. . . . "Location of the Taylor oil spill, off the southeast coast of Louisiana"@en . . . "La mar\u00E9e noire de Taylor se trouve dans le golfe du Mexique \u00E0 environ 18 km de la c\u00F4te de la Louisiane aux \u00C9tats-Unis. Cette mar\u00E9e noire commence en 2004 \u00E0 la suite de la destruction partielle d'une plate-forme p\u00E9troli\u00E8re exploit\u00E9e par la soci\u00E9t\u00E9 (en) lors de l'ouragan Ivan qui provoque des glissements du terrain sous-marin. Se poursuivant encore en 2020, elle d\u00E9tient le record de dur\u00E9e de toutes les mar\u00E9es noires de l'histoire des \u00C9tats-Unis."@fr . . . . . . "Hurricane"@en . "58847662"^^ . . . . . . . . . "1120517629"^^ . "POINT(-88.970001220703 28.935832977295)"^^ . "28.93583297729492"^^ . "28.935833333333335 -88.97" . . . . "none"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Currently collecting approximately 1,000 gallons a day"@en . . . . . . . . "Die Bohrinsel 23051 befindet sich im Golf von Mexiko rund 20 Kilometer vor der K\u00FCste des US-amerikanischen Bundesstaates Louisiana. Sie geh\u00F6rte , einem Unternehmen der Familie Taylor. 2004 wurde die Bohrinsel durch den Hurrikan Ivan verschoben und die \u00D6lquellen wurden stark besch\u00E4digt. Seitdem wird \u00D6l in erheblichen Mengen freigesetzt. 2008 verkaufte das Unternehmen seine \u00D6lquellen an ein s\u00FCdkoreanisches Konsortium."@de . . . . "The 2004 Taylor Energy oil spill is an ongoing spill located in the Gulf of Mexico, around 11 miles (18 km) off the coast of the U.S. state of Louisiana. It is the result of the destruction of a Taylor Energy oil platform during Hurricane Ivan in 2004. It is the longest-running oil spill in U.S. history. It was first brought to public attention when contamination at the site was noticed in 2010 by those monitoring the nearby Deepwater Horizon oil spill. A report by the Associated Press in 2015 challenged the estimates of the extent of the leak originally given by the company and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), which were then revised to be around 1,000 times greater than initially reported. Upper estimates of the spill have been calculated to be as much as 140,000,000 US gallons (530,000,000 l; 120,000,000 imp gal), or about 3,333,300 barrels of oil lost over the life of the disaster, and affecting an area as large as 8 square miles (21 km2). As of late 2019, it was estimated between nine and 108 barrels per day are being spilled, making it one of the worst modern oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico by volume. Since 2019, Couvillion Group, retained by the USCG after a national RFP (Request for Proposal) process, has been capturing approximately a thousand gallons per day. The reserves are likely sufficient for the spill to continue for more than 100 years if not further contained. Taylor Energy claims to have spent as much as $435 million decommissioning the site, and that nothing further can be done to contain the spill. They further state that current observations of oil plumes in the area are the result of contaminated sediments, and not an active spill. These claims, have been disputed by non-profit groups, the press and government officials based on the actual volume of oil currently being safely captured by Couvillion Group. In 2019, the U.S. Coast Guard and private contractors finally began to contain the majority of the leaking oil, but after 16 years of uncontrolled leakage, the Taylor spill has become the nation's longest continuous oil spill."@en . . . "2004"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Bohrinsel 23051"@de . . . . . "Taylor Energy oil spill"@en . "27604"^^ . "Mar\u00E9e noire de Taylor"@fr . . . "Gulf of Mexico"@en . "La mar\u00E9e noire de Taylor se trouve dans le golfe du Mexique \u00E0 environ 18 km de la c\u00F4te de la Louisiane aux \u00C9tats-Unis. Cette mar\u00E9e noire commence en 2004 \u00E0 la suite de la destruction partielle d'une plate-forme p\u00E9troli\u00E8re exploit\u00E9e par la soci\u00E9t\u00E9 (en) lors de l'ouragan Ivan qui provoque des glissements du terrain sous-marin. Se poursuivant encore en 2020, elle d\u00E9tient le record de dur\u00E9e de toutes les mar\u00E9es noires de l'histoire des \u00C9tats-Unis. Elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 port\u00E9e \u00E0 l'attention du public lorsque du personnel affect\u00E9 \u00E0 la surveillance de Deepwater Horizon a observ\u00E9 des nappes de p\u00E9trole de source inconnue en 2010. Plus tard, en 2015, l'Associated Press publie un document qui remet en question les estimations de l'US Coast Guard sur le volume de p\u00E9trole qui fuit dans l'eau. Une estimation haute du volume de p\u00E9trole donne 5 300 000 litres (1 400 000 gallons am\u00E9ricains) depuis le d\u00E9but du d\u00E9sastre, p\u00E9trole qui aurait contamin\u00E9 une superficie de 21 km2. En 2019, il s'\u00E9coulerait de 8 \u00E0 108 barils de p\u00E9trole par jour. \u00C0 ce rythme, la mar\u00E9e noire pourrait continuer pendant cent ans. La soci\u00E9t\u00E9 Taylor Energy a d\u00E9pens\u00E9 jusqu'\u00E0 435 millions de dollars pour d\u00E9classer le site. Elle affirme que toutes les fuites sont colmat\u00E9es et n'a donc aucune action suppl\u00E9mentaire \u00E0 faire. Selon des sp\u00E9cialistes, les panaches d'huile observ\u00E9s \u00E0 proximit\u00E9 du site proviennent de s\u00E9diments contamin\u00E9s et non pas de la fuite m\u00EAme. Cette conclusion a \u00E9t\u00E9 contest\u00E9e par le gouvernement f\u00E9d\u00E9ral am\u00E9ricain, ainsi que des ONG et la presse. Le 23 octobre 2018, l\u2019US Coast Guard exige de Taylor Energy de nettoyer le site et de colmater les fuites, ou de se voir imposer une p\u00E9nalit\u00E9 quotidienne de 40 000 dollars. Le 16 mai 2019, l'US Coast Guard rapporte que le syst\u00E8me d'endiguement fonctionne suffisamment bien pour r\u00E9duire la couche de p\u00E9trole en surface au point de la rendre presque invisible."@fr . . . . . . . . . . "The 2004 Taylor Energy oil spill is an ongoing spill located in the Gulf of Mexico, around 11 miles (18 km) off the coast of the U.S. state of Louisiana. It is the result of the destruction of a Taylor Energy oil platform during Hurricane Ivan in 2004. It is the longest-running oil spill in U.S. history. It was first brought to public attention when contamination at the site was noticed in 2010 by those monitoring the nearby Deepwater Horizon oil spill. A report by the Associated Press in 2015 challenged the estimates of the extent of the leak originally given by the company and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), which were then revised to be around 1,000 times greater than initially reported."@en . . "Die Bohrinsel 23051 befindet sich im Golf von Mexiko rund 20 Kilometer vor der K\u00FCste des US-amerikanischen Bundesstaates Louisiana. Sie geh\u00F6rte , einem Unternehmen der Familie Taylor. 2004 wurde die Bohrinsel durch den Hurrikan Ivan verschoben und die \u00D6lquellen wurden stark besch\u00E4digt. Seitdem wird \u00D6l in erheblichen Mengen freigesetzt. 2008 verkaufte das Unternehmen seine \u00D6lquellen an ein s\u00FCdkoreanisches Konsortium."@de . "Taylor Energy oil spill"@en . . . "-88.97000122070312"^^ . . . . .