uB5A1) is a type of Korean rice cake (tteok) traditionally made by steaming rice or glutinous rice flour in a \"siru\" (\uC2DC\uB8E8). The Siru is an earthenware steaming vessel that dates back to the late bronze age of the Korean northern peninsula and the use of the utensil spread to the entire peninsula by the time of the Three Kingdoms (57 B.C.E-676) in which the popularity of siru-tteok grew. The Siru is also used during shamanic rituals and is even offered on the tables for daegamsin (\uB300\uAC10\uC2E0, state official God). The Siru is not an everyday utensil but is one for preparing and serving the sacrificial dishes during rituals, which also means that siru-tteok is not a casual dish for every day enjoyment."@en . "\uC2DC\uB8E8\uB5A1\uC740 \uD55C\uAD6D \uC694\uB9AC\uC911 \uB5A1\uC758 \uC77C\uC885\uC774\uB2E4. \uD325\uC774\uB098 \uD638\uBC15 \uB4F1\uC744 \uACE0\uBB3C\uB85C \uBFCC\uB9AC\uAE30\uB3C4 \uD558\uB294 \uB5A1\uC774\uB2E4."@ko . . . . . . . . "200"^^ . . . "left"@en . . . "18893295"^^ . . . "Siru .jpg"@en . . . . "vertical"@en . "El siruttok es un tipo de ttok (pastel de arroz coreano) que se prepara cociendo al vapor harina de arroz o arroz glutinoso en una vaporera. Sol\u00EDa vaporizarse en un siru (\uC2DC\uB8E8, una olla de barro grande), de donde procede su nombre. Tambi\u00E9n se llama tchinun ttok (\uCC0C\uB294 \uB5A1, ttok al vapor). Se considera la forma m\u00E1s b\u00E1sica y antigua de ttok en la historia de Corea.\u200B\u200B"@es . . . . . "siru"@en . "Sirutteok"@en . . . "Sirutteok"@en . . . . "Sirutteok ou siru-tteok (cor\u00E9en : \uC2DC\uB8E8\uB5A1 ; hanja : \u7511\u9920 ; litt\u00E9ralement, \u00AB tteok \u00E0 la vapeur \u00BB) est une cat\u00E9gorie de ttoek (nom des mets confectionn\u00E9s \u00E0 base de riz (\uB9F5\uC300 ; maepssal) ou riz gluant (\uCC39\uC300 ; chapssal) dans la cuisine cor\u00E9enne) ayant la particularit\u00E9 d'\u00EAtre cuit \u00E0 la vapeur."@fr . . . . . "Siru 2.jpg"@en . . "\uC2DC\uB8E8\uB5A1\uC740 \uD55C\uAD6D \uC694\uB9AC\uC911 \uB5A1\uC758 \uC77C\uC885\uC774\uB2E4. \uD325\uC774\uB098 \uD638\uBC15 \uB4F1\uC744 \uACE0\uBB3C\uB85C \uBFCC\uB9AC\uAE30\uB3C4 \uD558\uB294 \uB5A1\uC774\uB2E4."@ko . . . "Korean-speaking areas"@en . . . "Siruttok"@es . . . . . "sirutt\u014Fk"@en . . "Sirutteok ou siru-tteok (cor\u00E9en : \uC2DC\uB8E8\uB5A1 ; hanja : \u7511\u9920 ; litt\u00E9ralement, \u00AB tteok \u00E0 la vapeur \u00BB) est une cat\u00E9gorie de ttoek (nom des mets confectionn\u00E9s \u00E0 base de riz (\uB9F5\uC300 ; maepssal) ou riz gluant (\uCC39\uC300 ; chapssal) dans la cuisine cor\u00E9enne) ayant la particularit\u00E9 d'\u00EAtre cuit \u00E0 la vapeur."@fr . . . . . "glutinous rice flour, grains and beans"@en . . "Sirutteok"@fr . . . "1119813150"^^ . . . "El siruttok es un tipo de ttok (pastel de arroz coreano) que se prepara cociendo al vapor harina de arroz o arroz glutinoso en una vaporera. Sol\u00EDa vaporizarse en un siru (\uC2DC\uB8E8, una olla de barro grande), de donde procede su nombre. Tambi\u00E9n se llama tchinun ttok (\uCC0C\uB294 \uB5A1, ttok al vapor). Se considera la forma m\u00E1s b\u00E1sica y antigua de ttok en la historia de Corea.\u200B\u200B Los ingredientes principales del siruttok son el arroz (maepssal) o el arroz glutinoso (chapssal), que a veces se mezclan. Algunos casos se a\u00F1aden al arroz otros cereales, jud\u00EDas como la azuki, frijol chino y s\u00E9samo, harina de trigo o almid\u00F3n. Tambi\u00E9n pueden usarse varias frutas y frutos secos como ingredientes secundarios: caquis, melocotones o albaricoques, casta\u00F1as, nueces y pi\u00F1ones. Tambi\u00E9n pueden usarse verduras con sabor o hierbas para condimentar el ttok: hojas de danggwi, seta soki, daikon, artemisia, pimienta negra y chongchu est\u00E1n entre los m\u00E1s frecuentes, adem\u00E1s de miel y az\u00FAcar como endulzantes.\u200B El arroz se remoja en agua un tiempo y luego se muele. La harina de arroz as\u00ED obtenida se introduce en un siru y se cuece al vapor. Seg\u00FAn el m\u00E9todo empleado, el siruttok se subdivide en dos grupos: solkittok (\uC124\uAE30\uB5A1) si dispone en un solo pedazo grande mientras el kyottok (\uCF1C\uB5A1) consiste en m\u00FAltiples capas con polvo de jud\u00EDa azuki u otra variedad. El solkittok tambi\u00E9n se llama murittok (\uBB34\uB9AC\uB5A1) y es considerado la forma m\u00E1s b\u00E1sica de siruttok, hecho solo con arroz. Para el kyottok se mezclan arroz y arroz glutinoso."@es . . "100"^^ .