"Kabinettssekreterare"@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "937973978"^^ . . . . . . "State Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Sweden)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "1317396"^^ . . . . . . "En kabinettssekreterare \u00E4r i Sverige utrikesdepartementets h\u00F6gste \u00E4mbetsman n\u00E4st efter utrikesministern. Titeln motsvarar under modern tid den roll som en statssekreterare har i f\u00F6rh\u00E5llande till ett statsr\u00E5d som chef f\u00F6r n\u00E5got av de andra departementen inom regeringskansliet. Kabinettssekreteraren \u00E4r numera, i likhet med statssekreterare, en politiskt tillsatt post."@sv . . . . . . . "The State Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Swedish: Kabinettssekreterare) is the highest position below the rank of cabinet minister at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. As of 2019, is State Secretary. The title can alternatively be translated as Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs or Secretary General of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. For historical reasons, this position has a different title in Swedish than the other State Secretaries of the Swedish government; the other posts are termed statssekreterare."@en . . . . . . "En kabinettssekreterare \u00E4r i Sverige utrikesdepartementets h\u00F6gste \u00E4mbetsman n\u00E4st efter utrikesministern. Titeln motsvarar under modern tid den roll som en statssekreterare har i f\u00F6rh\u00E5llande till ett statsr\u00E5d som chef f\u00F6r n\u00E5got av de andra departementen inom regeringskansliet. Kabinettssekreteraren \u00E4r numera, i likhet med statssekreterare, en politiskt tillsatt post. F\u00F6re 1791 l\u00E5g kabinettssekreterarens uppgifter p\u00E5 presidentsekreteraren i . N\u00E4r s\u00E5 Konungens kabinett f\u00F6r den utrikes brevv\u00E4xlingen uppr\u00E4ttades av Gustav III fick dess chef titeln kabinettssekreterare. I och med 1809 \u00E5rs regeringsform blev i st\u00E4llet utrikesstatsministern h\u00F6gste chef, och n\u00E4r kabinettet vid departementalreformen 1840 omvandlades till ett utrikesdepartement b\u00F6rjade kabinettssekreteraren allt mer likna en statssekreterare."@sv . . . "3817"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "The State Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Swedish: Kabinettssekreterare) is the highest position below the rank of cabinet minister at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. As of 2019, is State Secretary. The title can alternatively be translated as Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs or Secretary General of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. For historical reasons, this position has a different title in Swedish than the other State Secretaries of the Swedish government; the other posts are termed statssekreterare. Before 1945, in a situation where the political head of the ministry often changed rapidly, the Secretary General represented the continuous lines in Sweden's foreign policy; and was considered a prestigious step in the diplomatic career. From 1932, Sweden has experienced a great deal of stability on the post of Foreign Minister, and from 1945 and on the post as Cabinet Secretary has increasingly been politized and a subject of replacement in connection with shifts of Foreign Minister. The precise role of the Cabinet Secretary has changed from cabinet to cabinet, particularly due to different prime ministers' particular interest and involvement in the shaping of foreign policy."@en . . . . . . . .