. . . . . . . "22041"^^ . . . . . "\u00C9tat d'urgence en France"@fr . . . . . . "States of emergency in France (French: \u00E9tat d'urgence) are dispositions to grant special powers to the executive branch in case of exceptional circumstances. A state of emergency was declared following the November 2015 Paris attacks, which expired, after five extensions, in November 2017. Four main provisions concern various kinds of \"states of emergency\" in France: two of those stem from the Constitution of France, and the other two from a statute:"@en . . . . . "1075809901"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "L'\u00E9tat d'urgence est, en France, une situation sp\u00E9ciale, une forme d'\u00E9tat d'exception permettant aux autorit\u00E9s administratives (ministre de l\u2019Int\u00E9rieur, pr\u00E9fet) de prendre des mesures restreignant les libert\u00E9s comme l'interdiction de la circulation ou la remise des armes \u00E0 feu de certaines cat\u00E9gories. Les mesures les plus s\u00E9v\u00E8res sont les assignations \u00E0 r\u00E9sidence, la fermeture de certains lieux, l'interdiction de manifester et les perquisitions administratives. Ainsi, il dessaisit l'autorit\u00E9 judiciaire de certaines de ses pr\u00E9rogatives. Cr\u00E9\u00E9 en 1955 pour faire face aux \u00E9v\u00E9nements li\u00E9s \u00E0 la guerre d'Alg\u00E9rie, l'\u00E9tat d'urgence est appliqu\u00E9 trois fois durant cette p\u00E9riode. Il est ensuite appliqu\u00E9 trois fois en outre-mer durant les ann\u00E9es 1980. il sera \u00E0 nouveau appliqu\u00E9 durant les \u00E9meutes de 2005 dans les banlieues, ainsi qu'entre le 14 novembre 2015 et le 1er novembre 2017 en raison des risques d'attentats."@fr . . . . . . . "States of emergency in France"@en . . . . "L'\u00E9tat d'urgence est, en France, une situation sp\u00E9ciale, une forme d'\u00E9tat d'exception permettant aux autorit\u00E9s administratives (ministre de l\u2019Int\u00E9rieur, pr\u00E9fet) de prendre des mesures restreignant les libert\u00E9s comme l'interdiction de la circulation ou la remise des armes \u00E0 feu de certaines cat\u00E9gories. Les mesures les plus s\u00E9v\u00E8res sont les assignations \u00E0 r\u00E9sidence, la fermeture de certains lieux, l'interdiction de manifester et les perquisitions administratives. Ainsi, il dessaisit l'autorit\u00E9 judiciaire de certaines de ses pr\u00E9rogatives."@fr . . . "States of emergency in France (French: \u00E9tat d'urgence) are dispositions to grant special powers to the executive branch in case of exceptional circumstances. A state of emergency was declared following the November 2015 Paris attacks, which expired, after five extensions, in November 2017. Four main provisions concern various kinds of \"states of emergency\" in France: two of those stem from the Constitution of France, and the other two from a statute: \n* Article 16 of the Constitution provides the President of France with \"exceptional powers\" (Pouvoirs exceptionnels) in times of acute crisis. \n* Article 36 of the same constitution regulates \"state of siege\" (\u00E9tat de si\u00E8ge). \n* The Act of 3 April 1955 allows the president to declare a \"state of emergency\". \n* The Act of 23 March 2020 allows the declaration of a \"sanitary state of emergency\", which allows the Prime Minister of France to take measures to protect public health during an epidemic, pandemic or health disaster endangering the country. There are distinctions between article 16, article 36, and the 1955 Act, which concern mainly the distribution of powers. These dispositions have been used at various times, in 1955, 1958, 1961, 1988, 2005, and 2015-2017."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "48559929"^^ . . . . .