. . . . . "18226"^^ . . . . "L'esclavitud a Espanya va ser una pr\u00E0ctica habitual dels diferents regnes de la pen\u00EDnsula Ib\u00E8rica durant l'edat mitjana, que es va estendre a l'edat moderna a les possessions espanyoles a Am\u00E8rica. L'esclavitud va ser abolida al territori peninsular el 1837, per\u00F2 va continuar a les col\u00F2nies espanyoles fins a finals del segle xix, a Puerto Rico fins al 1873 i a Cuba fins al 1880."@ca . . "Slavery in Spain"@en . . . . "La esclavitud en Espa\u00F1a fue una pr\u00E1ctica habitual en los diferentes reinos de la pen\u00EDnsula ib\u00E9rica durante la Edad Media, que se extendi\u00F3 durante la Edad Moderna a las posesiones espa\u00F1olas en Am\u00E9rica hasta 1886 con la trata de esclavos africanos, alrededor de un 22% de la trata transatl\u00E1ntica de esclavos tuvo como destino territorio hispano.[cita requerida] La esclavitud ind\u00EDgena fue abolida con las Leyes de Burgos en 1512. Formalmente se aboli\u00F3 en 1837 todo tipo de esclavitud en la pen\u00EDnsula ib\u00E9rica, siendo Rosal\u00EDa G\u00F3mez (1801-1874), la \u00FAltima esclava en Tenerife, \u200B aunque de facto muchos esclavos en la pen\u00EDnsula fueron expropiados por el Estado y vendidos a Marruecos en 1766.\u200B Mientras que Cuba y Puerto Rico quedaron expresamente exentas de cumplir la norma abolicionista. La exenci\u00F3n relativa a Puerto Rico fue derogada por la I Rep\u00FAblica en 1873, y la de Cuba en 1886, si bien desde 1880 ya no se permit\u00EDa la tenencia de nuevos esclavos."@es . . . . . "Esclavitud en Espa\u00F1a"@es . . . . . . . . . "Slavery in Spain can be traced to the slag era, Phoenicians and Romans. In the 9th century the Muslim Moorish rulers and local Jewish merchants traded in Spanish and Eastern European Christian slaves. Spain began to trade slaves in the 15th century and this trade reached its peak in the 16th century. The history of Spanish enslavement of Africans began with Portuguese captains Ant\u00E3o Gon\u00E7alves and Nuno Trist\u00E3o in 1441. The first large group of African slaves, made up of 235 slaves, came with Lan\u00E7arote de Freitas three years later. In 1462, Portuguese slave traders began to operate in Seville, Spain. During the 1470s, Spanish merchants began to trade large numbers of slaves. Slaves were auctioned at market at a cathedral, and subsequently were transported to cities all over Imperial Spain. T"@en . . . . . . . "1118234482"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Esclavitud a Espanya"@ca . . . . . . . "Slavery in Spain can be traced to the slag era, Phoenicians and Romans. In the 9th century the Muslim Moorish rulers and local Jewish merchants traded in Spanish and Eastern European Christian slaves. Spain began to trade slaves in the 15th century and this trade reached its peak in the 16th century. The history of Spanish enslavement of Africans began with Portuguese captains Ant\u00E3o Gon\u00E7alves and Nuno Trist\u00E3o in 1441. The first large group of African slaves, made up of 235 slaves, came with Lan\u00E7arote de Freitas three years later. In 1462, Portuguese slave traders began to operate in Seville, Spain. During the 1470s, Spanish merchants began to trade large numbers of slaves. Slaves were auctioned at market at a cathedral, and subsequently were transported to cities all over Imperial Spain. This led to the spread of Moorish, African, and Christian slavery in Spain. By the 16th century, 7.4 percent of the population in Seville, Spain were slaves. Many historians have concluded that Renaissance and early-modern Spain had the highest amount of African slaves in Europe. After the discovery of the New World, the Spanish colonialists decided to use it for commercial production and mining because of the absence of trading networks. The native Native American population was used for this labor but they died in large numbers as a result of war, diseases, exploitation and social disruptions. Meanwhile, the need for labor expanded, such as for the production of sugarcane. The problem of the justness of Indian slavery was a key issue for the Spanish Crown. Bartolom\u00E9 de las Casas was concerned about the fate of the natives and argued in 1516 that white and black slaves should be imported to the Indies to replace the Amerindians. African slaves did have certain advantages over native slaves as being resistant to European diseases and more familiarity with agricultural techniques. This preference led to the development of the Atlantic Slave Trade. It was Charles V who gave a definite answer to this complicated and delicate matter. To that end, on November 25, 1542, the Emperor abolished the enslavement of natives by decree in his Leyes Nuevas New Laws. This bill was based on the arguments given by the best Spanish theologists and jurists who were unanimous in the condemnation of such slavery as unjust; they declared it illegitimate and outlawed it from America\u2014not just the slavery of Spaniards over Indians\u2014but also the type of slavery practiced among the Indians themselves. The labor system of Encomienda was also abolished in 1550. However these laws did not end the practice of slavery or forced labor immediately and a new system of forced native Indian labor began to be used repartimiento and mita in Peru. Eventually this system too was abolished due to abuses. By the 17th century, forced indigenous labor continued illegally and black slave labor legally."@en . . "37576969"^^ . . . . . . "L'esclavitud a Espanya va ser una pr\u00E0ctica habitual dels diferents regnes de la pen\u00EDnsula Ib\u00E8rica durant l'edat mitjana, que es va estendre a l'edat moderna a les possessions espanyoles a Am\u00E8rica. L'esclavitud va ser abolida al territori peninsular el 1837, per\u00F2 va continuar a les col\u00F2nies espanyoles fins a finals del segle xix, a Puerto Rico fins al 1873 i a Cuba fins al 1880."@ca . . . . . . "La esclavitud en Espa\u00F1a fue una pr\u00E1ctica habitual en los diferentes reinos de la pen\u00EDnsula ib\u00E9rica durante la Edad Media, que se extendi\u00F3 durante la Edad Moderna a las posesiones espa\u00F1olas en Am\u00E9rica hasta 1886 con la trata de esclavos africanos, alrededor de un 22% de la trata transatl\u00E1ntica de esclavos tuvo como destino territorio hispano.[cita requerida] La esclavitud ind\u00EDgena fue abolida con las Leyes de Burgos en 1512. Formalmente se aboli\u00F3 en 1837 todo tipo de esclavitud en la pen\u00EDnsula ib\u00E9rica, siendo Rosal\u00EDa G\u00F3mez (1801-1874), la \u00FAltima esclava en Tenerife, \u200B aunque de facto muchos esclavos en la pen\u00EDnsula fueron expropiados por el Estado y vendidos a Marruecos en 1766.\u200B Mientras que Cuba y Puerto Rico quedaron expresamente exentas de cumplir la norma abolicionista. La exenci\u00F3n rel"@es . . . . . . . . . .