"\u592A\u967D\u6703\u5408\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1ASolar conjunction\uFF0C\u53C8\u7A31\u300C\u884C\u661F\u65E5\u51CC\u300D\uFF09 \u662F\u6307\u5730\u7403\u548C\u53E6\u4E00\u884C\u661F\u6216\u5929\u9AD4\u4F4D\u65BC\u592A\u967D\u5169\u5074\uFF0C\u4E14\u4E09\u8005\u9023\u6210\u4E00\u76F4\u7DDA\u3002\u592A\u967D\u6703\u5408\u767C\u751F\u6642\uFF0C\u6703\u56E0\u592A\u967D\u5E72\u64FE\u7121\u7DDA\u96FB\u6CE2\uFF0C\u5C0E\u81F4\u5730\u7403\u8207\u53E6\u4E00\u5074\u884C\u661F\u3001\u5929\u9AD4\u4E0A\u7684\u63A2\u6E2C\u5668\u901A\u8A0A\u767C\u751F\u554F\u984C\uFF0C\u751A\u81F3\u4E2D\u65B7\u3002 \u800C\u7576\u6BD4\u5730\u7403\u9760\u8FD1\u7684\u884C\u661F\u6216\u5929\u9AD4\u5F9E\u5730\u7403\u8207\u592A\u967D\u4E4B\u9593\u7D93\u904E\u6642\uFF0C\u5C31\u6703\u767C\u751F\u51CC\u65E5\uFF0C\u8207\u592A\u967D\u6703\u5408\u4E0D\u540C\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . . "Solar conjunction generally occurs when a planet or other Solar System object is on the opposite side of the Sun from the Earth. From an Earth reference, the Sun will pass between the Earth and the object. Communication with any spacecraft in solar conjunction will be severely limited due to the Sun's interference on radio transmissions from the spacecraft. The term can also refer to the passage of the line of sight to an interior planet (Mercury or Venus) or comet being very close to the solar disk. If the planet passes directly in front of the Sun, a solar transit occurs."@en . "1054576290"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Conjonction solaire"@fr . . . "\u592A\u967D\u6703\u548C"@zh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u592A\u967D\u6703\u5408\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1ASolar conjunction\uFF0C\u53C8\u7A31\u300C\u884C\u661F\u65E5\u51CC\u300D\uFF09 \u662F\u6307\u5730\u7403\u548C\u53E6\u4E00\u884C\u661F\u6216\u5929\u9AD4\u4F4D\u65BC\u592A\u967D\u5169\u5074\uFF0C\u4E14\u4E09\u8005\u9023\u6210\u4E00\u76F4\u7DDA\u3002\u592A\u967D\u6703\u5408\u767C\u751F\u6642\uFF0C\u6703\u56E0\u592A\u967D\u5E72\u64FE\u7121\u7DDA\u96FB\u6CE2\uFF0C\u5C0E\u81F4\u5730\u7403\u8207\u53E6\u4E00\u5074\u884C\u661F\u3001\u5929\u9AD4\u4E0A\u7684\u63A2\u6E2C\u5668\u901A\u8A0A\u767C\u751F\u554F\u984C\uFF0C\u751A\u81F3\u4E2D\u65B7\u3002 \u800C\u7576\u6BD4\u5730\u7403\u9760\u8FD1\u7684\u884C\u661F\u6216\u5929\u9AD4\u5F9E\u5730\u7403\u8207\u592A\u967D\u4E4B\u9593\u7D93\u904E\u6642\uFF0C\u5C31\u6703\u767C\u751F\u51CC\u65E5\uFF0C\u8207\u592A\u967D\u6703\u5408\u4E0D\u540C\u3002"@zh . . . . "Una conjunci\u00F3n solar ocurre cuando un planeta u otro objeto del sistema solar est\u00E1 situado en el lado contrario del Sol visto desde la Tierra. Para un observador terrestre, el sol pasar\u00E1 entre la tierra y dicho objeto. La comunicaci\u00F3n con cualquier nave espacial en conjunci\u00F3n solar se ver\u00E1 severamente limitada debido a las interferencias producidas por el sol en la transmisi\u00F3n de radio.\u200B Cuando se habla de comunicaciones v\u00EDa sat\u00E9lite, la conjunci\u00F3n solar ocurre cuando el sol est\u00E1 directamente en l\u00EDnea con un sat\u00E9lite orbitante y la estaci\u00F3n receptora en la tierra."@es . . "Une conjonction solaire se produit lorsque le Soleil s'interpose entre deux objets c\u00E9lestes. D'un point de vue relatif \u00E0 la Terre, cet \u00E9v\u00E9nement survient lorsque le Soleil est plac\u00E9 devant une plan\u00E8te ou tout autre objet du Syst\u00E8me solaire. En termes de communications satellitaires, on parle de conjonction solaire lorsqu'un satellite artificiel se trouve devant le Soleil. Les t\u00E9l\u00E9communications peuvent \u00EAtre troubl\u00E9es lors de cette p\u00E9riode."@fr . . "Una conjunci\u00F3n solar ocurre cuando un planeta u otro objeto del sistema solar est\u00E1 situado en el lado contrario del Sol visto desde la Tierra. Para un observador terrestre, el sol pasar\u00E1 entre la tierra y dicho objeto. La comunicaci\u00F3n con cualquier nave espacial en conjunci\u00F3n solar se ver\u00E1 severamente limitada debido a las interferencias producidas por el sol en la transmisi\u00F3n de radio.\u200B Cuando se habla de comunicaciones v\u00EDa sat\u00E9lite, la conjunci\u00F3n solar ocurre cuando el sol est\u00E1 directamente en l\u00EDnea con un sat\u00E9lite orbitante y la estaci\u00F3n receptora en la tierra."@es . "2437401"^^ . . "2852"^^ . . "Une conjonction solaire se produit lorsque le Soleil s'interpose entre deux objets c\u00E9lestes. D'un point de vue relatif \u00E0 la Terre, cet \u00E9v\u00E9nement survient lorsque le Soleil est plac\u00E9 devant une plan\u00E8te ou tout autre objet du Syst\u00E8me solaire. En termes de communications satellitaires, on parle de conjonction solaire lorsqu'un satellite artificiel se trouve devant le Soleil. Les t\u00E9l\u00E9communications peuvent \u00EAtre troubl\u00E9es lors de cette p\u00E9riode."@fr . . . . . . "Conjunci\u00F3n solar"@es . . . . "Solar conjunction"@en . . . . . . . "Solar conjunction generally occurs when a planet or other Solar System object is on the opposite side of the Sun from the Earth. From an Earth reference, the Sun will pass between the Earth and the object. Communication with any spacecraft in solar conjunction will be severely limited due to the Sun's interference on radio transmissions from the spacecraft. The term can also refer to the passage of the line of sight to an interior planet (Mercury or Venus) or comet being very close to the solar disk. If the planet passes directly in front of the Sun, a solar transit occurs."@en . . . . . .