. "Societat per a l'Estudi de les Lleng\u00FCes Ind\u00EDgenes de les Am\u00E8riques"@ca . . . . . . . . . . "1097101508"^^ . . . . . "La Societat per a l'Estudi de les Lleng\u00FCes Ind\u00EDgenes de les Am\u00E8riques (en angl\u00E8s Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas o SSILA) \u00E9s una organitzaci\u00F3 internacional fundada el desembre del 1981 dedicada a l'estudi de la lleng\u00FCes ind\u00EDgenes d'Am\u00E8rica del Nord, Centre i Sud. Elabora una llista d'articles acad\u00E8mics, tesis i dissertacions sobre aquestes lleng\u00FCes. SSILA emet dues publicacions online: el trimestral SSILA Newsletter i l'ocasional SSILA Bulletin."@ca . . . . "The Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA) is an international organization founded in 1981 devoted to the study of the indigenous languages of North, Central, and South America. SSILA has an annual winter meeting held in association with the Linguistic Society of America's annual conference. Summer meetings are held in alternate years at venues near the LSA's Summer Institute. Presentations at SSILA meetings may be made in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or an Indigenous American language."@en . "2266"^^ . . . . . . "Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "La Societat per a l'Estudi de les Lleng\u00FCes Ind\u00EDgenes de les Am\u00E8riques (en angl\u00E8s Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas o SSILA) \u00E9s una organitzaci\u00F3 internacional fundada el desembre del 1981 dedicada a l'estudi de la lleng\u00FCes ind\u00EDgenes d'Am\u00E8rica del Nord, Centre i Sud. Elabora una llista d'articles acad\u00E8mics, tesis i dissertacions sobre aquestes lleng\u00FCes. La SSILA t\u00E9 una reuni\u00F3 anual d'hivern celebrat en associaci\u00F3 amb la confer\u00E8ncia anual de la Societat Ling\u00FC\u00EDstica d'Am\u00E8rica (LSA). Les reunions d'estiu se celebren en anys alterns en els llocs propers a Institut d'Estiu de la LSA. Les presentacions a les reunions de la SSILA poden fer-se en angl\u00E8s, espanyol o portugu\u00E8s. Cada any la SSILA accepta nominacions per a tres premis, que es presenten en la reuni\u00F3 anual. El Mary R. Haas Book Award \u00E9s presentat per a un manuscrit in\u00E8dit excepcional que faci una contribuci\u00F3 substantiva significativa al coneixement de les lleng\u00FCes americanes natives. El Premi Ken Hale es presenta en reconeixement a la tasca acad\u00E8mica de comprom\u00EDs amb la comunitat ling\u00FC\u00EDstica i la documentaci\u00F3, manteniment, promoci\u00F3 i revitalitzaci\u00F3 de les lleng\u00FCes ind\u00EDgenes a les Am\u00E8riques. El tercer premi va ser creat en honor del fundador de la SSILA, Victor Golla, qui va exercir com a secretari-tresorer fins al 2007. El Premi Golla s'atorga als acad\u00E8mics que mostren una hist\u00F2ria significativa en traject\u00F2ria d'investigaci\u00F3 ling\u00FC\u00EDstica i en servei a la comunitat acad\u00E8mica. SSILA emet dues publicacions online: el trimestral SSILA Newsletter i l'ocasional SSILA Bulletin."@ca . . . . . . "The Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA) is an international organization founded in 1981 devoted to the study of the indigenous languages of North, Central, and South America. SSILA has an annual winter meeting held in association with the Linguistic Society of America's annual conference. Summer meetings are held in alternate years at venues near the LSA's Summer Institute. Presentations at SSILA meetings may be made in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or an Indigenous American language. Each year, SSILA accepts nominations for three awards, which are presented at the annual meeting. The Mary R. Haas Book Award is presented for an outstanding unpublished manuscript that makes a significant substantive contribution to our knowledge of native American languages. The Ken Hale Prize is presented in recognition of a scholar's outstanding community language work and commitment to the documentation, maintenance, promotion, and revitalization of indigenous languages in the Americas. The third prize was established to honor SSILA's founder, Victor Golla, who served as Secretary \u2013 Treasurer through 2007. The Golla Prize is awarded to scholars who show a significant history of both linguistic scholarship and service to the scholarly community. SSILA issues two online publications: the quarterly SSILA Newsletter and the occasional SSILA Bulletin."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "1462968"^^ . . . . . . .